Alice Nelson

Alice Nelson

  • March 16, 2014

    Hey Ukraine, Thomas Friedman Has Got Your Back

    Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Thomas Friedman has weighed in on the Russia/Ukraine conflict, and his ideas about what role the US should play in this situation are interesting -- not good, just interesting.  I readily admit that I am not the ...

  • March 12, 2014

    Bossy Is The New 'N Word'?

    Warning: This is not a parody (I wish it were). Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg is being praised this week because of a crusade she’s launching called the “Ban Bossy” campaign. Don’t laugh, this is for reals, and she is joined...

  • March 6, 2014

    Football is No Place for Political Correctness

    These are the wilderness months for me as far as sports goes. The dark period just after football ends and before the bright lights of baseball guides us into the summer months.  My father instilled in me my love of baseball, while my affinity f...

  • March 2, 2014

    The Media: Obama's Keeper

    Barack Obama has announced yet another grand initiative to try and prop up an administration crippled and hobbled by its own ineptitude. Remember the stimulus that was supposed to create all those shovel-ready jobs? That didn’t work, so he trie...

  • February 20, 2014

    Does America Still Need Black History Month?

    Here we are again, another February, black president firmly ensconced in office -- for a second term, no less -- and still we feel the need to set aside a month to celebrate the contributions of Black Americans. Each year we get a collective pat on t...