Alex Gordon

Alex Gordon

  • October 7 Opened the Floodgates to Antisemitism from the Left, Bringing Back the 'Socialism of Fools'

    October 7, 2024

    October 7 Opened the Floodgates to Antisemitism from the Left, Bringing Back the 'Socialism of Fools'

    Since the Oct. 7, 2023 pogrom by Hamas, antisemitism has marched around the world with the Palestinian flag. The struggle for the rights of Palestinian Arabs comes at the expense of the rights of Israelis to live. The struggle for the “li...

  • American Jews, During the Catastrophes of the Jewish People

    August 9, 2024

    American Jews, During the Catastrophes of the Jewish People

    Donald Trump asks why American Jews vote for the Democrat party, whose left wing is hostile to the Jewish state. American Jews have many concerns. Israel ranks low on their priority list, about as low as European Jews ranked on the priority list o...

  • How Long A Battle With Terrorists Should Last

    June 10, 2024

    How Long A Battle With Terrorists Should Last

    U.S. President Joe Biden claimed that people have “every reason” to believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is dragging out the war in Gaza to remain in power, the Times of Israel columnist Jacob Magid wrote on June 4. ...

  • The False Premise of the Struggle for the 'Liberation' of Palestine

    May 22, 2024

    The False Premise of the Struggle for the 'Liberation' of Palestine

    What is the struggle for "justice" in the Middle East, in the United States, or in Europe over the "Iron Swords" war? Before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, there were 800,000-900,000 Jews living in Arab count...

  • Unreliable Ally

    May 13, 2024

    Unreliable Ally

    The war that began on October 7, 2023, as a result of the Hamas massacre is not a localized, Middle East war, but increasingly looms as total support for the radical Islamists' attack on Jews in various places around the globe. The movement fo...

  • Multiculti Chaos

    May 3, 2024

    Multiculti Chaos

    The Greek word χάος means “void, abyss,” from the verb χαίνω, “to gape, to be wide open,” and the cognate Old English geanian, “to gape, to open.” The relationship between s...

  • De-Nazification as a Solution to the Middle East Conflict

    April 9, 2024

    De-Nazification as a Solution to the Middle East Conflict

    Peace in the Middle East is impossible without denazification, that is, without removing the ideology of the destruction of Israel and Israelis from the minds of Palestinian Arab children. Denazification (Entnazifizierung, in German) is "a se...

  • Double Standards in the Eighth Circle of Dante's Inferno

    March 26, 2024

    Double Standards in the Eighth Circle of Dante's Inferno

    The Oxford Dictionary describes a double standard as "a rule or moral principle that is unjust because it is used in one situation but not in another, or because it treats one group of people differently from another." The tradition of t...

  • Antisemitism in the Guise of Humanism

    March 24, 2024

    Antisemitism in the Guise of Humanism

    In history, antisemitism has taken various, sometimes even bizarre, forms. There is religious antisemitism, racial, economic (fear of competition), state, popular (mob aggression and pogroms), political, domestic, envy of Jewish achievements, Hol...

  • Oil Antisemitism, or, the Importation of Antisemitism from the Middle East to the U.S.

    March 13, 2024

    Oil Antisemitism, or, the Importation of Antisemitism from the Middle East to the U.S.

    Antisemitism comes in many forms: religious, racial, state, economic (competition), antisemitism of the mob. As a result of the Hamas pogrom in southern Israel, another type of antisemitism has clearly emerged: "oil antisemitism," ...

  • Myths About the Peace

    February 27, 2024

    Myths About the Peace

    Since October 7, 2023, there has been a significant increase in the number of people in the U.S. fighting for peace in the Middle East while actually contributing to the continuation of war. Demands for a cease-fire, Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and...

  • The Al-Aqsa Flood of Antisemitism

    February 5, 2024

    The Al-Aqsa Flood of Antisemitism

    The purpose of The Al-Aqsa Flood, Hamas's October 7, 2023 "operation" in southern Israel, was to drown the Zionist enemy in its own blood. However, this massacre and the kidnapping of hundreds of Israeli citizens did not elicit unan...

  • 'Holy' War Against Israel

    February 1, 2024

    'Holy' War Against Israel

    On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a religious, "holy" war against Israel, known as Jihad. The principle of Jihad rejects all laws of the Old World of infidels and calls for a revolutionary struggle for the triumph of Islam. At the ...

  • January 23, 2024

    Who is Casting Pearls Before Swine in the Middle East?

    The Biden administration deceives itself and others by proclaiming the possibility of resolving the conflict between Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Arabs on the basis of two states for two peoples. Its proposal, covered in a thick layer of histo...

  • January 18, 2024

    The Explosion of Antisemitism Caught Israel Off Guard

    In the seventy-five years of the Jewish state's existence, Israelis have spent and continue to spend a great deal of time studying antisemitism. They believe that the establishment of the Jewish state is the ultimate defense of Israelis against a...

  • January 10, 2024

    New Life of Old Antisemitism

    Israeli and American Jews are occasionally referred to as "colonizers": the Israelis "colonize" Palestinian Arabs; American Jews as whites "colonize" various American minorities. Despite the most progressive asp...

  • November 22, 2023

    Can Israel's Catastrophe Change the Jewish Worldview?

    On October 7, 2023, there was a Jewish pogrom in the Jewish state. A Jewish pogrom in the Jewish state is an oxymoron, a nonsense. But the sad reality has superseded the idea of the safe national existence of the Jewish people in their o...

  • November 1, 2023

    In Israel, the Mirage of Normalization

    On October 7, 2023, a pogrom occurred in Israel, incompatible with the idea of forming a Jewish state designed to protect Jews from pogroms. This tragedy, however, was nothing new from the point of view of the Jewish state's neighbors. On A...

  • October 22, 2023

    The Failure of Western Democracy in the East

    On October 7, 2023, the Sabbath of the Joy of the Torah, the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust took place. It took place not in the Diaspora, but in the Jewish state, in the south of the country, in the areas bordering Gaza. In an independ...

  • October 9, 2023

    Democracy Without The People

    That there are peoples living in non-democratic countries is well known. That there were and are democracies without people is also well known. In 1967, French political scientist Maurice Duverger published the book La démocratie sans ...

  • September 16, 2023

    Hate as a ‘Solution’ to the Problem

    In 1977, the Likud Party, led by Menachem Begin, won Israel's parliamentary elections after 29 years of Labor Party rule in the country; Begin became prime minister. His political opponents called him a “fascist,” a “hooligan,...

  • September 12, 2023

    Beware the Politically Correct Prophets of Wrath

    No profession has had as much success as the profession of prophet. Although there has never yet been a secondary or higher institution for the training of prophets, there have been and still are plenty of prophets. I am not a prophet - maybe...

  • September 4, 2023

    Thirty Years of the Oslo Accords

    In 1967, following the Six-Day War and the defeat of the Arab armies, the honor of the Arabs was severely wounded. It became unseemly to present the Israeli-Arab conflict solely as a clash between the big Arab world and little Israel, for the Ar...

  • August 23, 2023

    What Russia Is Doing In Ukraine

    The Russian Empire and the Soviet Union were totalitarian regimes, police states that suppressed dissent, countries of great military power that waged economic warfare and thereby affected the well-being of their own citizens, convinced of the legiti...

  • August 12, 2023

    The Specter of the Soviet Union's Afghan War Haunts Russia in Ukraine

    The war in Afghanistan, launched by the Soviet Union in December 1979, was conducted for the sake of "fulfillment of the international duty to help the brotherly Afghan people."  It lasted for nine years and ended with the forc...

  • July 27, 2023

    The Contradictory Nature of Democracy

    Canadian-American educator and writer Lawrence Peter in his book The Peter Principle observes: "Democracy is a process by which people freely choose a scapegoat." The average citizen in a democracy receives a constant message that the situa...

  • July 7, 2023

    How Pacifism Leads to War

    Former U.S. President Barack Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, was in fact one of the main perpetrators of the war, the military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 "for his tremendous eff...

  • June 21, 2023

    Russia's War and Ukraine's History of Antisemitism

    Karl Marx, in his essay The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, wrote: Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historical events and personalities are repeated twice: the first time as a tragedy and the second time as a farce.  Heg...

  • June 3, 2023

    No 'End of History' for Imperial Russia

    In The End of History and the Last Man (1992) Francis Fukuyama argues that the end of history means the end of an era of ideological confrontations, global revolutions, and wars. The Polish writer Stanislaw Lem has pointed out several times that the ...

  • May 19, 2023

    Is Russia on the Verge of Collapse?

    Strong power does not tolerate a mafia. When Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in 1922, he declared war on the Sicilian Mafia. In the Soviet Union, after the end of the war with Nazi Germany in 1945, there was an unprecedented crime wave result...

  • April 4, 2023

    Biden's shameful condemnation of Israel's democracy-enhancing judicial reform

    At first glance, the judicial reform in Israel and the mass protests against it in that country have nothing to do with the United States.  But U.S. president Joe Biden's condemnation of the proposed Israeli judicial reform be...

  • March 26, 2023

    Russia's bad decisions are history repeating itself

    The Crimean War of 1853–1856 of the Russian Empire with Great Britain, France, and Turkey began as the Russo-Turkish War.  The reason for it was the decision of Tsar Nicholas I to introduce Russian troops into Moldavia and Wallachia, ...

  • March 16, 2023

    How the 'Russian Federation' contradicts itself

    Dictatorship is a very old system of government.  In today's terms, it relies on the power of one party.  Under such a system, the separation of powers — executive, legislative, and judicial — required by democracy...

  • March 14, 2023

    The Miscalculations of Empire

    The history of Russia for hundreds of years has been a history of autocracy and dictatorship. The Soviet Union had an area of 22.4 million kilometers. The Russian Federation had an area of 17.1 million square kilometers. The lost 5 million squar...

  • March 5, 2023

    Stalin Again

    March 5 marks the 70th anniversary of Joseph Stalin's death. The Russian government is looking for different ways to improve the morale of the people by emphasizing the connection of the current ruling regime, which is fighting the Ukrainian ...

  • February 4, 2023

    Ukraine between two empires

    There is no need for DNA analysis to establish the presence of the imperialism gene in the Russian genome. This gene was inherited by the Russian Federation from Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union. There is no need to conduct DNA analysis to establi...

  • December 4, 2022

    Russia and Ukraine: The Narcissism of Minor Differences

    In 1726, Jonathan Swift published Gulliver's Travels.  In the first part of this novel, "Gulliver in Lilliput country," the hero learns the circumstances of the great war between Lilliput and Blefusku, which caused a dispute over a...

  • November 21, 2022

    The US and Israel: Unlimited versus limited possibilities

    In 1903, the German journalist Ludwig Max Goldberger published a book about his visit to the United States, which he called "The Land of Unlimited Possibilities". Unlike the U.S., Israel is a small country of limited possibilities. Unlike t...

  • November 13, 2022

    In praise of folly

    In 1509 Erasmus of Rotterdam, in the house of Thomas More, wrote and published his satirical work "In Praise of Folly."  According to Erasmus, as expressed in his work, foolishness had proved its power over mankind. Four hu...

  • July 31, 2022

    Russia returning to state-sanctioned antisemitism?

    On July 28, 2022, the Moscow district court began discussing the claim of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation to ban the Jewish Agency for Israel from the territory of the country.  What does this agency do all over the world?...

  • July 28, 2022

    Putin's 'New Russia'

    On October 22/2 November 1721, the Russian Empire was proclaimed. The first emperor was tsar Peter the Great. The meaning of the transformation of the kingdom into an empire was that Peter carried out a number of reforms, in particular, "cut a w...

  • July 20, 2022

    Russia's Nuclear Totalitarianism

    On Feb. 27, 2022, just days after invading Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued an order to prepare Russian nuclear weapons for use. Putin referred to this action as putting nuclear weapons "on special alert." This...

  • July 10, 2022

    Russia Reconquista

    In Russian historiography, probably since the time of the historian Nikolai Karamzin, there is the term "gathering of the Russian land" or "gathering of the Russian lands. In the 19th century, this term was used to describe the process...

  • March 1, 2022

    Russia, Ukraine, and the war for heritage

    On the territory of Ukraine, there is a war for the Soviet inheritance, for the imperial legacy of the Soviet Union, for the status of the Soviet empire, which is claimed by its successor, the Russian Federation. This war was started by Vladimir P...

  • November 16, 2021

    A Word About Democracy from a Man Brought Up in a Dictatorship

    I am a Jew, and like many Jews, I fled the land where I was born. That was the Soviet Union. I am far from alone. Seems that at every stage of history, someone has been sure to throw the Jews into the sea. The Jews, however, had a...