Alex Gimarc

Alex Gimarc

  • May 18, 2014

    Alaska Responds to EPA power grab

    The State of Alaska has responded to the EPA’s threatened preemptive veto of large mining operations in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska via a letter to EPA Regional Administrator Dennis McLerran dated April 29, 2014.  The letter was once ...

  • April 7, 2014

    EPA Studies and Preordained Conclusions

    With great fanfare the Environmental Protection Agency announced January that their “assessment” of potential mining impacts on salmon ecosystems of Bristol Bay, Alaska had discovered unacceptable risks to salmon and their habitat (variou...

  • October 19, 2012

    Congress, Baseline Budgeting, and Fraud

    Today's lesson is a short excursion into the dismal science and black art of congressional budgeting and why there was not a single stimulus, but multiple "stimuli" passed since 2007 -- which account for most of our yearly $1.4 trillion spending defi...

  • May 10, 2010

    Obama Space

    Like the proverbial stuck clock, Barack Obama occasionally gets something right. To my shock, I find myself wholeheartedly supporting the Obama administration's approach to manned space flight because it privatizes manned space flight, removing it fr...