Albin Sadar

Albin Sadar

  • Agree to Disagree? On The Really Important Things, Not a Chance!

    March 22, 2025

    Agree to Disagree? On The Really Important Things, Not a Chance!

    Wouldn’t you know it? It was bound to happen. You are talking with a friend about this, that, and the other thing, and you do what you always do—you avoid discussing anything political. You know that you and your friend don’t ...

  • What a box of crayons can teach us about the left’s obsession with race

    March 22, 2025

    What a box of crayons can teach us about the left’s obsession with race

    I could not help pondering that famous box of crayons we all used as children, and which are still being used today by children and grandchildren the world over. Crayola has made a fortune, I’m sure, creating all sorts of color mixes for the...

  • March 7, 2025

    Image published with permission from Albin Sadar, author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That's in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It. ...

  • February 14, 2025

    Image courtesy of Albin Sadar, author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That's in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It. ...

  • High time for the posse to round up the bad guys

    February 8, 2025

    High time for the posse to round up the bad guys

    With all the horrific hoopla spewing from the Left regarding President Donald Trump’s less than three weeks in office, I could not help but be reminded of an American Thinker cartoon from way back in early December: For the multi-million...

  • Being a Witness to the ‘American Miracle’ That Has Played Out Over the Past 16 Years

    February 1, 2025

    Being a Witness to the ‘American Miracle’ That Has Played Out Over the Past 16 Years

    On the morning of Donald J. Trump’s second inauguration, the former- and soon-to-be current president, along with his wife Melania, stopped by the White House. Awaiting the Trumps’ arrival were the current residents, Joe Biden and his wif...

  • Reflecting on the Meaning of Beauty

    January 24, 2025

    Reflecting on the Meaning of Beauty

    Seeing First Lady Melania Trump dressed so exquisitely at the Commander in Chief Ball (and elsewhere) just hours after her husband’s swearing-in ceremony at the Capitol made me reflect once again on a cartoon I created exclusively for American ...

  • Trump is restoring what the locusts have eaten

    January 22, 2025

    Trump is restoring what the locusts have eaten

    When my wife woke me up in the wee hours of November 7, 2012, to tell me that Barack Obama had won a second term as president, a wave of both depression and evil instantly seemed to sweep across me. It was unsettling, to say the least. Twelve year...

  • January 15, 2025

    Image courtesy of Albin Sadar. ...

  • Could These Bold And Quirky Quotes Be Tops Among Donald Trump’s Legendary Sayings?

    December 7, 2024

    Could These Bold And Quirky Quotes Be Tops Among Donald Trump’s Legendary Sayings?

    “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Can anyone deny that these emphatic words spoken by President Ronald Regan in his speech at the Berlin Wall were some of his most notable (among many) from his stellar two terms in the White House?...

  • ‘And Now for Something Completely Different’

    October 31, 2024

    ‘And Now for Something Completely Different’

    Those of us of a certain age who grew up laughing along with the antics of the British comedy troupe Monty Python remember the title of the film that compiled some of their most-notable sketch comedy bits from their hit television series: “And ...

  • Each and Every One of Us Was ‘Born for Such a Time as This’

    October 20, 2024

    Each and Every One of Us Was ‘Born for Such a Time as This’

    Christians who believe they should not be involved in politics—not even to participate by voting—need to read and reflect on the story of Esther from the Bible. Esther rose from being a lowly nobody in the court of King Ahasuerus (Xerx...

  • Has The Democrat Party Become A New ‘Church’?

    October 10, 2024

    Has The Democrat Party Become A New ‘Church’?

    According to a recent Rasmussen poll, after last month’s second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life, one thousand registered voters were asked this simple but weighty question: While it is always difficult to wish ...

  • Do the Bible and Our Constitution Agree That We Have “A Right to Bear Arms”?

    September 27, 2024

    Do the Bible and Our Constitution Agree That We Have “A Right to Bear Arms”?

    Like clockwork, every time there is a shooting, the cry rises up from the left that we need gun control. This demand occurs whether it’s a tragic school shooting or a couple of failed assassination attempts on their least favorite presidential ...

  • The Left’s bumper-sticker mentality

    September 7, 2024

    The Left’s bumper-sticker mentality

    While out for a drive along the streets of a Pennsylvania town, you might spot a car with a handicap license plate sporting an interesting array of bumper stickers: Image by Albin Sadar After a quick study, a few observations pop up that mo...

  • This election, there’s a money-saving yard sign hack for Trump supporters

    September 4, 2024

    This election, there’s a money-saving yard sign hack for Trump supporters

    When I was growing up, our family of seven did not have a lot of disposable income, so we were always finding ways to save wherever we could. For instance, if our shoes got holes in them, our mother would have us trace the soles on the cardboard from...

  • The curtain has gone up on the remake of ‘My Fair Lady’

    August 15, 2024

    The curtain has gone up on the remake of ‘My Fair Lady’

    Many pundits and politicians are pointing out that Kamala Harris seems to be sticking tightly to a script when speaking at her recent rallies. They are also quick to note that she does not do one-on-one interviews that could consist of off-the-cuff q...

  • Does the Eighth Commandment Apply to Elections?

    August 2, 2024

    Does the Eighth Commandment Apply to Elections?

    Since the 1960s, America has pulled away ever harder from the Ten Commandments. That’s a shame because the Eighth Commandment—thou shalt not steal—would make a great deal of difference to America’s election integrity and our t...

  • Hopes rises from the ashes of the day a ‘conspiracy theory’ turned deadly

    July 16, 2024

    Hopes rises from the ashes of the day a ‘conspiracy theory’ turned deadly

    The biggest “conspiracy theory” out there has been promoted for years by a whole slew of Democrats on the far left, including Joe Biden. Phrased in many ways, it boils down to this: “Trump is Hitler!” Saturday’s slaug...

  • Quirky questions, answers, and observations to ponder in a world gone off the rails

    June 26, 2024

    Quirky questions, answers, and observations to ponder in a world gone off the rails

    The best summer job of my life was piloting a paddlewheel boat of about 100 passengers around a manmade lagoon near the shore of Lake Erie. The Western Cruise ride at Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio, was a 20-minute excursion, repeated T...

  • There is one thing America’s Democrat party loyalists will never do

    June 7, 2024

    There is one thing America’s Democrat party loyalists will never do

    I suppose many of us have heard the expression, “Snitches get stitches,” referring to the one and only serious infraction known within criminal circles. You can be a murderer or a rapist or a terrorist (hey, that’s your “chose...

  • It’s High Time We Kicked All the Tyrants and Traitors to the Curb

    May 25, 2024

    It’s High Time We Kicked All the Tyrants and Traitors to the Curb

    When a president and vice president take the oath of office in America, he and/or she makes a brief promise to the citizens of this country. For the president: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of Presiden...

  • Democrats impose themselves everywhere, on everything, and that must stop

    May 15, 2024

    Democrats impose themselves everywhere, on everything, and that must stop

    A few days ago, I spent five minutes removing a “Trump Crime Family” sticker from a stop sign in the small town where I live. The sticker had been there for quite some time before I finally got around to peeling it off. It was the second ...

  • Will the Good Guys Win the Ultimate Battle Between Good and Evil?

    April 27, 2024

    Will the Good Guys Win the Ultimate Battle Between Good and Evil?

    “We are in a war.” With these words, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas opens his powerful, timely, and essential new book, Religionless Christianity: God’s Answer to Evil. Metaxas expands his war analogy by point...

  • The Fundamental Unraveling of America

    April 15, 2024

    The Fundamental Unraveling of America

    By now, it must be overwhelmingly apparent to every American citizen that what candidate Barack Obama promised on the campaign trail back in 2008 has come to pass. Obama touted a “fundamental transformation of America” if elected presiden...

  • Time to Deep-Six the Democrats' Brand of Democracy

    February 29, 2024

    Time to Deep-Six the Democrats' Brand of Democracy

    The Democrats warn us almost daily that re-electing Donald Trump in 2024 will spell the end of democracy. But, technically, do we even live in a country whose constitution established us as a "democracy"? When Benjamin Franklin left the ...

  • Christians Must Get Serious If They Wish To Challenge Leftist Culture

    February 18, 2024

    Christians Must Get Serious If They Wish To Challenge Leftist Culture

    I was fortunate enough to see an early screening of a brand-new film based on Eric Metaxas’ best-selling book, Letter to the American Church. The hour-long film, which shares the book’s name, vividly lays out the case that it is high time...

  • January 28, 2024

    What the story of ‘the boy who cried wolf’ can tell us about End-Times prophecy

    If the Democrats and their Deep State operatives had just stolen the 2020 election and then continued running the country in an undisruptive, business-as-usual fashion, people would not have suspected—or perhaps not even minded terribly much...

  • November 29, 2023

    With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious

    House Speaker Mike Johnson’s release of more video and cell phone tapes from January 6 shows further evidence that the “insurrection” on that day was a federal setup. It’s more evidence to add to the known fact that, in the le...

  • November 12, 2023

    Hey, Woke Church, It’s Time to Wake Up!

    I recently finished reading a very timely and hard-hitting book zeroing in on the American church called, Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity by Lucas Miles. Much of what Miles writes about in Woke Jesus rings true with me and my ex...

  • January 14, 2022

    Hey, people! It's time for your next dose of 'indoctrination'

    I was heading home on the subway after a day of recording several guests for The Eric Metaxas Show.  Two of those guests talked specifically about the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, and even more specifically about how the v...

  • March 31, 2012

    Racism Is for Losers

    The first time I became aware of anybody's skin color was at age five in kindergarten.  My mom had come to pick up me and my twin brother, and one of her girlfriends noticed that we were friends with one of the black kids in the school.  My...

  • March 25, 2012

    Did America Vote for Its Own Demise?

    Thousands of years ago, the Israelites made a choice.  They asked the prophet Samuel to give them a king to rule over them.  So Samuel did what all prophets do: he went to God and inquired of Him. God told Samuel to give the people what the...

  • March 12, 2012

    Why Does Race Still Matter?

    I have a confession to make.  Unlike the way liberals tell us we're supposed to feel, I have never felt guilty for being white.  Never.  Sorry.  I have been told that, based on the fact that I am white in America, I have a natural...

  • February 12, 2012

    Christians and the Democratic Party

    I don't get it.  I really don't.  Most of my friends are true Christians, believing wholeheartedly that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  But many of them will almost blindly enter the voting booth every two years and pull the le...

  • January 14, 2012

    The Big Switch

    Now that the 2008 idea to "make history by voting for the first African-American president" is yesterday's news, what will be done to spice up the current election season?  Two more white guys running on the Republican side?  Not a chance....

  • November 21, 2011

    Autumn Adventures through Airport Security

    With Thanksgiving and other holiday travel on the horizon, get ready once again for a groping good time going through airport security. Flying to New York City from Pittsburgh a couple of Mondays back, I was subjected to a truly hands-on experience f...

  • November 7, 2011

    Highway 1:99

    If you have never driven the Pacific Coast Highway (the PCH, aka Highway 1) through California's Big Sur region, you are missing one of the most spectacular drives on this or any other continent.  The ninety-mile drive through bucolic stretches ...

  • October 18, 2011

    OWS = FBA (Future Bums of America)

    In an excellent opinion piece in Friday's New York Post, Herman Cain stated: To those asking for a handout on Wall Street, my message is this: "If you're not rich, don't blame the rich -- get out there and work for it. You have to earn it." Many hav...

  • October 1, 2011

    The Minority Myth

    I've checked several times.  I even word-searched both documents.  But try as I might, I could not find the word "minority" anywhere in either the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. I guess it might be because the Founders d...

  • September 24, 2011

    The Professional Poor

    With class warfare on the march, it's important to understand the difference between the "genuine poor" in America and the "professional poor." The genuine poor are people who, through debilitating circumstances great or small, have become incapabl...

  • October 29, 2010

    Stepping Up to the Plate

    Seventh game of the World Series. Bottom of the ninth. The home team is down by one run and there are two outs. But -- the bases are loaded. The manager calls back the next batter (he's in a terrible hitting slump) and looks purposefully into the dug...