Al Bienenfeld

Al Bienenfeld

  • Who Is Andrew Tate and Why Is The President Trying to Protect Him?

    March 7, 2025

    Who Is Andrew Tate and Why Is The President Trying to Protect Him?

    Andrew Tate is a social media figure with a large audience, estimated in the millions. He is an experienced boxer and mixed martial arts fighter. His audience includes many disaffected men and Muslims. His messaging is misogynist and endorses violent...

  • Is Barack Obama Guilty of Mass Murder and Treason?

    December 20, 2024

    Is Barack Obama Guilty of Mass Murder and Treason?

    As Barack Obama slowly fades from the landscape, let’s consider how he has helped to destroy Western civilization, especially the United States of America. He did this via his fealty to Iran, which allowed unchecked, deadly drug trafficking int...

  • Joe Scarborough Snidely Wants to Know Who Raised True Americans

    December 6, 2024

    Joe Scarborough Snidely Wants to Know Who Raised True Americans

    The Democratic Party is the party of hate. They look at middle- and working-class Americans and see “garbage” and “deplorables,” words that President Biden and Madame Hilary used. On November 4, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough tras...

  • Washington and Trump: God’s Soldiers

    November 22, 2024

    Washington and Trump: God’s Soldiers

    Providence watched over both George Washington, the father of our country, and Donald Trump, the 45th and soon-to-be 47th president. With Trump’s re-election, there is a sense of relief and immense thanks to God. Before the election, we America...

  • Licensed to Kill: Not James Bond, But Our Department of Defense

    November 4, 2024

    Licensed to Kill: Not James Bond, But Our Department of Defense

    On October 18, 2024, Law Enforcement Today had the following headline, which passed by almost unnoticed: “DoD secretly reauthorizes bill that would allow military intervention domestically…and adds ability to use deadly force.” ...

  • The Failure of Black Leadership in Government

    October 17, 2024

    The Failure of Black Leadership in Government

    Five years ago, citizens of St. George, a mostly white area in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, voted to separate from Baton Rouge because the city government was unwilling to address myriad governing failures, especially in the schools, where violence was ou...

  • Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart the Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, and Butler Law Enforcement?

    September 5, 2024

    Did a Lone 20-Year-Old Assassin Outsmart the Secret Service, Pennsylvania State Police, and Butler Law Enforcement?

    Every day, more information comes out arguing against the government narrative that a “lone wolf” attack lies behind the assassination attempt against President Donald Trump. The Biden Administration’s feeble attempts through surrog...

  • A Plan To Revitalize Bethlehem

    August 15, 2024

    A Plan To Revitalize Bethlehem

    This plan of action will revitalize the city and environs of Bethlehem by transforming it into an international site that recognizes its global significance as Jesus’s birthplace. It’s a reasonable model, especially considering that there...

  • The Un-American Attacks on Caitlin Clark

    July 3, 2024

    The Un-American Attacks on Caitlin Clark

    What does prejudice look like? Follow the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) for a real-time lesson on how hating someone solely because of their skin color hurts everyone involved—the person who is the target of that hate, he...

  • Caitlin Clark: A Successful White Female in the Black WNBA

    June 15, 2024

    Caitlin Clark: A Successful White Female in the Black WNBA

    Caitlin Clark is a budding young star in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), fresh off an outstanding college career. A talented young woman, Clark is bringing much-needed publicity to the beleaguered enterprise, which was found...

  •  In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists

    May 30, 2024

    In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists

    Thanks to progressive Democrat control over educational institutions, media, and the administrative state, Democrats are encouraging an environment that is eerily like 1930s Nazi Germany. As in Germany, many institutions of higher education have beco...

  • Is Israel Guilty of Genocide?

    May 3, 2024

    Is Israel Guilty of Genocide?

    Israel’s enemies are charging the world’s only Jewish nation with committing genocide. This is a lie. Genocide as a word and internationally accepted concept did not exist before 1944. It was specifically created to describe how the Na...

  • The Middle Eastern War Being Waged Across America’s Southern Border

    April 20, 2024

    The Middle Eastern War Being Waged Across America’s Southern Border

    The dangers from the steady stream of millions of unvetted migrants crossing illegally into our country should be clear to everyone. However, the most understated threat is that of terrorist infiltration. Reports of...

  • Why Are So Many Pushing for America to Have a Hot War with Russia?

    March 28, 2024

    Why Are So Many Pushing for America to Have a Hot War with Russia?

    The mistakes of the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars appear lost on many. Today, we hear stirring calls to arms against Russia from a totally corrupt and dangerous media supporting a rogue American regime. Unfortunately, several establishment Repu...

  • The Truth About America and Israel’s Founding is Not What You Think

    February 10, 2024

    The Truth About America and Israel’s Founding is Not What You Think

    Researching America’s role in the founding of the modern Jewish state led me to a fascinating historical nugget that rejiggers much of what we know about modern Israel’s founding. The truth is not what you may think it is. It shows that t...

  • Supporting Israel's War Against Hamas Aligns With Loving America

    February 2, 2024

    Supporting Israel's War Against Hamas Aligns With Loving America

    The Holocaust was a unique event in world history. It wasn’t just one nation going to war against another, something that often ends in mass slaughter. It was the German people’s decision to erase Jews from the face of the earth, a plan p...

  • January 28, 2024

    The Dark Side Of Col. Douglas Macgregor, Tucker’s ‘Go-To’ Military Expert

    Over the past two years, Colonel Douglas Macgregor has become Tucker Carlson’s “go-to guy” on foreign policy and military matters. Yet, there is reason to question whether Carlson should be giving Macgregor a bully pulpit. That...

  • January 16, 2024

    The Ukraine War Needed to End Yesterday

    On July 25, 2023, Fox News Host Sean Hannity hosted a town hall meeting with Democrat presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. A seven-minute segment of that event primarily concerned the war in Ukraine and was entitled “America Wants War with...

  • November 16, 2023

    Retreat Was Not an Option Then and Is Not Now

    A 25-minute Tucker Carlson interview with Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy about the current conflict in Israel is very disturbing. Carlson raised the issue of national interests in the outcome and America’s decision to interve...

  • October 26, 2023

    The Left’s Planned Destruction of the Judeo-Christian World

    What is now occurring in Israel is no act of happenstance or the result of failed policy. It is the execution of a premeditated plan of destruction that Obama began, and Biden is trying to finish. The American left has long desired to eliminate Judeo...

  • October 4, 2023

    The Pentagon’s Lack Of Loyalty To President Trump

    During the Trump presidency, Pentagon officials refused to follow orders, substituting their own policies over the constitutionally ordained authority of their Commander in Chief. We know that officials lied about troop strength in Syria, attempted t...

  • August 11, 2023

    The Deadly Untrustworthiness of General Mark Milley

    General Mark Milley, who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has forgotten that he was a soldier. Now, he’s only a leftist bureaucrat in uniform. Milley’s basic mode of operation is ingratiating himself to a political class that val...

  • July 19, 2023

    Our Defense Secretary’s Repeated Failures Humiliate Our Nation

    The public face of our military is Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Incompetent and corrupt best describe him. He is a shameless self-serving political hack, a former four-star general who now goes to work in a suit. Defense Secretary Austin was...

  • July 3, 2023

    Western Leaders Have Effectively Embraced Ukrainian Nazism

    As all wars do, the war in Ukraine has produced volumes of propaganda. The most popular theme is that Volodymyr Zelensky (genetically Jewish but without any Jewish religious or cultural ties) opposes the “Hitler-like” Putin. Indeed, Zelen...

  • June 25, 2023

    The Unraveling Ukraine Narrative Reveals the Incompetence and Corruption of Western Leadership

    We’re learning more about the actual origins of the Ukraine war, and they reveal Western governments’ contemptible and failed leadership. The conclusion is that this remains a completely unnecessary war with the American government operat...

  • April 19, 2023

    Washington and Trump, The Indispensable Men

    To most, putting Washington and Trump together might seem an odd pairing. Let’s consider, though, why these two great Americans belong together. From 1776, when our Declaration of Independence was signed, until the signing of the Treaty of P...

  • February 11, 2023

    Our Government’s Ukraine Obsession Endangers America And Her Allies

    To continue as a prosperous nation, we must have a “business plan” for national security, which includes foreign policy, to ensure survival and allow us to work towards expanded prosperity. National Security means protecting the homela...

  • January 16, 2023

    Just What Kind Of A Republican Is Mitch McConnell?

    If there’s one thing that’s become clear over the past two years, it’s that there is a giant, yawning chasm between the Republican establishment and conservative voters who had long thought they had a home in the Republican party. I...

  • December 24, 2022

    Take This Potentially Deadly Vaccine, Or We Will Deny You Lifesaving Care

    Who would have ever thought that, in the United States of America, a sick child would be denied lifesaving medical treatment solely because she wasn’t vaccinated against COVID-19? Yulia is the adopted daughter of two military veterans, Chrissy ...

  • December 8, 2022

    The Truth About the War in Ukraine

    As events unfolded in Ukraine, I could not help being reminded of the ten-year Vietnam War (1964-1975), and the war in Iraq (2003-2011). Both were based on lies. The Vietnam War saw over 360,000 Americans killed or wounded, while, in Iraq, the total ...

  • November 15, 2022

    Leftists are dangerously dehumanizing their political opponents

    On November 3, Sunny Hostin, a cohost on The View, said, “White suburban women voting for Republicans are like roaches voting for the bug spray Raid.” Her hostility supposedly stemmed from Republican opposition to abortion. A co-panelist ...