Alan Wellikoff

Alan Wellikoff

  • December 16, 2020

    Don't buy the 'no evidence' dodge

    Anyone paying attention must've noticed that the first line of defense among Democrats is to claim that there's "no evidence" of the crimes for which their guilt is frequently evident.  We must confess that the assertion...

  • May 17, 2017

    First they came for the Confederates...

    Although a fight currently waged against metal and mortar, the glee attending the left's dismantling of New Orleans's Confederate statuary has taken on the stink of bloodlust.  Down go the statues of Beauregard, Davis, and Lee; up come...

  • April 5, 2017

    A confederacy of leftists

    What we most often refer to as "the Civil War" really wasn't one.  A civil war occurs when two factions go to war over control of the same government.  While it once made a stab at invading Washington, Lee's army didn...