Alan Roebuck

Alan Roebuck

  • February 23, 2014

    Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain: Professor, Soldier, Christian Man of Honor

    One hundred years ago tomorrow, a great and noble American passed into eternity.  On February 24, 1914, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Union Army officer, Bowdoin College professor, governor of Maine, and Christian gentleman, died at the age ...

  • March 28, 2010

    The Protocols of the Elders of Christendom?

    Theocracy-watcher Katherine Yurica calls it "the most immoral political program ever adopted by a political movement in this country." At Illuminati Conspiracy Archive, Paul and Phillip Collins say that it "echoes the revolutionary fervor of Robespie...

  • March 29, 2008

    'Seeker-Sensitive' Conservatism

    Rick Warren's book The Purpose-Driven Life is more than a major bestseller.  It's also the most prominent manifestation of a "seeker-sensitive" movement that's attempting, for all intents and purposes, to redefine evangelical Christianity. The s...

  • January 26, 2008

    How to Respond to a Supercilious Atheist

    Not all atheists are supercilious, of course. Many are content to live and let live, and some even grant that religion (which, in America, basically means Christianity) does some good.  But atheism as an organized, evangelizing movement has been...

  • December 25, 2007

    D'Souza's Comeback

    In his previous book The Enemy At Home, Dinesh D'Souza advanced the absurd proposal that conservatives ally themselves with moderate Muslims ("traditional" Muslims, in his words) in a united front against Western leftists and radical Muslims.  T...