Alan Bergstein

Alan Bergstein

  • Why I am a Jewish Republican

    March 30, 2024

    Why I am a Jewish Republican

    I was raised by my hard-working immigrant parents in a Brooklyn two-bedroom, one-bath apartment shared by five.  No automobile, clothes were washed in the bathtub, and the phone was located in Weinstein’s drugstore down the block...

  • December 11, 2021

    The Biden presidency has made us vulnerable to our enemies

    For over 100 years, the United States was viewed by the rest of the world as the protector of the weak, defender of the oppressed, and an economic giant that led the free world to defeat the fascist regimes of Germany and Japan and later caused the f...

  • November 26, 2021

    Why we must boycott the Olympics in China

    Back in 1936, the Olympic games were held in Hitler-led, fascist, Nazi Germany.  In Berlin, to be specific.  For years afterward, the world shook its head in wonder at how the International Olympic Committee (IOC) could ever have ...

  • December 23, 2020

    Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness

    If you think Joe Biden's term as presumed president will extend through a full four years, there are a few used Dominion voting machines I'm offering to sell you at discounted prices.  In fact, I'll make a prediction that h...

  • October 17, 2020

    It's starting to look ugly for Democrats

    It's crunch time for the challenging Democrats.  We're coming down to blastoff-like countdown numbers 'til Nov. 3.  The real leaders of the Dem Party — not those shock troops carrying placards in the st...

  • September 27, 2020

    Tuesday's debate should worry Dems

    It's in the air: the Democrats are emitting fumes of panic.  They are in a frenetic mode that must be deemed dangerous.  No action is out of the question for them, as the election has already begun, and now their fear that Bid...

  • August 26, 2020

    Laura Loomer worries Democrats

    It's amazing to Republicans that the pundits of such leftist media giants as CNN, The New Yorker, the Washington Post, CBS News, Esquire, Politico, USA Today, and Vice evidence any knowledge of the Madison Avenu...

  • July 10, 2019

    The elephant in the room on Jew-hatred

    Now that the newest bunch of Democrat presidential hopefuls, both black and white, have opened up the dangerous door of race-baiting that presently targets only those of the Caucasian persuasion, I can wipe my brow and come clean about blacks and the...

  • October 15, 2018

    Michael Bloomberg's alternate reality

    Michael Bloomberg, former NYC mayor who bounces from one political party to another like a Major-Leaguer whose team loyalties change with the seasons, is considering tossing his hat into the 2020 presidential elections, this time as a Democ...

  • September 24, 2018

    Ford and feminism

    There's more to Professor Ford's accusation of sexual harassment by Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh than merely an obvious Democratic attack on a Trump appointee.  It signals that 50 years of radical feminism's u...

  • September 6, 2018

    The Democratic earthquake

    I don't know if you've felt them, but we've had many warnings of a major catastrophic human-made earthquake that threatens the foundations of our 242-year-old existence as a free nation.  The needle on the political Richter scal...

  • August 29, 2018

    The Dems' big problem

    It's Tuesday morning, and I know what my progressive neighbors down here in South Florida are doing this very moment.  They're fumbling crazily through the financial section of the paper or logging on to their computers to...

  • April 26, 2018

    Does a black-Jewish partnership really exist?

    It’s about time that we start calling out African-American leaders and their constituents for their lack of reciprocity towards the Jewish community which has been in the forefront of  fighting for black civil rights and equality...

  • April 7, 2018

    Gaza? Nope, the Jewish Community Center

    I didn't have to travel to the Gaza Strip to encounter pure hatred for my beliefs.  I found it yesterday (from Jews!) in a local Jewish Community Center where, for years, I've given a series of talks on the survival of Israel and Am...

  • March 16, 2018

    Obama's 'civilian army': It was the students all along

    Now we know what that "civilian army" that President Obama was always telling us about consisted of.  We saw them in force all over the country not too long ago.  Throughout his eight years in office, he was secretly for...

  • August 20, 2017

    Do the media know what horrors they have wrought?

    The head honchos in the hardened bunkered war rooms of MSNBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, NPR, PBS, the NYT, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, and on and on are not uniformed, nor do they wear military eagles or stars on t...