Adrienne Skolnik

Adrienne Skolnik

  • May 29, 2022

    Antisemitism And Jew-Hatred Are Racism As The Left Defines It

    What is race? Are we not one human race? Do we not all have red blood? Brains, bones, veins, and internal organs in the same location in our bodies? Do we not all have the capacity to love, reason, create and make decisions? And when we suffer, do we...

  • June 13, 2021

    No Matter Their Location, Jews Are The Scapegoat

    When Jews imprisoned in German concentration camps in 1945 were freed, we thought, nothing of this magnitude could ever happen again. Sadly, history repeats itself. Once again, we are seeing deliberately planned antisemitic attacks against Jews, this...

  • April 5, 2021

    The New Jewish Exodus Project

    There is a crisis in the Jewish community: Leftist Jews have turned their synagogues into temples to progressivism, driving out those Jews who want to practice the values in the Torah and its commentaries and who are libertarian or Republican in thei...

  • January 3, 2021

    The New Jewish Exodus

    Three months ago, with great sadness, I terminated membership with my synagogue.  I am not alone.  This phenomenon is happening to thousands of religiously conservative Jews throughout our nation who are Republicans.  What would cause ...

  • October 1, 2020

    Why I want Trump to stay in the Oval Office

    Here is why I support President Trump.  As far as his personality, when I worked as a commercial real estate broker for fifteen years in Florida, I worked with many developers and builders like Trump.  They all had huge egos, bold...

  • July 5, 2020

    Losing a friend to politics

    Today I lost a close friend.  Cherished and admired by my family.  A great humanitarian. Generous and kind individual.  I have a heavy heart for it was so sudden.  No, she did not die!  Then why such great sadness?  She ...

  • June 9, 2020

    'Whiteness': The New Evil

      I was recently made aware of another social justice group with a very liberal view of racism. An issue of great interest to me. I listened to the diatribe carefully, and was disappointed with what boiled down to a rehash of progressi...