Adam Shaw

Adam Shaw

  • April 17, 2013

    Hiding behind Grieving Mothers

    In any normal situation, the President's decision to push Francine Wheeler -- a sobbing, grieving mother of a six-year-old boy killed at Sandy Hook -- in front of the cameras to argue for the latest Senate gun control bill would be breathtaking for i...

  • January 11, 2013

    I'm British and Piers Morgan is Damn Wrong

    Many Americans, since the Sandy Hook massacre, have been disgusted by Piers Morgan's snooty condescension toward their great country, and his blatant disregard for the Second Amendment. This culminated in his recent interview with talk show host Alex...

  • December 8, 2012

    Why Obama's 'Balanced Approach' Doesn't Work

    We hear a lot from freshly re-elected President Obama about the importance of a "balanced approach" to dealing with the USA's mounting debt crisis and the upcoming fiscal cliff that America faces in 2013. Bob Woodward's latest book, The Price of Po...

  • August 30, 2012

    How 'The Shy Republican' Could Be Masking a Landslide

    At time of writing, polls show the race for the presidency to be tight.  General consensus seems to be that whoever wins, the 2012 election will be won by a bat squeak. Yet to many, especially those of us on the right, it seems peculiar that Oba...

  • July 14, 2012

    Four Reasons Why Condoleezza Rice Should Be the VP Pick

    To focus on Condoleezza Rice's skin color or her gender is to miss why she would be the perfect VP pick for Mitt Romney. On Thursday evening, "The Drudge Report" reported the rumor that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was being considered ...

  • June 2, 2012

    Britain Should Snub Obama's Re-Election Ploy

    British Prime Minister David Cameron should refuse President Barack Obama's request  in the latter's latest desperate push for re-election.  Back in March, when Obama and Cameron last met, the president floated the idea of a coordinated rel...

  • March 16, 2012

    The Biggest Threat to Britain's National Security Is Barack Obama

    As British Prime Minister David Cameron hangs out with President Obama this week, he should remember that he is watching basketball and chewing on hot dogs with the man who represents the biggest threat to Britain's national security. One of the toug...

  • November 9, 2011

    European Left and the Fall of the Euro

    There are many on the Euroskeptic right who can see a silver lining to a potential breakdown of the European Union as we now know it.  Such a view is understandable; having been dismissed as xenophobic, economically illiterate racists for daring...

  • August 28, 2011

    The Latest Attack on Christianity from the Statist Left

    As a Roman Catholic I am fully aware that one of the things that non-Catholics find the most peculiar about my faith is the practice of going to confession.  Yet it seems that in Europe and beyond, this sacred tradition is under attack from thos...

  • June 9, 2011

    Europe's Shift to the Right of Obama

    Mitt Romney made the news claiming that Obama's economic policies are "awfully European."  Comparing responses to the economic crisis, Romney argued, When the Europeans were in trouble economically, they spent more money and they borrowed more ...

  • May 3, 2011

    Why Bin Laden's Death May Benefit the Republicans in 2012

    After the initial wave of jubilation that followed the announcement of Osama bin Laden's death, the political analysis has begun and the liberal media consensus seems clear: this is an enormous political victory for the President, and it all but guar...

  • April 27, 2011

    The Left's Plan to Ruin the Royal Wedding

    This Friday's Royal Wedding in London between Prince William and Kate Middleton arguably is the most important British event so far this century.  The wedding will receive enormous international publicity, has the potential to give Britain a lon...

  • April 3, 2011

    The London Rioters and Their Targets

    Last Saturday, London was hit by what is now a regular occurrence in Britain: the violent rioting and looting by a growing number of socialist, militant environmentalist and anarchist groups, intent on dishing out as much harm as possible to British ...

  • February 2, 2011

    The British Left's Betrayal of America

    The latest revelations that Prime Minister Gordon Brown's government advised Libya on how to secure the release of the Lockerbie bomber may have destroyed the Anglo-American relationship.Leftists, no matter where they are situated, appear to have a n...

  • January 11, 2011

    Will 2011 Be America's Year of Union Discontent?

    In New York, the revelations that organized labor exacerbated the snow crisis to push their own agenda constitute a shocking display of union power -- power set only to increase in Obama's America.Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's apho...

  • December 14, 2010

    Britain's Left Are Panicking

    London's descent into anarchy over a rise in university tuition fees shows just how deeply the entire leftist enterprise relies on their takeover of the university system.Ignore the apologists wringing their hands and claiming that last week's riots ...

  • November 27, 2010

    President Bush's Challenge to Great Britain

    George W. Bush's dramatic claim in Decision Points that British lives were saved by the use of waterboarding terrorist suspects cuts through the fog surrounding the issue of waterboarding.Anti-Bush sentiment, as well as a general anti-Americanism, is...

  • October 21, 2010

    Obama and Clinton's Betrayal of an Ally

    Hillary Clinton's admonishment of Great Britain's military spending cuts fails to take into account her significant role in Britain's defense woes.Last week, in an interview with the BBC, Mrs. Clinton commented on reports that the British government ...

  • October 6, 2010

    The Left's Terror Folly

    The reported planned attacks on France, Great Britain, Germany, and Belgium destroy the left-wing narrative about radical Islam and terrorism. It is vital that left-wing governments learn from their mistakes.The left-wing narrative on Islamic terrori...

  • September 25, 2010

    The Destructive Fair Trade Movement

    The fashionable and anti-capitalist "Fair Trade" movement is well intentioned, but by misdiagnosing the problem, it only hurts those whom it seeks to protect.Although Fair Trade groups speak of "empowering producers through trade,...

  • July 20, 2010

    Obama's Deadly Anti-British Agenda

    This week's meeting between President Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron could kill off the U.S.-U.K. "special relationship" if Obama continues to indulge his anti-British prejudices.Obama's anti-British views may go back to his...

  • July 15, 2010

    The Parade of Bleeding Stumps

    As public spending becomes an increasingly important issue for the November elections, be prepared to see the left engaging in hysterical scare-mongering about the potential effect of spending cuts. This has been seen recently in Britain, where such ...

  • June 16, 2010

    The Liberal Takeover of the World Cup 2010

    Only a week into World Cup 2010, the decision to hold the tournament in South Africa appears to be an unmitigated disaster. The blame lies at the feet of liberal elites who have politicized soccer.Due to its size and worldwide appeal, the selection o...

  • June 10, 2010

    Why do the Left want to kill Margaret Thatcher?

    When an elected Member of the British Parliament reveals that he wishes he had the opportunity to go back in time and assassinate a former (but still living) Prime Minister, one would think that members of his own party would immediately condemn him,...

  • April 20, 2010

    The British Obama?

    It seems that Britain is about to make the same mistake America made in 2008. Last week here in England, we had the first of three "leaders debates" between the leaders of the three main political parties in the run-up to the May 6th Genera...

  • March 26, 2010

    An English Perspective on Health Care

    Here in Stockport, England, it was discovered that my now-82-year-old grandmother needed a heart procedure[i]. We were told that if she had it, she would easily live at least another ten years, as apart from that, she was healthy. Since we were warne...

  • February 25, 2010

    Obama's Socialism

    Recently on "The O'Reilly Factor," Bill O'Reilly seemed very concerned about President Obama being described as a socialist by members of the right such as Rush Limbaugh.  O'Reilly has often dodged calling the president a socialist, as...

  • February 14, 2010

    Obama and the Horizontal Axis of Faith

    Once again the National Prayer Breakfast has taken place, and again the Obama administration has taken a swipe at religious belief.In line with last year's address, where his speech consisted almost entirely of issues of social justice, President Oba...