Adam Ellwanger

Adam Ellwanger

  • March 8, 2020

    'Talking Points' and the Legacy Media's Partisan Agenda

    The first known use of the term “talking point” was in 1914. Early on, the term had none of the political charge that we associate with the concept today.  Instead, a “talking point” was simply a means to enhance the comm...

  • July 6, 2019

    Big Tech and the Deep History of Free Speech

    The speed at which many conservatives have unified in calling for a governmental response to Silicon Valley’s censorship may be surprising to some. After all, many of those calling for an intervention are the same ones who have spent their poli...

  • February 17, 2019

    Thinking about Cultural Appropriation

    The past few weeks saw no shortage of writing on the teenagers from Covington Catholic. By now, most people realize that the media’s coverage of this event is a textbook example of why the term “fake news” resonates with the public:...

  • January 17, 2019

    The True Story of the Media's Role in Trump's Victory

    Last weekend, the New York Times (America's leading Very Serious Newspaper) published an opinion piece from Frank Bruni in which he cautioned the media to learn from their mistakes in 2016: Thomas Patterson of Harvard...