Aaron Reber

Aaron Reber

  • November 3, 2012

    Never Been So Happy to Be So Wrong

    During the primaries, I wrote a scathing article, published here on American Thinker, about Mitt Romney. In it I detailed exactly what I believed his weaknesses were and what he would do to shoot himself in the foot. I have to say that I have never ...

  • October 1, 2011

    Romney the Electable?

    Are you sick and tired yet of hearing about Mitt Romney being the "most electable" candidate?  I am.  Lately, via the media and our own RNC elites, we have been fed this constant drivel about the electability of Mitt Romney.  The same ...

  • March 19, 2011

    Libya: Have we learned nothing?

    The UN has approved a No Fly Zone over Libya.  As anyone else with military training, or even common sense, surmised a long time ago, this "No Fly Zone" will also, by necessity, entail a "No Drive Zone" as we target and annih...

  • February 24, 2011

    As The Dust Settles, Mitch Daniels Is Looking Much Stronger

    In response to Ralph Alter's blog on Mitch Daniel's caving, I must respectfully disagree, as I believe that Mr. Alter responded to misreported events and made a decision about Gov. Daniels before all of the facts came to light.  I am a GOP opera...