Aaron Goldenberg

Aaron Goldenberg

  • March 11, 2014

    Rand Paul vs. Ted Cruz?

    The liberal media and Washington establishment is celebrating the foreign policy 'feud' between Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They fan the flames of discord because they oppose the policies where these leaders agree: reducing spending and ...

  • May 30, 2013

    The Message Stinks!

    During an impromptu moment in the third hour of a recent nationally syndicated radio show, three doctors, practicing three different specialties, located in three different areas of the country, called to bemoan the future of their profession under O...

  • January 24, 2012

    Why is Mitt Romney timid on taxes?

    The difference between Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney can be summed up in a pivotal moment at the Republican debate on Monday night. When Newt Gingrich told Mitt Romney that investment income would not be subject to tax under his tax plan, Mitt Rom...

  • January 11, 2012

    Mitt Romney and the Hypocrisy of Bain Capital

    Many have suggested that attacks on Mitt Romney's service at Bain Capital are attacks on capitalism itself. That is hyperbole at its finest from those who do not understand the business Bain Capital was involved in.Mitt Romney was NOT primarily a ...

  • May 3, 2011

    Kill vs Capture, Did Obama Make the Right Choice?

    According to Reuters, the mission was to kill Bin Laden and not capture him. Given that Bin Laden is responsible for the deaths of several thousand U.S. citizens and our involvement in two costly and destructive wars, his summary demise will not caus...