A. Welderson

A. Welderson

  • Democrat Voter Triage

    May 11, 2024

    Democrat Voter Triage

    Four years ago, when Biden “won” the shadiest election in modern history, I expected four or eight years of nonsense and a lot of bad laws that would have to be repealed. Sort of a repeat of the Carter years. Boy howdy, was that ever an o...

  • A Big Hand for the Little Ladies

    April 11, 2024

    A Big Hand for the Little Ladies

    Recently, J.K. Rowling made headlines for standing up to the power-mad leftists of the Scottish government in a manner reminiscent of the lone Chinese citizen who faced down a column of tanks near Tiananmen Square, armed with nothing more than a coup...

  • January 9, 2024

    Useless Degrees, An Analysis

    For a long time now, the debate has raged as to whether it’s worth going to college anymore.  The libertarian view on this question has typically been along the lines of… if people are foolish enough to waste money on worthless degr...

  • September 21, 2023

    The New Opium Wars

    It has been creditably alleged that China is facilitating, if not masterminding, the opioid crisis in America. If so, the Maoists probably feel it justified as a case of historical tit for tat. In the 1800s China suffered through an opioid crisis of ...

  • September 18, 2023

    Learning Opportunities

    One hundred years ago, an Italian socialist with astoundingly unruly hair named Antonio Gramsci dreamed up yet another sure-fire way to usher in the global Marxist utopia, coined by Rudi Dutschke as the “long march through the institutions....

  • July 15, 2023

    Lightning and the Lightning Bug

    Disney has decided that they are no longer a company that tells stories, but a screeching, scolding schoolmarm, more interested in enforcing discipline than education. Second, if they want to be a propaganda organ for the progressive movement, the pe...

  • July 12, 2023

    A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Utopia

    For the overwhelming majority of my life the Walt Disney company has stood as an American icon, like Mount Rushmore or the Statue of Liberty. At some point not too long ago that all changed, radically. Disney, like so many of our institutions and fin...

  • July 19, 2022

    The Long March to Nowhere

    The original Long March refers to a maneuver, a retreat actually, by the communist Chinese during their revolution in the 1930s.  The March was a grueling affair.  It lasted over a year.  Ninety percent of the troops which started were...

  • February 28, 2022

    Message to Ukraine: Could we borrow your president, please?

    Message to Ukraine: Could we borrow your president, please?  Ours is broken.  We'll need yours at least until November.  That's the soonest we can start replacing ours.  To be honest, the president we hav...

  • February 23, 2022

    And the 2040 Oscar Goes To...

    Will there be an Academy Awards ten or twenty years from now?  Will there be a Hollywood by then?  Most likely there will still be a part of Los Angeles named Hollywood.  Whether they’ll still make movies there is a good ques...

  • December 1, 2021

    Omicron opportunities

    The recent rollout of the omicron COVID strain has prompted me to point out a few salient facts that may have escaped the notice of others.  An advantage of viewing life from the cheap seats is a certain degree of perspective which is denie...

  • November 30, 2021

    Omicron opportunities

    The recent rollout of the Omicron Covid strain has prompted me to point out a few salient facts which may have escaped the notice of others.  An advantage of viewing life from the cheap seats is a certain degree of perspective which is denied th...

  • November 14, 2021

    Woke apps to enhance your phone's social consciousness

    Here are a baker's dozen ideas for smartphone apps the busy communist can't do without.  It's amazing they aren't available for download already. PCmojis — Automatically adjusts skin tone of texted emojis to your et...

  • October 2, 2021

    Gaming the remote work system

    A recent news item dealt with the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers's new remote work policy.  Basically, PwC is allowing any of their tens of thousands of employees to work from home if they want.  In itse...

  • May 12, 2021

    Socialism Persists, But It Ain’t What It Used To Be

    I used to say, to anyone foolish enough to listen to my rants, that socialism was and is a product which was rushed to market without adequate field testing.   And what testing was done has been resolutely ignored.  Upon reflection, it h...

  • March 21, 2021

    Was This All God's Plan?

    Let me be honest from the start of this. I’m not religious. I’m an agnostic. That is, I cannot say with any degree of certainty whether God exists or not. That would be any God, Christian, Muslim, or take your pick. My belief is much like...

  • February 12, 2021

    Our Tarnished Institutions and the Boy Who Cried Wolf

    The Boy Who Cried Wolf is one of Aesop’s better-known fables, and relates the story of a shepherd boy who amused himself by giving false alarms as he watched a flock of sheep.  The boy cried wolf once, then once again, giggling with glee a...

  • September 26, 2020

    The Ones Who Walk Away

    There is a 1973 science fiction or fantasy story, depending upon how you define those terms, by Ursula K. Le Guin titled “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas.” Le Guin got the name for the fictional city of Omelas from a fleeting glance in...

  • August 29, 2020

    Bonsai Societies

    One of the gifts Japan has given to the world is the elegant art form of the bonsai tree.  The bonsai artist grows a miniature tree in a small container, carefully guiding the plant into an aesthetically pleasing form.  That form ...

  • July 23, 2020

    Polling in America Badly Needs a Service Check

    There is a scene in the 1979 movie China Syndrome, where Jack Lemmon plays an engineer in the control room of a malfunctioning nuclear power plant.  Alarms are blaring, but the engineer is confused because the gauge on the panel shows that there...

  • June 6, 2020

    The 2020 Election Is like the Last Five Minutes of a Basketball Game

    The last five minutes of a basketball game often stretch out in a logarithmic fashion.  If one team is far enough behind to be desperate, the players will begin committing intentional fouls simply to force a free throw from the foul line....

  • April 2, 2020

    Coronavirus panic as an immersive history lesson on life in the USSR

    Class, please pay attention as our immersive history lesson continues.  The month of April is designed to teach how everyday life was in the old Soviet Union.  Consumer Goods Shortages In the Soviet era, central planners had to c...

  • February 21, 2020

    Michael Bloomberg, the Engineer

    It was a surprise to learn, from a campaign ad, no less, that Michael Bloomberg is, or at least was, an engineer.  A look at Wikipedia confirms that Bloomberg graduated from Johns Hopkins in 1964 with an electrical engineering degree. ...

  • February 15, 2020

    Hallmark Hope and Lifetime Fear

    I have always found it ironic that the Hallmark channel is adjacent to the Lifetime channel on the dial, at least that’s the case in the cable channel lineup where I live.  Both channels are mainly targeted at women, but that’s where...

  • February 6, 2020

    Nancy's Fake Fire Alarm

    A common experience in public schools is when some smart aleck decides to waste everyone’s time by pulling the fire alarm.  The people in charge have to take it seriously.  There’d be hell to pay if there was a fire and it was i...

  • January 24, 2020

    Can the Pro-Abortion Position Survive Artificial Wombs?

    A prominent feature of the abortion debate has become the point at which the abortion procedure should be allowed to occur.  The current governor of Virginia apparently is comfortable with some time prior to preschool.  Most engag...

  • January 20, 2020

    Immigration problems solved!

    I read here (Spanish Minister) that a Spanish government official is worried that Spain needs eight or nine million immigrants to keep the country from diving into a demographic tailspin.  The nub of the problem seems to be that Spain has a...

  • January 8, 2020

    What did Iran do with your $450?

    There has been much ink spilled and hot air vented recently about the introduction of a certain Iranian general to the business end of a precision-guided munition.  This was not the first special delivery the general received from America....

  • January 7, 2020

    The Sky Is Falling

    Once upon a time a falling acorn hit Chicken Little on the head.  This startled the bird so much that she immediately embarked upon a crusade to spread the news that the sky was falling.  When I was a child this is where the story ended, wi...

  • December 21, 2019

    Rat-Catchers: The True Function of a Free Press

    That there are scoundrels in government will come as no surprise to anyone.  All governments.  Always have been and always will be, despite our best efforts to remove them.  They are like cockroaches, the ultimate surviv...