A. M. Mora y Leon

A. M. Mora y Leon

  • December 23, 2006

    Friendly Muslims

    Anyone who's traveled in Malaysia and Indonesia can testify to the friendly, open-minded character of most of the citizens. Every nation has a legend, and in Malaysia there's one an American traveler might encounter it. It goes something like this:...

  • April 6, 2006

    Mexico's Bi-Polar Resentment and the Forthcoming Election

    Mexico is a proud nation with a rich distinctive history and heritage, unique in not just North America but the entire Western Hemisphere. Living next door to a much larger and wealthier superpower is guaranteed to raise issues of nationalism —...

  • January 20, 2006

    The Iron Curtain Sisterhood

    One of the surer things in this world is that if you've ever lived in a communist regime, like East Germany, you aren't going to have any sympathy for communism. You won't have quite the same feeling for romantic Che Guevara berets as Berkeley's left...

  • September 19, 2005

    The communist menace reappears in South America

    When the Berlin Wall was torn down, the Soviet Union collapsed, and China pursued market—led development, it seemed safe to assume that the threat of aggressive communism toppling national dominoes and dominating an entire continent was gone fo...

  • May 19, 2005

    Shilling for Citgo

    In the U.S., it's come like a wave. All of a sudden, far—left media outlets are shilling, embarrassingly enough, for a dreaded Giant Corporation (an oil company!), Citgo, the refining and gasoline retailer once known as Cities Service. For...

  • May 11, 2005

    Things could get much worse across our southern border

    Leftist Mexico City mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador,аa potential Hugo Chavez who may be ruling Mexico by 2007, is now accused by a Mexican newspaper of allowing city funds to bankroll weapons purchases for Mexican Marxist guerrillas. If that's true...

  • May 2, 2005

    Is illegal-alien legalization a political spoil?

    I went to Saturday's illegal alien rally in Los Angeles, called 'The March for Immigrants' Rights.' About 1,000 people, led by a noisy red—shirt wearing communist party—type contingent waving red banners touting May Day, turned up. After ...

  • April 27, 2005

    Does Chavez trust Venezuela's military?

    When Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was briefly overthrown in a coup on April 11, 2002, he was restored to power by a corps of elite troops who effectively proved their loyalty. And for that, he owes them a debt of gratitude, something he appeared ...

  • April 24, 2005

    El Loco goes to Caracas

    Ecuador's riots of the past week were triggered by the return from exile of a wacked—out Ecuadorean ex—president named Abdala 'El Loco' Bucaram. If you have any negative stereotypes about South American presidents, rest assured that this ...

  • March 21, 2005

    Desperate cry from Venezuela's wild

    Venezuela is now like a house on fire in the name of Marxist revolution. The worst of it is in land confiscations. The regime is declaring productive land "unproductive" and expropriating it for redistribution to "the people." When it can't do that, ...

  • March 6, 2005

    Market discipline for Hugo Chavez?

    Sometimes the simplest solutions are the most striking. Blogger Miguel Octavio  in Caracas, Venezuela, has suggested the best way for Venezuela to draw some earnings from its Citgo refineries here in the U.S. is to sell shares. Houston...

  • February 26, 2005

    Carter up to no good in Venezuela

    It defies belief. Ex—President Jimmy Carter, who crystallized a fraudulent recall referendum for Venezuela's dictator Hugo Chavez, now says his Carter Center will return to Caracas "to help consolidate peace and democracy."  He also says h...

  • February 18, 2005

    The sinister spread of terrorism

    The story was about as buried as possible last September, given the dateline Asunsion, Paraguay. A former president's 31—year—old daughter was kidnapped by unknown criminals. As often happens in Latin countries, authorities were powerless...

  • January 30, 2005

    Venezuela's Chavez is big trouble for Senator Nelson

    Senator Bill Nelson, who accompanied Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Lincoln Chaffee on an ill—timed junket to meet Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, is in political trouble. As Richard Baehr predicted here in "Shilling for the new Castr...

  • January 7, 2005

    The Chavez premium

    To look at the soft—focus propaganda pictures of Venezuela's Castroite Chavez government, you'd think Venezuela's state oil company was not about producing oil, but rather rehabilitating life's down—and—outers. The Venezuela In...

  • January 1, 2005

    Behind la mascara ("the mask")

    One of the terrible tragedies of communist Cuba is the dead silence of Cubans who must voicelessly live on that island. Unless we have Cuban relatives, we don't know a thing about those people, who might as well be living in the blacked—out Ira...

  • December 30, 2004

    Responding to an Asian crisis

    It's an amazing irony that Bill Clinton, of all people, should be the first American up to the microphone to snipe at President Bush's tsunami response, less than four days after the catastrophe. Of course, nobody could outrace a United Nations burea...

  • December 23, 2004

    Venezuela's vengeful dictator

    On the surface, it's a little puzzling for a communist supremo to go after a labor union leader. After all, aren't communists the self—proclaimed vanguard of the proletariat? And more to the point, aren't unions full of communist leaders anyway...

  • December 22, 2004

    Carter's shilling his 'moral authority' again

    It's Christmastime and so another Jimmy Carter campaign to sell a book. This must be his 19th. In the fancy Westwood district of los Angeles last week, the lines snaked around the block at Borders, with each liberal awaiting the signature of our coun...

  • September 21, 2004

    Bush snubs Venezuela's President

    If President Bush is such a pariah in the eyes of the world, as liberals insist, why does someone like President Hugo Chavez crave his respect? Chavez is the leftist, populist, Castro—worshipping Venezuelan president, who survived an Aug. 15 re...