Islam is Destroying Western Culture Here And Abroad
If you wish to experience Europe with all its unique nations, hurry because the entire continent is rapidly changing due to (legal and illegal) unchecked Islamic immigration, demographic shifts, and political pandering. Even with no future immigration, Muslims in Europe will increase their population. They are giving birth at a much higher rate than non-Muslims: 2.6 children compared to 1.6 children. It doesn’t take a mathematician to see where this goes.
In 2006, Muammar Gaddafi said:
We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.
Most European leadership is blind to what is happening—or doesn’t care.
Muslims on London's sidewalks. X screen grab.
If you visit Europe, be sure you know where you are walking. The Migration Research Institute in Budapest, which is affiliated with the renowned Matthias Corvinus College, estimated in 2024 that there are 900 NO-GO ZONES across Europe. This is the result of Europe’s open-border policies that brought in an influx of Muslims who do not wish to assimilate into their adopted homeland. Instead, they want their adopted homeland to become an Islamic “Sharia paradise.”
German playwright Botho Strauss wasn’t afraid to say what many have been thinking:

In the course of the demographic change due to the majority of Muslim population in the metropolises expected in the near future, other priorities could emerge with respect to tolerance and diversity. How ridiculous and senseless then it is to continue with the tired and saccharine tones of ‘tolerance’ towards a class of people who in our cities are rising to the majority.
Throughout Europe, if you say anything about what is happening to your country or continent due to the influx of legal or illegal radicalized Muslim immigrants, you’re quickly called Islamophobic—and possibly arrested. For example, Member of Parliament Paul Scully was verbally attacked in February for appearing on BBC Radio London, where he responded to another MP by saying:
There are areas where there are a tiny minority of people who make people uncomfortable about not being of their religion, of their culture, who are misinterpreting their own doctrine. That’s not to say Tower Hamlets itself is a no-go area.
Scully was quickly criticized for even implying that London has any no-go areas. The BBC quoted a source close to London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan:
Unfortunately, Paul Scully is resorting to a notorious Islamophobic trope - with the highly offensive and untrue claim that there are ‘no-go’ areas for non-Muslims in parts of London.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer calls anti-immigrant sentiment “far right” as if it’s a bad thing to want to protect your homeland from an Islamic invasion. Just ask the people in Wethersfield, England, who will only whisper the truth about what asylum seekers are doing to their once quaint village.
But what about America? Well, it’s here, too.
Paterson, New Jersey, once a solid blue-collar city, has morphed into Palestine, New Jersey. In 2022, Main Street was officially changed to Palestine Way. Guess which day they officially made the change? On Israel’s Independence Day.
In “New Jersey’s First Islamic City,” Amy Mek, writing in RAIR Foundation USA (Rise Align Ignite Reclaim), points out:
Muslim elected leaders with deep ties to radical Islamic organizations are prioritizing Islamic identity over American values, steering Paterson away from its historical roots. Every policy change, symbolic gesture, and political appointment moves the city closer to becoming an Islamic enclave.
Just 30 miles from Dallas, Yasir Qadhi, a Pakistani American imam and theologian, is building a self-contained Muslim Sharia city of 1,000+ homes in East Plano, Texas.
Hillel Fuld, an American Israeli technology business advisor, blogger, and vlogger with a large following, posted on X:
If the west doesn’t wake up soon and start recognizing how radical Islam is penetrating every pillar of society, if people don’t stop labeling anyone who acknowledges the agenda of radical Islam an Islamophobe, if we don’t reverse the trajectory that we’re on, western civilization will join every other empire that threw morality out the window right before its demise.
The west is falling, and radical Islam is rising.
Please, people, wake the hell up. This shouldn’t be a political issue of the left and the right. This is a question of survival and if we don’t open our eyes soon, radical Islam will accomplish its goal and achieve its mission. They state it clearly. They (Islamists) want the destruction of the west. They’re using our politicians, our students, and our youth to spread the very dangerous cancer that is radical Islam. We need to diagnose the cancer and administer chemotherapy immediately.
Time is not on our side and history is quite clear about what happens next. I hope I’m wrong. But I’m not. I never, in my wildest darkest dreams imagined I’d see Americans marching in the streets of New York calling for the murder of Jews and declaring their support and loyalty to genocidal terrorist organizations full of murderers, rapists, and pedophiles. But here we are. Wake up. We are approaching the point of no return.
Of course, not every Muslim is looking to kill Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, and other non-Muslim people. But what if only 1 percent of the world’s Muslims want to harm “infidels”? One percent doesn’t sound like that much, does it? However, as of 2020, there were over 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s more than 25 percent of the world’s population, second after Christianity.
If just 1 percent of the world’s Muslim population is violently radicalized, that would equal 18 million Islamic jihadists. Ah, but we keep hearing that Islam is the religion of peace:
- Syria – Muslims are massacring Christians!
- Africa – Muslims are slaughtering Christians!
- Europe – Muslims are murdering Christians!
- Israel – Muslims are killing Jews! On October 7, 2023, they killed, raped and/or kidnapped about 1,400 innocent Israelis of all faiths.
- United States – Muslims are rioting for Hamas and/or planning or killing innocent Americans.
Leftists in Europe and Democrats in America refuse to respond to growing radical Jihadist threats. Instead, in cowardly fashion, they call us “Islamophobes” because we express valid concerns about radical Islam destroying Western civilization. Maybe leftists in America and Europe should learn how to say “Auschwitz” in Arabic.
Robin M. Itzler is a regular contributor to American Thinker. She is the founder and editor of Patriot Neighbors, a free weekly national newsletter. Robin can be reached at
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