Getting Back to Serving Humanity
When the Brahmins of Boston and Concord declared Christianity unfit for human consumption, well over a century ago in New England, they remade mankind into creatures of innate goodness and light, believing that — as Ben Franklin had put it — people could live anywhere there is freedom.
And the evidence? In America, especially since 1960, it confirms an increasing lack of freedom. This prompts some essential questions with no honest answers yet. Are the orthodox in society free to reject any ideology (such as radical leftism) that threatens their faith? If not, how can they live “in freedom”? If their faith singles out the evil of sin, how can they live “freely” where sin is not even recognized?
Yesteryear’s “Brahmins” and today’s “leftists” continue to act as though sin does not exist. This is not simply a semantic quibble over “what is acceptable” and “what is unacceptable,” a loophole as wide and deep as a black hole. It is a chasm between those who believe in God and those who do not believe in God.
True Christians cannot be free where their beliefs are censured, excluded, and attacked. Franklin’s dictum regarding freedom runs into a wall where freedom is willfully denied — something we’ve all experienced in great measure during the Covid Inquisition. The fact is that freedom-loving people have been up against freedom-hating people for over a century in America.
Up until the current raging political storm over sanity and justice in society, the newest “Brahmins” have gotten away with burying religious and cultural realities under a rug of “multiculture and diversity” — read compliance — and exported that process to every corner of the earth, punishing “rogue” regimes that don’t comply.
The progress of myopic globalists to “make the world better” is revealed in today’s pathologic mess the world is in.
Champions of watered-down culture and watered-down faith in God have succeeded in making the world an environment for resentment, violence, and injustice — in the name of progress. The progress in reeducating people and resetting societies according to Godless prescriptions has indeed made the world a better place — fit for robots. Such post-human existence can appeal only to the insane: Earth’s environment is not fit for fake “beings.”
Returning to the past (and present) freedom-trashing “leftism” that makes writers like those on American Thinker sound off, I pick on the romantic notions of armchair idealists who delight in planning the world for us. I ask modern Brahmins to their face: What part of the “innate goodness” of man is reflected when progressive educators and media magnates impose a Woke Gospel on everyone that kills their spirit of cooperation and creativity? What part of “inner light” shines when you, me, and everyone else is told what to believe, how to think, how to talk, and how to behave? What part of freedom is in operation when those who would live on their own terms (within lawful limits) are denied that liberty? Where is the precious freedom to live, when even life is put on the chopping block? All in the name of progress, of course.
This is just a hint of how far off the rails are they who preach enlightenment through “diversity” that in fact denies diversity, “inclusion” that lets Satanists and others with evil intent through the gate, “equity” that denies equality of choice and opportunity.

To ignore or gloss over real differences among people in the interest of merging people into a unified society is to submerge them in the interest of lording over them. This was never the aim of this nation. Its founders’ respect for differences is at the heart of E pluribus unum — “out of many, one” — the principle that inspired their thinking and actions, in the name of God.
Those who believe that America was never a religious nation need to search the abundant historical evidence available on independent search engines. America indeed began as a Christian nation. But a blinding trust in the power of man led too many to put all their faith in human beings, forgetting where they come from, a constant habit. How easy it is to forget that by his actions man proves capable of as much evil as good in the world! The pivot between good and evil — wisely recognized by this nation’s founders — is enduring attention to Judeo-Christian imperatives.
Unadulterated Christianity underscores the need for obedience to the Word of God, our Creator, revealed to Christ’s disciples and communicated to the world with the Gospel. This requires all who call themselves Christian to follow Christ’s teachings.
This mandate of faith is consistent with man’s fallen nature, demonstrated in the corruption he permits out of gain or fear. Today’s remnant of real Christians remains politically and socially at the mercy of Godless magnates of power, including those who profess to be Christian but do not heed the Gospel. That so many of them are in positions of influence and authority makes many think that America is still a “religious country.” That is true only when applied to faith in Marxism, Evolutionism, Secular Humanism, and other movements and disciplines that begin by excluding or rejecting God.
The core of faithful Christians is not small, it is true, but they have yet to face down liberals, progressives, and pastors who seek enlightenment in their crania instead of in the One who gave them their brains and faculties. Such astounding waste of human energy and show of arrogance has led too many to forget that Judeo-Christianity made possible a civilization with no equal in benefit to humanity.
May those who never surrender — who keep the faith in God with the tenacity of the faith in life — begin to witness the success of their vigilance, as power moguls begin to rouse from their sleep and get back to the job of serving humanity.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.
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