Tucker Carlson Needs Help

This conservative Jew used to be a big fan of Tucker Carlson when he had the highest ratings as an opinionator on FOX-TV, but then he outed himself as an anti-Jew, which likely played a role in his firing that otherwise mystified his fans.

Much appreciated had been his slant on domestic politics and culture in America (if less so on foreign affairs). His commentary skewered the madness and corruption of the times under Joe Biden and the demented Democrats.  And that he might be an anti-Jew only surfaced occasionally in his choice of guests and their anti-Israel criticism that went beyond rationally and smelled of pathological Jew-hatred.

Carlson also never covered the chronically front-page news from Israel, which I mistakenly took to be his own awareness of his anti-Jewitis and had the wisdom to keep in check.

But then he “came out of the closet” via his unhinged assault on fellow opinionator Ben Shapiro’s patriotism just because he is a Jew, and exposed himself as just another, unoriginal, hostile goy, which is not an insulting word as some think. (It is no more insulting than “alien” in English, meaning not a citizen of the nation, in this case, the Jewish nation.)

Even before his unpleasantness with Shapiro, Carlson emitted his first whiffs of anti-Jewitis via his sneering disdain for the Neocons, a characteristic of Paleo-Conservatives like himself. “Neocon” began as a neutral description of intellectuals of the Left in the 1960s who abandoned that mindset and adopted conservative values.

But because many in this school of public intellectuals were Jews, the term became a covert way to sneer at men like Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz. In the lunatic 1960s, they came to oppose the war in Viet Nam like others on the Left but were appalled by the anti-Americanism that was totally wrong-headed and unnecessary. They became ardent admirers, patriots, and supporters of a capitalist America and a strong military.

And because this was also good for Israel, anti-Jews like Pat Buchanan and apparently Carlson believed the only reason for supporting a strong America among the Neocons was to protect Israel. In minds like theirs, the Neocons were dangerous to these Neo-Isolationists in the spirit of the America Firsters of the 1930s and ’40s, believing that U.S. intervention overseas, and especially in the Middle East, was at the behest of the Israel lobby manipulated by the Neocons.

Carlson attacked Shapiro for focusing on Israel and insisted, “I’m from here, my family’s been here for hundreds of years, and I plan to stay here. I am shocked about how little they little care about this country.”

One marker of the irrational Jew-hater is the implication that Jews are disloyal citizens. That Carlson had to flaunt his genes as evidence of his patriotism to justify his anti-Jew feelings, and by implication dismiss Shapiro as less of a patriot because his forebears were later arrivals, is evidence of his own subconscious awareness of the vacuity of his claim to superior patriotism, which sees in it a genetic component, that is, something biological, which leads ultimately to Hitlerism.

And what was no less depressing was Carlson’s lack of originality. The dual loyalty smear is one of the oldest anti-Jew fantasies. Buried in Carlson’s venom is the accusation that the Jews maneuver the U.S. for their own benefit and do not care if America is harmed. The Jew as evil traitor. Shades of the Dreyfus Affair.

And then there was his interview with rapper Kanye West, this wretched generation’s idea of a musician displaying his antisemitic pathology that Carlson deleted before the broadcast, which exposed West’s functionally clinical paranoia about Jews. Carlson is a prudent journalist, but deleting West’s disgusting hatred of Jews was not professional at all.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance came up with a tolerable but lengthy 37-word definition of antisemitism, but I prefer my own 3 words: “Antisemitism is… lying about Jews.” That is all one needs to know about it. People believe in lies, myths and fantasies about Jews doing evil things that never are true and then act upon them, resulting in satanic cruelty to them. A case in point: October 7, 2023.

In 1920s Germany, Herr Hitler made a political career for himself by claiming Die Juden in Der Vaterland were responsible for the country’s loss in WWI that led to the onerous post-war terms of peace that the Germans were suffering under. He constantly ranted, “The Jews stabbed Germany in the back!” and that they constituted only 1% of the German population, in his diseased mind, was only more evidence of their immense power and malevolence.

This way of thinking, of course, was completely bonkers — as all antisemitic ideas are in their divorce from truth and reality.

If, at first, Carlson only occasionally, unwittingly, hinted at his bigotry, in June 2023, FOX had to fork over $12,000,000, to a former Jewish producer of Carlson’s, Abby Grossberg, who sued the company and won for abuse in the workplace which included noxious antisemitism, for which a lawsuit seems to have been connected to the never-explained, sudden firing of Carlson by FOX a few months earlier. In her lawsuit, Grossberg claimed “the gibes over her Jewish faith were relentless.” Perhaps management decided Carlson had to go before he did it again.

And now here he is talking with Piers Morgan and charging that Israel is intentionally murdering children in Gaza.

Good grief. This smacks of the ancient lunacy that at Passover time Jews are required to murder a gentile to suck out his blood, a needed ingredient in the holiday’s unleavened matza bread, forerunner of the Christian communion wafer.

So, Jewish conservatives are now saddened by real evidence of Carlson’s delusional animosity, though in his defense, one imagines he was raised to think this way. Carlson is an Episcopalian, the crème de la crème of gentile society in America, past masters of ostracizing Jews in college fraternities and golf clubs where deals are made, so we can forgive him to a degree. The official Episcopalian position on Israel could not be more “politically correct.” They support the antisemitic opposition to Jews living in Judea and Samaria, which his Church sees as “the occupied West Bank,” and never mind their own New Testament repeatedly never uses “West Bank” but always “Judea” (48 times) and “Samaria” (117 times).

Let us pray to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that Tucker will someday be cured of his irrational antagonism toward Jews who care about Israel, which does not diminish their loyalty to America in the slightest. This is only in his head.

Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at Amazon.com in hardcover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on www.phantom-nation.com.

Image from X, edited.

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