The Terrible Mercy of Bishop Budde

For decades, the mainstream media and Hollywood justifiably have called out the Catholic Church for scandals involving the sexual exploitation of children by members of the church’s hierarchy.  For example, the 2015 film Spotlight dramatized the Boston Globe’s exposure of the Boston Catholic archdiocese’s massive cover-up of child molestation.  The film won two Oscars.

Pope Francis officially apologized and asked forgiveness for similar cases in Europe.  The pontiff made it clear that Catholic doctrine and practice have never supported the abuse of children.

But for the Episcopal church’s progressive leadership, as Bishop Mariann Budde most recently revealed during the prayer service attended by President Trump and other members of his administration, a new revelation is at hand.  The teachings and commandments of the Christ who forbids harm to little children — the Christ this denomination still professes to be the Creator of the universe and all that is within it, including all of humanity — have been revoked.  

No longer is the Christian teaching commanding protection of innocents the truth whose applicability to this often abusive world is eternally and comprehensively relevant.  Instead, the Word is an ever-unfolding synthesis of truth that now unapologetically embraces the dark ideology of a sex cult, christening it with God-words:

The Episcopal Church embraces a legacy of inclusion, aspiring to tell and exemplify God’s love for every human being; people of all genders and sexual orientations serve as bishops, priests, and deacons in our church.

Budde’s loyalty is to the current Episcopal iteration of new doctrines, as she herself professed in her homily at Washington National cathedral.  Her first loyalty is to the LGBT movement, particularly as it is now led by the trans movement.  She called on the president to have mercy on trans children, whom she characterized as being in fear for their lives.

By embracing trans ideology, the bishop has pronounced the conforming of a child’s God-given body to an image supposed to reflect the sex opposite what he or she is born with as an unassailable spiritual journey.  Children can be moved by a God-given impulse to become the opposite sex.  The road to divine transformation is difficult, requiring drugging and radical surgery.  Puberty-blockers will inhibit growth.  Hormones will alter natural life processes.  For females, surgery will remove breasts, ovaries, and uteruses while hormone “therapy” will grow beards and deepen voices.  “She” will become “he.”  If the child is male, castration and a false vagina combined with the suppression of testosterone will conform the “he” into a facsimile of a “she.”

What terrible mercy. 

Budde’s extension of what she deems Christian “mercy” does not stop with advocacy for mutilating and drugging children.  The bishop, who supports the open borders through which have poured millions of illegal aliens she deems fit to pick our crops and perform other menial work, does not extend mercy to unaccompanied children.

According to the testimony of J.J. Carrell, who was a patrol agent in charge of the U.S. Border Patrol during the four years of the Biden administration, an estimated 500,000 unaccompanied children were mercilessly trafficked across our borders.  Mr. Carrell testified before Congress on November 19, 2024:

Inside this invasion, the unspoken evil of child-trafficking and, more specifically, child sex–trafficking, has flourished. ... What did the DHS, HHS, and ORR do to correct this humanitarian disaster? Nothing. In fact, all three agencies created further policies and procedures to increase the efficiency of moving UACs, their ages ranging from newborn infants to 17-year-olds, from the border to the interior of the United States to unknown and unvetted sponsors.

Unaccompanied alien children were being handed off to total strangers. They then disappeared into the darkness of labor- and sex-trafficking. [snip]

The horrific truth [is] that every one of the 550,000 or more UACs in America are lost. These children are being labor-trafficked, sex-trafficked, barbarically harvested for their organs and, quoting President Trump, “A lot of them are already dead.”

Carrell added:

The probability that thousands of these UACs are being raped at this very moment is 100 percent. ... I state, without reservation, that the United States federal government is the world’s largest child sex–trafficking organization in modern history.

Not a syllable passed Bishop Budde’s lips condemning the Biden government for enabling the sex-trafficking of children.  Nor have the mainstream media that condemned the Catholic Church paid much attention to the horrors innocents endure.

In fact, Biden has gotten a pass for actual abuse of hundreds of thousands of children, whereas Trump, whom the bishop publicly excoriated as a merciless monster, is exercising true Christian mercy.

Within a week of his inauguration, President Trump’s administration found and rescued 75,000 of those children, nearly all of whom have been abused in the ways cited by Mr. Carrell.  Trump also has issued an order banning what has been euphemistically called “child gender transition care.”

How has Bishop Budde, the woman who condemned the president of the United States before millions of viewers, been allowed to support child abuse in the very name of Christ?

The Episcopal church claims that Mariann Budde is in the line of succession of the apostles and of Christ himself.  Budde is considered the embodiment of God’s abiding presence in this world.

That Word is believed to be ever-evolving into new forms, and Budde is considered the latest iteration of that evolution.  The new inner light she considers divine and which she wants, by using her position of influence in Washington’s foremost cathedral, to be ratified by church and government alike, is the “light” offered by the LGBT community, now led by the trans movement.  She is deeply committed to the eradication of former church doctrines concerning marriage between a man and a woman and the distinction between male and female.

Budde was and is not speaking according to the gospel still outlined in the official doctrines of the Episcopal church — namely, that Christ was crucified, died, and rose from the dead to save human beings from their sins, thus reconciling them to God.

In the gospel of Matthew 11:5-6, Jesus responds to his critics, saying “Blessed is he who is not offended by me.”

This is the core issue in the “bishop” Budde case.  She and the denomination she represents are offended by the Christ the Episcopal church professes to worship and to serve, the Christ in whose honor the Washington Cathedral was built, the Christ who forbade harm to children and who warned that those who abused them may as well have a millstone hung around their necks and be drowned in the sea.

Budde is a fake bishop among the many who are leading their flocks to destruction.  She and her denomination have sold Christ and the church for an ideological thirty pieces of silver.  They have sold out for a counterfeit Christianity that weakens and undermines from within the foundations of the churches built to proclaim the Truth of Christ.

Lent, which for Christians is a time of repentance and an evaluation of their walk in the Faith, is soon upon us.  During that season, a traditional hymn of repentance is often sung.

The hymn’s words ask, “Ah, Holy Jesus, how hast thou offended that man to judge Thee hast in hate pretended?  By foes derided, by thine own rejected, O most afflicted.”  The writer of the hymn concludes that it is human beings who have committed treason against Christ by denying Him and his words.

Let us pray there are those among the leadership and their congregations who are not offended by the Christ they profess to worship and to serve and to obey.  Let us pray there are millions who refuse to traduce the Christ they profess as God and Savior.

May churches like Washington Cathedral mercifully be restored to the foundational doctrines of the faith it and the denomination it represents once believed.

Fay Voshell holds a M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary.  Her thoughts have appeared in many online magazines.  She is a regular contributor to American Thinker.  She may be reached at

<p><em>Image: woodleywonderworks via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY 2.0</a>.</em></p>

Image: woodleywonderworks via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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