Illegal Immigration Is Killing Small Towns

Dementia Joe’s disastrous presidency can’t end soon enough.  While he’s busy offering clemency to child rapists and murderers (and teasing the prospect of pardons for the lawfare tyrants who tormented his political adversaries these miserable last four years), his chief operating officer handling the Democrats’ suicidal open borders policy — Department of Homeland (in)Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — is preoccupied with shielding a million more foreign nationals from future deportation.  This extra protection for Venezuelans, El Salvadorans, Ukrainians, and Sudanese is in addition, of course, to the lawless Biden regime’s ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and abet international drug smugglers, sex slavers, and black market crime syndicates by resettling millions of illegal aliens (cartel “cargo”) across the United States.  If the Biden White House really wants to insulate itself from the consequences of its own criminality, it will need to issue thousands of additional pardons for its closest friends (and America’s enemies) in the next few days.

Human trafficker Mayorkas has to be one of the most vile demons in a Democrat den brimming with evil spirits.  The DHS devil helped the Chinese Communist Party kill Americans with fentanyl and looked the other way as a half-million or more young children were imported as chattel and sexual playthings for the country’s most repugnant Hell-bound deviants.  Yet the execrable pedophile-enabler never missed an opportunity to stand before cameras with a fiendish smile and defame as “racists” those who object to his criminal depravity.  Mayorkas — who made America only less secure while being charged with an obligation to do the opposite (a default in duty common among the Biden regime’s “America Last” fifth column) — spent his time in office ensuring that Americans are more likely to be the victims of rape, murder, robbery, and other violence.

While the deadly repercussions of the Biden-Mayorkas open borders madness will haunt us for decades, there are countless heartbreaking stories that remain unreported due to the moral limitations of our cowering, censorship-prone, incurious press.  Sanctuary cities’ open invitations to and “free” handouts for foreign nationals are attractive nuisances that have drawn criminal illegal aliens from around the world, but those who follow Democrats’ siren song across our borders and into the homeland do not remain in Democrat-run cities.  

Often the same Democrat mayors who publicly encourage illegal border crossings with their pro-amnesty virtue-signaling on TV secretly conspire with the cartels’ most valuable employee, Mayorkas, to bus their human cargo to unsuspecting towns across the country.  The end result is that tens of thousands of communities that never voted to break federal laws or facilitate human trafficking have nonetheless become dumping grounds for Democrats’ cynical efforts to profit from human misery — not only by cashing checks from campaign donors with vested interests in illegal immigration but also by flooding reliably Republican precincts with enough mail-in-ballot-wielding foreigners to help Democrats rig and “win” elections.

While Democrats pocket cash and “votes” by aiding those who wish our country harm, little towns across America bear the brunt of that harm in untold ways.  It’s hard enough for large metropolitan police forces to handle the ever-changing landscape of transnational gang wars when Democrat politicians resettle competing criminal factions into already contested urban neighborhoods.  How are small towns and rural counties across America supposed to handle such complexities?  

When you’re policing an area twice the size of Manhattan with only a handful of law enforcement officers, violent criminal organizations almost always have the upper hand.  At least when the American frontier was pushing farther West, a sheriff knew the tribes and settlements in his immediate vicinity.  Today it is next to impossible to know which transnational network is up to no good at any given time.  Jurisdictions with relatively few resources are increasingly tasked with interdicting weapons, drugs, and other well-funded black market operations.  Biden-Mayorkas open borders have turned once-peaceful parts of the country into hunting grounds for vicious animals who do not worry about leaving a trail of dead bodies.  The Wild West is back, but multinational conglomerates finance all the outlaws obscenely well.

When immigrants from around the world arrive (legally or not) in an American city, someone working for the municipal government speaks their language.  More often than not, there is a local community with similar backgrounds who can assist them in adjusting to their new surroundings.  School programs and neighborhood associations help immigrants acclimate to American society.  When Biden and Mayorkas transport illegal immigrants across the country and drop them off in small towns without warning, the experience is jarring.

Little towns with little budgets don’t have the resources to handle immigrants who lack any connection to the local community.  They don’t have the teachers necessary to address language barriers.  Because Uniparty politicians have spent the last thirty years outsourcing their blue-collar jobs to the very nations from which so many immigrants are now fleeing, most small towns no longer have the industrial and manufacturing opportunities that would have once provided destitute immigrants places to work. 

Remember when politicians promised Americans that “free trade” deals would create so many new jobs overseas that illegal immigration into the United States would all but disappear?  That was another foreseeable lie from the gang of criminals running D.C.  Instead, we lost all the best dirty jobs here at home, endangered national security by sacrificing our industrial self-sufficiency, and find ourselves today with more illegal immigrants than we ever had previously.

After the federal government assists international cartels with their human smuggling operations by transporting illegal immigrants across the country, penniless foreigners find themselves deposited in towns whose locations they could never find on a map.  Nobody is around who speaks their language.  Nobody is around to help them navigate American culture.  No jobs are available to keep them busy.  These government-engineered crises are humanitarian disasters for the locals and the immigrants alike.  

Of course, if any local officials dare to point out these obvious problems, they are quickly added to the federal government’s “enemies list” and given extra scrutiny from Merrick Garland’s Department of (in)Justice and Chris Wray’s Gestapo FBI.  The Biden-Mayorkas crime syndicate relishes any opportunity to impose federal supervision over local government.

This federal attack on local self-determination is, in fact, the cruelest part of the Biden-Mayorkas regime’s lawless mass migration initiative.  American towns have traditionally reflected the gathering of likeminded settlers over the course of America’s brief history.  Most towns west of the Mississippi River have been around for only a century and a half or less.  Their origins might be traced to old forts or trading posts or railroad camps, but they became communities when some collection of early Americans decided to stop moving and settle down.  You can see this in how certain churches sit at each town’s center or how certain customs from various heritages are still enjoyed during town holidays.  Unlike anywhere else on the planet, people with similar worldviews and historic connections found in America a vast continent where they could build their own distinct communities.  

Both the Constitution and Americans’ shared culture embrace the freedom of all Americans to move from one community to the next until they find a natural home.  Yet the associated right of Americans to build towns that reflect their values and commitments has never been so under attack as it is today.  Democrats accuse towns of being too Christian, too middle class, or too white.  They put on their “central planner” hats and remake entire communities into the multicultural Utopias they prefer.  In the name of “diversity,” they destroy Americans’ self-determination.  Seeding illegal immigrants into thousands of small towns across the country is just another expedient way of erasing American history.  It must end.

<p><em>Image: woodleywonderworks via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY 2.0</a>.</em></p>

Image: woodleywonderworks via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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