Anticipating Populist Nationalism in Russia and China

At this moment, when we can hope that the era of our U.S. educated class has been consigned to the dustbin of history, it’s time to get nostalgic. Remember the WWII Vera Lynn song?

When the lefty hate is gone, all over the world
And the wokey drains are flushed, all over the world

Oh wait, I guess that's the Taylor Swift Era version.

And really, why not? It is high time that pretty songstresses should bring tears to our eyes singing heartfelt songs about the dawn of the glorious Age of MAGA.

But then I thought, what about Russia and China? They have suffered more than anyone from the unjust, genocidal rule of the European educated class that is now self-destructing, all over the world.

For instance, what kind of regime would have inherited Russia after the humiliation of World War I if the rising class of revolutionaries had never heard of central European Frankenstein Karl Marx? Whatever it was, it couldn’t have been worse than the horror show of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.

And what kind of regime would have inherited China after its Century of Humiliation? It could hardly have been worse than the Marxist Mao regime.

We European-inspired settler-colonialists should recognize that the central pollution of worldwide European imperialism was our educated-class ideology. And the biggest victim was China.

Back in the day, China had a sensible origin myth. There was this world-tree, a mulberry tree -- food for silkworms -- on which were stacked ten suns, one for each day of the Chinese week. Not good, because drought. So Yi the Archer came along and shot nine of the suns out of the tree. Drought problem solved.

But then came Buddhism, an import from India. Then came western capitalism, courtesy of the Macartney Mission in 1793. Then came Marxism, a virus from Europe that infected the naive mind of Mao. Then came the famine of the Great Leap Forward and the genocidal Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Hollywood could never have imagined a disaster movie to match that one-two punch.

The good news is that populist nationalism is probably already triumphing in Russia. After all,  back in 2021 philosopher Vladimir Putin gave us a scholarly narrative “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians.” What else was this but an honest effort to Make Russia Great Again?

But whatabout China? Can CCP General Secretary Xi seriously pretend to be the incarnation of China’s culture and history? He’s infected to the gills with the European Marxist virus. I think it is way past time for serious scholars in China to construct a fresh Narrative inspired by China’s unique culture and history and that rejects for all time the foreign ideologies that know nothing of the Chinese people’s unique contribution to the world.

Think of the day when the ordinary Chinese middle class has Made China Great Again and the ladies at the Bible study group in Crazy Rich Asians are singing

When the Overseas Chinese, all over the world
Tell the Party to get lost, all over the world

I am advised confidentially that the lyricist of that song prefers to remain anonymous.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill blogs at The Commoner Manifesto and runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

Image: PickPik

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