Why the Rabid Hatred?

A few days back we learned that letters containing murderous threats to homes with overt displays of Trump support such as Trump signs on their front lawns. The psychopathic sender even threatened to shoot the Trump supporter's cat.

We now have another instance of psychopathic behavior directed at Trump supporters. (Warning: The clip does contain foul language.)

Here, a woman walks up to the front door of the Trump supporter, and accuses them of "voting for the devil." She demands an answer for their reasons for supporting Trump.

The lady indoors responds that Trump is the moral candidate, and this causes the woman to almost explode with rage. The deranged woman brands Trump as "the most immoral person around" and spews profanities.

"That’s how your side acts,” the lady indoors responds, adding that her verbal assailant's claim was subjective.

The woman eventually lost patience and departed the porch, and her obscenities continued.

Finally, the lady indoors wished her verbal attacker a nice day and even said “God bless you!” As expected, the response was rage and obscenities.

Hate and anger cause people to lose perspective and not comprehend irony.

The irate woman was calling Trump "immoral" while engaging in immoral behavior herself. She verbally attacked another individual with expletives merely for a political disagreement. She didn't care that young children or ailing or elderly individuals might have been at home and could have been harmed by her verbal violence, obscenities, and hate speech.

It is also important to focus on the Trump-supporting lady indoors. Given the situation, she displayed remarkable calmness and restraint. She deserves admiration and applause. Despite the hate she received, she was neither angry nor intimidated. She stood her ground and even showed respect to her verbal assailant.

The Democrats and their propaganda wing masquerading as the news media have two narratives about Trump supporters. Sometimes, they claim Trump supporters are such ignoramuses that the Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lago is leading them to their doom but they don't realize it. On other occasions, they claim Trump supporters are driven by rage and bigotry, and Donald the despot gives them a platform that emboldens their rage.

Their sanctimony leads them to think that all the virtues, empathy, and open-mindedness is on their side.

The clip once again proves what we always knew, they are accusing their opponents of what they are guilty of.

Back to the raging woman.

There are multiple possible explanations for her behavior.

Perhaps it is overconsumption of the propaganda peddled by MSNBC, CNN, NYT, and WaPo. One would assume she is old enough to not be brainwashed by propaganda. But age is no guarantee of wisdom.

Perhaps the woman was irrevocably radicalized in her youth by 'Weather Underground' kind of radical far-left Marxist militant outfits. But that is unlikely, because nature of her attack seemed personal and not political.

Another possible clue about the raging woman is revealed when the lady indoors asks her if she is "Are you the one that walks by here and is always screaming at people?” 

Most people would deny screaming at others, but in an unintentionally hilarious response, the infuriated woman merely denies walking by recently. Perhaps a woman is a habitual offender. 

The individual who posted the clip on X called it Trump Derangement Syndrome, aka TDS.

TDS implies that President Trump has made monsters out of saints. It also implies that in the absence of Trump in politics, individuals such as this ranting woman would have dedicated their lives to serving humanity.

So is this a valid explanation? We dig a bit deeper to investigate

We place Alec Baldwin, who is supposed to suffer from TDS, under the microscope and examine his record before Trump entered politics.

In October 1995, Baldwin allegedly assaulted a photographer for making a video of his ex-wife Kim Basinger with their infant daughter.

Back in 2007, Baldwin left a nasty voice message for his 11-year-old daughter. Baldwin branded her "thoughtless pig."

In 2011, Baldwin was evicted from a flight after he refused to turn off his smartphone which is expected of all passengers since mobile device transmissions interfere with the aircraft's communication. Baldwin verbally insulted the flight attendant who was merely doing her job by reminding Baldwin of the flight rules.

In 2013, Baldwin became violent with a paparazzi in New York City and allegedly used homophobic slurs. On another occasion with another photographer, he allegedly used racist language.

In 2019, Baldwin pleaded guilty to a harassment dispute over a parking space.

In October 2021, Baldwin fatally shot Halyna Hutchins, the cinematographer of his film Rust. Then, in a TV interview, Baldwin refused to accept responsibility for his actions and even attempted to portray himself as the victim.

When Hutchins’ widower filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Baldwin, Baldwin implied the widower was looking to extract money from him.

It's plain as a pikestaff, Baldwin is a man with serious anger issues, to say the least. In Trump, he found an excuse and a reason to claim his rage was moral indignation.

This is the case with most of these Trump haters. There is no logic or reason for their insanity -- they are just looking for an excuse to behave abominably.

However, there is also another category of individuals whose rage against Trump has a reason.

These are establishment figures or swamp dwellers who see Trump as a threat to their monopoly. These are the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, etc. They fear Trump could dismantle the self-serving, self-preserving D.C. Democrat establishment that has enabled them to acquire power and wealth. Trump's defiance also enrages them.

Most people aspiring for power are desperate for approval from the establishment. They also fear reprisals or attacks from the establishment and their proxies and with good reason. We remember how Biden was ruthlessly dethroned by the establishment. 

Trump, on the other hand, was elected in 2016, despite challenging the establishment. 

Despite being persecuted on many fronts, Trump continues have public support. He is personally unaffected and even mocks them unsparingly and relentlessly. He is likely to be re-elected in November.

This causes further hatred.

A common enemy, i.e. President Trump, has caused the baseless haters and the establishment haters to join hands.

Quite often, experts and even Trump supporters such as Laura Ingraham claim that someone with Trump’s policies, but without Trump personality and 'baggage' will be preferable. They assert that this mythical individual wouldn't receive such hate from the media, the establishment and loons such as the ranting woman.

Ingraham and others must understand it's not Trump's 'baggage' or personality but his principled defiance and policies that causes hatred from the establishment. 

In fact, the relentless hate from the establishment is proof that Trump is the perfect candidate for the Presidency.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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