Nobody Fights for a World Economic Forum Flag

One of the peculiar things about our stark civil divide is that Americans who are extremely unhappy with the direction of our country are more likely to wave the U.S. flag than those actually steering the country on its current course.  Consider how strange that is!  When the civil rights movement and anti-war protests reached their peak over half a century ago, hippies, peaceniks, revolutionaries, agitators, and anarchists burned the American flag whenever they got the chance.  They bought in to the revisionist narratives of Marxist historians, who taught an entire generation of young people that America is an evil, imperialist, exploitative, genocidal, fascist, slaveholding nation that can never be redeemed.  

These students, in turn, grew up to become the current custodians of the federal government.  One of Barack Obama’s first initiatives as president was to undertake an “apology tour” around the world so that he could rub salt in old wounds and provide America’s enemies with planeloads of rhetorical ammunition (and pallets of cash).  In deriding President Trump’s MAGA movement, Joe Biden has repeatedly insisted that America was never that great and never lived up to its promise.  Globalist mosquito John Kerry flies around the world to praise the virtues of one-world government and bemoan America’s stubborn constitutional safeguards for individual rights such as free speech.  Having bought in to the gospel of Howard Zinn, those who hold the reins of power in Washington, D.C. are some of the most anti-American zealots on the planet!

That contradiction has produced this odd historical moment, in which people who largely dislike America run the U.S. government and people who love America largely despise the U.S. government.  If you travel through patriotic regions of the country filled with Americans who either served in the armed forces or have family members who currently do, you will find U.S. flags flying from almost every home.  Not only is Old Glory ubiquitous in neighborhoods, cemeteries, and town halls, but also other patriotic flags — including the Gadsden and Bunker Hill flags — are draped prominently from porches, barns, storefronts, and trucks.

Once you head to a coastal city, however, not only does the sea of patriotism abruptly disappear, but also out-of-town visitors are much more likely to discover newspaper editorials arguing for perplexing things — such as the idea that it is “racist” for schoolkids to dress in Americana clothing or that it is psychologically “triggering” for unsuspecting bystanders to be “accosted” by images of the U.S. flag.  When townsfolk visit big cities, the strain of anti-Americanism is downright jolting.

There are questions that hover over the United States today, much like toxic plumes in windless skies.  Are the divisions in our country too great for the Union to overcome?  Can the federation of fifty states persevere while prominent politicians call for an end to the Electoral College (an essential constitutional check against the power of big, wealthy states) and the further diminishment of the states’ sovereign authority?  Can we talk about an “American nation” united by common principles and shared history when the foreign-born population has steadily risen to over fifty million residents today?  Are we still bound together by a love for freedom and a commitment to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or has Marxist-socialism’s takeover of America’s educational institutions combined with a half-century of immigration from communist nations created a majority who wholly reject the structure and character of the American Republic as founded?  These are questions that weigh heavily on Americans’ minds as they increasingly see those within driving distance not as neighbors, but rather as strangers from indecipherable cultures.

Equally befuddling is the sermonizing from globetrotting internationalists such as John Kerry, Al Gore, and Bill Gates, who not only disregard the sovereign powers of the individual American states and the individual rights of American citizens, but also reject the national sovereignty of the United States.  Kerry, Gore, and Gates are just a few members of a wealthy and politically powerful cabal of quasi-stateless emissaries who demonstrate no affection for or allegiance to America or Americans.  

They show up as VIP speakers at conferences sponsored by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization, and they advocate for global policies that are harmful to citizens of the United States.  They believe in open borders and mass migration.  They believe that mandatory “vaccination” and other forced medical procedures should be performed without first obtaining a patient’s informed consent.  They believe in banning private farms and commandeering the food supply.  They believe in using the promises of income assistance, “free” health care, public housing, and other expansive welfare entitlements as bait to entice foreign nationals to undertake perilous journeys on their way to illegally entering the U.S.  

They believe that central banks and international economic bodies should strictly regulate domestic markets and that international agreements should supersede U.S. law.  They believe that human beings should be tracked and traced either through physically embedded computer chips under their skin or through “vaccination” or “carbon consumption” passports mandated for travel, commerce, and online communication.  They believe that protections for free speech (such as the First Amendment) are “dangerous” because they permit common people to challenge and reject official narratives.  They believe that the right to self-defense (and its constitutional guarantee in the Second Amendment) is “dangerous” because it prevents the State from maintaining an uncontested monopoly over coercive violence.  

They believe that corporations and governments should be permitted to spy on citizens with impunity.  They believe that humans have no moral expectation of privacy with regard to even the most intimate details of their lives.  They believe in the unilateral rule-making of bureaucrats, the absolute authority of government officials, and the tyranny of “expertise.”  They believe that private property is a luxury that should be reserved for the privileged few.  They believe in social credit scores, digital IDs, central bank digital currencies, and “nudge” units tasked with manipulating public behavior.  They believe that parents should be imprisoned for refusing to allow “transgender” enthusiasts to butcher and castrate their children.  They believe that all children belong to the State.

They believe in the reimposition of a feudal system in which a small number of global elites own everything and everyone else subsists as a serf.  They believe in gun confiscation.  They believe in censorship.  They believe in depopulation.  They believe that personal freedom must be extinguished for the “common good.”  They believe that A.I. supercomputers should be revered as gods.

In deed and creed, the people who wish to rule over us are unapologetically hostile to everything it means to be an American.  It is no wonder, then, why those who run the U.S. government wave the American flag only when they must.  To them, the Stars and Stripes hold no meaning and serve no purpose other than to cater to outmoded beliefs and antiquated sentiments.  When secure from prying ears, they might even mock Old Glory as nothing more than a dreadful relic of “white supremacy.”  

They would be wrong, of course.  I have never seen a soldier charge headfirst into battle with a World Economic Forum patch on his arm.  I have never seen a child save a tattered United Nations flag in the aftermath of a storm.  I have never seen a firefighter, police officer, or war-fighter drape a casket with flags from the World Health Organization, the International Monetary Fund, or the World Bank.  I have never seen a hero pray to a computer for salvation.

It seems to me that the globalists who run the U.S. government want to build a future without God, patriotism, or even countries.  Good luck finding anyone willing to fight and die for that.

<p><em>Image: Tom Hilton via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Tom Hilton via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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