‘Excellent’ Health Verdict Makes Things Worse for Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris’s campaign is flailing such that even the mainstream media can’t disguise her struggles.

Even her boss seems to have little confidence. 

Joe Biden allegedly told Obama that “she” is “not as strong as me” — with Obama agreeing, “That’s true.”  If a man who is non compos mentis thinks you are incapable, you are really in trouble.

In a desperate attempt to change the subject, Harris released her medical report, which concludes that she is in “excellent” health and possesses “the physical and mental resiliency required to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.”

The goal was to compel President Trump to release his records.

Her social media team released a heavily edited video to give the impression that Trump was “lost, confused, and frozen” during a recent public appearanc

But falsehood was so blatant that it was exposed.

The topic has changed.  Nobody is talking about Kamala’s health, but instead about her disastrous interview on Fox News.

But there are serious questions to be asked, since Kamala is truly in “excellent health.”

Let’s revisit her record.

Her first assignment was border czar.  She showed considerable reluctance to do the job, refusing to visit the border, which should have been the first action. 

Months of intense criticism from both parties and a visit by President Trump shamed her to visit the border, but it was too late.

In an incongruous move, she traveled to Guatemala and Mexico, where she engaged in theoretical exercises to comprehend the “root causes” of illegal immigration.

But since she is a Democrat, nobody mentions this monumental failure of hers, she was allowed to surreptitiously slip away and evade all responsibility for her failure.  Some media outlets are denying that it was ever assigned.

But that was merely the beginning of her troubles.

Next came Biden’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

In international forums, Harris struggled to answer fundamental questions about the Afghanistan mess.  She nervously giggled in response to questions.  It was so bad that her team prevented her from taking questions.

It led a BBC correspondent to say  she made America appear like an “incompetent, uncaring, and unreliable” ally.

She continued to embarrass the U.S. on a global stage.

During her visit to the Korean Peninsula’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), Kamala confused North Korea for South Korea.

When the war in Ukraine began, Harris was dispatched to Europe, presumably to boost NATO.

During a presser with the Polish Premier in Warsaw, Harris giggled boisterously in response to a question on the U.S.’s commitment toward Ukrainian refugees.

In a social post that was immediately deleted, Harris claimed:

When I was in Poland, I met with U.S. and Polish service members, thanking them for standing with our NATO allies for freedom, peace, and security. The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.

Experts call this irresponsible because NATO expansionism was the very reason Putin invaded Ukraine.

These failures caused her to be relegated to the peripheries of the Biden administration.  It is undesirable to be deemed incapable by those known for their incapabilities.  But Harris earned this ignominious distinction.

Her function was standing and smiling as Biden struggled to read from his teleprompter.

Her other function was to deliver the talk at occasional local events.  But even that was too demanding for her.

Her worst moment was following a shooting at a July 4 parade in Illinois in 2022.  She was, as always, unprepared, and she could hardly form a sentence.  It showed her to be insensitive and uncaring.

There were several other struggles in various forums.

She couldn’t muster coherence about the “clean energy economy.”

She struggled to explain space travel to an audience that included NASA astronauts Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken.

She floundered explaining the benefits of transportation.

Her utterances were often indecipherable.

Such was her lack of preparedness that she blundered during interviews in friendly forums about basic issues.

Some remarked that she often sounded like a ten-year-old.  But she even struggled while talking with 10-year-olds.

One would have thought she would have at least focused on her utterances, because voters often conflate utterances with actions.

Elected representatives place so much importance on public hearings or television interviews because one “viral” moment can either make or break their fortunes.  In this age of social media, mistakes are played repeatedly until they define the individual.

Being vice president, Harris must have had the best domain experts and communication specialists.  Most individuals would eagerly use such facilities and strive to better themselves and improve their career prospects.

The least she could do was read prepared remarks.  In the absence of a teleprompter, she could carry notes.  It’s better to sound dreary and unmemorable than foolish and unintentionally hilarious.

But instead, Kamala resorts to impromptu speaking and consistently drowns in a word salad.

So what is the verdict of her overall record as the vice president?

It is an unmitigated disaster.

What blackens the darkness is that these are the actions of “excellent” health. 

Some inferences can be drawn about Kamala as a person.

Her record and her utterances make her apathy and indifference toward her job amply evident.  There is no passion, drive, or ambition.  She’d rather wing it and hope rewards are served on a platter. 

She cannot be blamed for this expectation.  In 2020, she became the vice president despite not winning a single state in the primary.  In 2024, she became the party nominee, despite her poor record and not winning a single primary vote. 

She most likely has an inflated opinion of herself and thinks she deserves these prestigious positions.

She probably is a narcissist who assumes that every syllable she utters is devoid of flaws and that every action she takes is a gift to humanity. 

This is why she doesn’t think she needs to strive to improve herself. 

Able and secure leaders surround themselves with blunt truth-tellers.  If not advisers, there are well-wishers among friends and relatives who tell the bitter truth so remedial action can be taken.

In Kamala’s case, it appears that only sycophants are allowed, causing her to be ruined by praise instead of being saved by factual criticism. 

Her lackeys probably lavish blandishments on her and slam her critics as sexist and racist, and hence Kamala’s delusions continue.

We must acknowledge another possibility.  Maybe she’s hardworking but so lacking in talent that this is the best she can do.

It is indisputable that Kamala Harris is either exceedingly incapable or incurious, arrogant, complacent, delusional, and lazy.

This makes her thoroughly undeserving of being anywhere close to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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