2024: Voting by Facts, Not Feelings

Today, the American people are deciding on the best choice for the president of the United States for the next four years, so it is vital to distinguish between facts and fiction and emotions versus the truth.

With a constant bombardment of propaganda, perception can become one’s reality.  Still, the only reality is reality, and perception can be whatever becomes accepted in the human mind because of exposure to faulty data.

Knowing that a fundamental responsibility for any American president is the safety and economic stability of the American people, the corporate propaganda media have not challenged Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris for her handling of the southern border or the economy for the last four years.

So what were Kamala Harris’s economic and border security achievements for the past four years, and how do her numbers stack up when placed alongside the four years under President Donald Trump?

When Harris and Biden stepped into office in 2021, they inherited Trump’s 1.4% inflation rate.  They quickly exploded the overall inflation rate to 19.75 by passing the American Rescue Plan Act.  Then, in August 2022, the Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act because of Kamala’s tie-breaking vote.  That act authorized $891 billion in additional spending, massively increasing inflation.

Harris’s philosophy of restricting gas and oil production had a substantial detrimental effect on American consumers.  The national average cost of gasoline under Kamala rose 47%.  Americans paid $2.28 per gallon under Trump, but that same gallon would cost $3.35 today. Under Kamala, filling up a 20-gallon gas tank would cost Americans $67; under Trump, it would cost only $45.60, or $21.40 less.

The increase in fuel costs put incredible hardships on truckers who ship various goods across the country.  The unnecessary increase had a catastrophic domino effect.  Groceries became more expensive by 20%, electricity went up 28%, and rent went up 21%.  Nearly everything Americans purchased became far more costly. 

The numbers tell the real story, so as far as people’s pocketbooks are concerned, based on the economic facts, Americans enjoyed much more spending power and consumer freedom under Trump.

Looking at the illegal immigration crises, the positions of the two candidates could not be more different.  Kamala has historically supported sanctuary cities and an open southern border.  When in power, she immediately stopped the construction of Trump’s border wall and ended Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy.  Harris categorized the wall as being “racist, medieval, anti-immigrant, Trump’s vanity project, and a waste of taxpayer money.”

Her goal has always been to decriminalize illegal crossings.  She stated, “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”  At the same time, President Trump has consistently labeled those crossing the southern border illegally as illegal aliens who are committing a crime when they enter the country.

Harris also wants to dismantle Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), stating in an MSNBC interview, “I think there’s no question that we’ve got to critically re-examine ICE and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing ... and we need to probably think about starting from scratch.”

Along with already giving free housing, food, and education to illegal aliens, Harris has also vowed to provide them free health care, which would crush the American taxpayer.

Border encounters under Harris were 8.3 million, which included 13,099 convicted of murder and 15,811 convicted of rape and sexual assault — an increase of 241% compared to encounters under Trump.

The number-one tragedy of Kamala’s open border policy is human suffering, including the heinous murders of innocent Americans like Rachel Morin, Laken Riley, and Jocelyn Nungaray.  Kamala also lost track of 320,000 migrant children, who experts say are now either dead or captive in the sex trade.

According to a August 2024 article by the Heritage Foundation, “Between October 2022 and April 2023 — Customs and Border Protection seized more than 17,000 pounds of fentanyl at the southern border, enough to kill every single American 14 times over[.] ... Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 49.”

With the election right around the corner, President Trump and millions of Americans now see Kamala Harris taking credit for a wall she detested for many years.  She now takes promotional photos in front of sections of the wall built by Trump and says she will start building a wall when elected.

Again, the numbers tell the real story, so as far as border security is concerned, under Trump, the American people were safer and the border more secure as the number of illegal alien crossings hit a historic 45-year low, whereas under Harris, the number of illegal border crossings hit historic highs with the fallout being higher crime rates and the senseless rapes and deaths of Americans.

Americans don’t need to imagine what a presidency under Trump will look like because precise data reveals his four years in office.

And Americans don’t need to speculate what a presidency under Harris would be like, since Harris stated that there is nothing she would have changed regarding policies during President Biden’s presidency.  Hence, Americans can expect at least 10 to 20 million more illegal aliens crossing over the border, receiving free benefits at taxpayer expense.  Four hundred thousand more American deaths due to Fentanyl overdoses. Higher crime rates, including rape and murder, and higher food and gas prices, with young, hardworking Americans unable to afford a home.

Putting feelings aside, Trump had a significantly more robust economy and a more vigorous and secure southern border.  Americans had more spending money and were safer under Trump.  Whether Americans will vote with their heads based on the numbers or their emotions while discounting what the realities are remains the question.

<p><em>Image: cagdesign via <a href="https://pixabay.com/photos/vote-vote-here-vote-sign-5333477/">Pixabay</a>, <a href="https://pixabay.com/service/terms/#license">Pixabay License</a>.</em></p>

Image: cagdesign via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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