Hell Hath No Fury Like A Voter Scorned

All is not as it seems in America, and after the presidential debate, millions of voters must wonder if they have been living in the Bizarro World.  It turns out that the media colluded with the Biden team to create a fictional Joe Biden who has never existed.  The real Joe Biden is too mentally compromised to hold office. DC is more of a Potemkin Village and the White House a hall of mirrors than the seat of government. 

Even worse, the Biden administration and campaign, the DNC, and the mainstream media have all emerged as con artists whose marks have been the American people. The American future depends on voters coming to grips with the reality that they have been had by their president and the media and must fight against a rabid leftwing that, cornered, will do anything to regain power and control over the masses.  

The simple truth about the presidential debate is that Trump had a good night and did well, while Biden had an awful night and did horribly. Neither the mainstream media nor a White House spokesperson could mask his abysmal performance. Biden’s failure was in full view for all the world to see for 90 live, uninterrupted, unedited minutes. Yes, the emperor is as naked as the day he was born.

Image by Andrea Widburg using AI.

But the debate turned out to be about much more. It revealed the Democrat-Media Complex’s well-kept secrets, the kind that can plummet a constitutional republic into blinding darkness, that conservatives have been screaming about for decades, and that led to the rise of MAGA politics and Donald Trump.

We knew before the debate that Biden’s dementia would be apparent, but how much we couldn’t predict. We knew at the debate’s conclusion that Trump trounced Biden, whose infirmities were on full display.

When the Democrat-Media Complex had a nervous breakdown post-debate, it became increasingly clear that the substance of Trump’s responses was less of an issue than the fact that Biden and the press were incontrovertibly in cahoots, fully exposed, and now boxed in. They couldn’t cover things up as lies, cheap fakes, or Republican wishful thinking. They couldn’t attribute Biden’s poor performance to fatigue, over-preparation, or a bad cold.

It wasn’t just that Biden flopped or was exposed as frail and demented. Instead, the public learned that the Democrat-Media Complex had systematically lied about Biden beginning in 2020. And, while no one can guarantee how people will vote in November, hell hath no fury like a voter scorned. Moving forward, voters will doubt what they see on the news and what they hear from anyone associated with the White House, the DNC, and the leftwing punditry.

Democrat and Independent voters will begin second-guessing everything they believed from the past and anything they are told today and promised tomorrow. They’ll reconsider some of Biden’s behavior and comments that they dismissed when he ran in 2020; they’ll take a second look at the videos they were told were cheap fakes; and they’ll even rethink some of the propaganda about Trump being a serial liar, cheater, dictator, and traitor who destroyed democracy.

Voters will step out of their comfort zones and start reading articles and books by palatable Democrats who have been skeptics, e.g., Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, Alan Dershowitz, and Jonathan Turley. Reading fellow travelers who saw the light, they’ll feel empowered to dig deeper, perhaps revisiting January 6th. They might actually listen to Trump’s speech or learn that Trump offered the National Guard and Pelosi turned him down. They might discover that the only casualty that day was white Ashli Babbitt, who did nothing to justify being shot by black Capitol officer Michael Byrd.

Once they reorient their worldview to encompass facts, not narrative, they might understand that Trump is the victim of Democrat lawfare.

This is how the sweater begins to unravel.

Voters who traditionally haven’t been paying attention and accept Democrat-Media Complex talking points as gospel will slowly inch over toward conservatives and Republicans. Others will come to that realization almost convulsively. As many who made the Democrat-to-conservative journey know—either because we grew up and matured or saw the duplicity during the Clinton years or feared the Marxist transformation promised by Obama-Biden—the engaged public cannot unsee what they saw during that debate.

And now that the emperor is exposed as full-on naked and his sycophants as complicit in that charade, the trust is irreversibly breached.

As if emerging into daylight after years in the dark, these voters can finally see with clear eyes the years of cover-up and will understand that Democrats have manipulated and controlled the masses. They will continue to do so to ensure we fall in line without their actually having to hold a gun to our heads or put us in gulags.

This doesn’t guarantee Trump’s success on November 5th. We have a lifetime in political years to go and must tread carefully.

Republicans must stop calling for Biden’s removal and replacement—that’s a Democrat issue. For some bizarre reason, Biden’s handlers think they must continue to spread the “myth of Biden” by having him give speeches, address poorly attended rallies, and do major interviews—all of which have been a disaster.

That is a gift horse. Do not look it in the mouth! For each week that Biden remains in the race, voters remain disillusioned and Republicans benefit. Every interview, presser, rally or speech he fouls up reinforces the lies, betrayals, and cover-ups. If the Democrats oust him, sure, we’ll have to adjust but for now, forcing his replacement will result in a more appealing candidate who will give doubting Democrat voters a reason to vote Democrat. Our focus should be on attacking Biden’s record and ability to hold office, while shoring up House and Senate races.

As for the Democrats? Let the mayhem reign. Let there be chaos at the convention. Let it be the Democrats who are split for once.

However, never underestimate the ability of Republicans to F things up.

The Democrat-Media Complex’s duplicity revealed that our media is an arm of a political party and, when that party is in power, an arm of the government. That portends nothing good and requires more finger-pointing. Republicans must erase this government-media umbilical cord, and they’re doing so against a maddened animal fighting for its life.

Now that the public has (we hope) been forced out of its somnambulant political state to confront and reject the evils of a press and party it once trusted, the media have lost their raison d’etre. That’s why they’re scrambling like ants in a colony that has just been kicked.

In the past, the media could handle losing an isolated election if they maintained a hold over the public. Now, they not only stand to lose the presidency but, more consequentially, they may have lost control over disseminating information and manipulating the public—propaganda, if you will—threatening their fundamental Marxist transformation of America.

While Hell hath no fury like a voter scorned, memory is short-lived in today’s political climate. With four months to go, Biden and the corrupt press must remain in the limelight as a constant reminder to voters that they’ve been betrayed, manipulated, and mistreated and that the only cure is MAGA.

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