ECCE HOMO—The Transformation of Donald Trump

Pontius Pilate’s statementEcce Homo or “Behold the Man” (Vulgate John 19:5)—as he released Jesus to the political forces of the Sanhedrin to be executed, echoes strongly, for it was a negative event that led to the positive path of salvation for mankind. America has just had its own Ecce Homo moment, which I believe will be a transformative moment for our country and its path of salvation from the vile iniquity being imposed by evil forces desiring total control over us.

Donald Trump is that man. But not for the reasons you may think. First, a positioning statement:

In my speaking engagements, the talk that generates the most reaction is titled God’s Hand on America. In it, I explore the question of whether America is special in God’s eyes and whether He has had and continues to have His hand on us as our nation formed and grew. More importantly, if it does exist, is that hand of protection being lifted due to America’s serious and rapidly accelerating falling away from God’s moral and societal laws?

I visit several examples of “miracles” or coincidences that, taken separately, can be seen as luck or chance. But when viewed in a bigger picture, it begs the question of just how many lucky breaks in a series are lucky breaks or if there is a causal agent. One answer points to God; another puts it in a dress and calls it “Lady Luck.”

Image: Donald Trump (cropped). YouTube screen grab.

The examples I use are from key battles in WWII (e.g., Midway, the pivotal victory full of the befuddlement of enemy leadership that shortened the war) and, especially, the American Revolution, which birthed our nation. Those miraculous moments included localized weather such as dense fogs (Brooklyn Heights), heavy rains that turned roads to muck and bogged down the British Army (Saratoga), changing winds that either becalmed the British fleet or blew them in the wrong direction at key times (Brooklyn Heights, Yorktown), and rivers rising after escaping Americans had crossed (Cowpens). Had the Americans lost just one of these battles, it would have meant defeat for the Patriots, ending the Revolution that formed an independent America.

America is so far gone that it’s doubtful that it can be saved just by those of us who are fighting today’s legions of dark influence. We know from events in the Revolutionary War that losing just one key battle can plunge a nation and a people into darkness. We see and understand the true evil that lives under the Marxist influence that came to America in 1934 when The Frankfurt School, having escaped from the Nazi Holocaust, relocated to Columbia University.

The Marxists have since taken over our systems of education, media, and the deep administrative state and filled them with the good soldiers of the revolution. The damage they have done for 90 years and continue to do to our society and children is not humanly reversible unless a God-led leader steps up.

Many of us have been calling for a third (or fourth, depending on how you count them) Great Awakening. We have seen some steps in that direction. The most promising was the spontaneous prayer service in 2023 at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, but it has yet to find its spark. Bible fans and scholars know about the presence of Satan’s evil via his princes of the world (Daniel 10:12-13), so our current woes are not a mystery to us. In fact, the miraculous deflected shot at Trump is seen by some as just that—Satan’s minions took a shot, God’s hand delivered. 

But a religious Great Awakening by itself cannot fix our secular society. What we need is a Great Social and Cultural Awakening that will snap the mind-numbed progressive/socialist myrmidons out of their stupor and adjust their ways. It would also energize patriots to see there is a winning plan.

And that is what just happened.

We’ve watched while Donald Trump has slowly climbed the polls, both because of his message and the overwhelming failures of every leftist idea the Biden administration implemented. The scales are starting to fall from the eyes of formerly loyal Democratic voters, especially minorities.

Then there was July 13, 2024. And everything changed.

The old Donald Trump died that day.

And he knows it. When he walked into the RNC on Monday night, you could see it in his face. He is a changed man. The old Trump does not exist anymore. He is walking in the newness of life.

Am I comparing him to Jesus? Absolutely not! Anyone who makes that comparison makes a grave, possibly blasphemous error. I am comparing him to many other leaders that God has used throughout history, from Moses to Joshua to Saul, David, and Solomon. All are flawed human beings God used to implement His plans for this world. Donald Trump is in that panoply of heroes.

Using a sports metaphor, President Trump is living in overtime. This means that every day he awakes is one more overtime day he has been granted. No one except God knows how long that O/T will last, but we can hope for 20 or more years.

Before July 13, Trump’s campaign had a breeze at its back that helped push hm forward. His surviving an attempt on his life changed that breeze into a sirocco that is driving his ship forward. It has energized his base, has caused additional interest from independents, and has electrified the movement in a way that campaign spending could never do. In contrast, the Democrat campaign feels like warm mud, even with the news of Biden dropping out.

My advice to Trump is this: Mr. Trump, you have been selected and positioned by God to be the leader of this cultural, societal, and governmental reformation, and now you have been given the power and public support to attain the solution. Through you, God will accomplish His goals. Please do not forget that. In addition to privately expressing your gratitude to Him daily, listen to His guidance. He’s got this, and He’s given you the skills and background to execute His plan.

I still see “God’s Hand on America” for us all. This is just the latest chapter in that plan.

And that should be our source of comfort no matter what happens.

Lewis Dovland is a passionate observer of America’s future direction with a focus on exposing the “Big Picture” end goals of the progressive Marxist movement and how we can prevail. Email at

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