Biden’s Blackmail

The ongoing soap opera that is the 2024 presidential election has now entered its “will he or won’t he” phase. Rampant speculation about Biden dropping out of the race, or resigning the presidency, or continuing to run as the Democrat nominee, is now dominating the news cycles. However, Biden’s final decision will be based not on headlines or breathless leaks but on what the family perceives as an adequate quid pro quo and the timing of pre-emptive pardons for himself and virtually his entire family.

After the debacle that was Biden’s performance in the June 27, 2024 debate, it became obvious to the Democrat Party hierarchy and their sycophants in the legacy media that what they already knew and were willingly obfuscating for five years could no longer be papered over. Thus, during the upcoming weeks, the American people will be regaled with a torrent of leaks and innuendos about Biden’s health issues.

The pressure to either force Biden to resign or renounce his candidacy is accelerating as the Democrats have become increasingly fearful of losing the presidency to their implacable foe, Donald Trump. But how are they going to deal with Biden, Inc. (Joe, Jill, James Biden, and the newest permanent resident of the White House -- Hunter Biden)?

By foisting Joe Biden on America, the Democrat’s “best and brightest” granted a reprobate the ultimate upper hand in this election cycle: the threat to use the president’s unlimited power to grant pre-emptive pardons to himself and whomever he chooses.

With the increasing probability of Donald Trump winning the presidency, the necessity of pre-emptive pardons increases exponentially as the specter of justifiable future retribution for the unleashing of egregious and unconstitutional lawfare against not only Trump, but average Americans, hangs heavily over the current occupants of the White House.

The Republican House’s ongoing revelations of potential criminality by Joe; his brother James, Hunter, and numerous other family members, would serve as the basis for countless criminal and civil complaints against Joe and virtually the entire family. Additionally, per the recent Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, Joe could also be held liable for “unofficial” acts during his presidency. At a minimum, the legal fees associated with innumerable criminal, or civil filings would impoverish Joe and his entire family.

In what will be the most egregious travesty of justice in American history, Joe Biden, in order to protect himself and his family will inevitably issue numerous pre-emptive pardons during the waning months of his presidency. The most important of which will be a self-pardon.

Much has been discussed and written about a president’s power to pardon himself. Some constitutional scholars claim a president can issue a self-pardon as the matter was not directly addressed by the Constitutional Convention. Consequently, as there are no constraints defined in the Constitution itself that says he cannot do it, he therefore could. However, other constitutional scholars claim a president does not have the power of self-pardon.

In any event, while self-pardons are an issue that could end up before the Supreme Court, it would not prevent Joe Biden from pre-emptively pardoning himself for virtually everything as it would take years into his post-presidency to challenge and potentially reverse.

This power to pardon also serves as a potential extortion tool for an unscrupulous and devious cabal such as Biden, Inc. Based on their fifty-year history of financial manipulation, influence-peddling, and fraud, they would not hesitate to effectively blackmail the Democrat Party elites.

Therefore, if the Democrat donors and the party hierarchy attempt to utilize the Twenty-Fifth Amendment or demand Joe resign before election day, the Bidens will threaten to issue pre-emptive pardons, including a self-pardon for Joe, before his resignation. Thus, precipitating a massive amount of backlash against the party and all its candidates. Almost certainly guaranteeing a Trump and Republican landslide.

If the Democrat cabal insists that he drop out of the race but remain as president, the Bidens will demand a substantial quid pro quo (be it money or other considerations directed not to Joe but the rest of the Biden family) in order to exit the campaign and defer issuing the pre-emptive pardons until after election day. However, he would maintain the upper hand by the mere implied threat of granting pardons anytime in the next four months before the election.

If Joe Biden stays in the race it will be because Biden, Inc. could not reach a satisfactory agreement with the Democrat Party elites. If Joe chooses to drop out of the race, it will be because the Biden crime family reached a very lucrative settlement with the Democrat Party elites.

The Democrats and the legacy media brought this scenario on themselves by exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to unconstitutionally manipulate state voting laws, expand and abuse mail-in voting, and orchestrate unfettered ballot harvesting in order to place in office the most incompetent, duplicitous, corrupt, and bribable president in American history.

They cannot feign ignorance, as virtually every Washington insider knew Biden was, at a minimum, suffering from early-onset dementia as well as being aware that he has been an unprincipled and avaricious buffoon since his early days in the Senate.

Finding a new candidate to replace Joe Biden is the easy part. Getting him to resign or drop out of the race without triggering a political firestorm will prove to be far more difficult. Despite reports to the contrary, the Democrat establishment is not reluctant to nominate Kamala Harris in all her bubbleheaded incompetence. Their problem is what to do with an incumbent who does not give a damn about the future of the party or, more importantly, the country.

In all likelihood, the Democrat elites and Biden family will settle for an extremely lucrative arrangement that allows Joe to drop out of the race and remain in office in exchange for waiting until after November 5, 2024 to issue pre-emptive pardons.

The Democrats are certain that once Joe is out of the race he will no longer be the center of attention in the campaign. However, if Trump and the Republican Party consistently expose the specter of pre-emptive pardons and continuously and plausibly ask, based on the Biden family history, what deal did the Democrats agree to get him drop out of the race, then, rather than a new Democrat nominee being the focus of the race, a venal, corrupt, and exposed Joe Biden will remain the center of attention in the campaign.

After premeditatively foisting Joe Biden on the American people, it is a supreme irony that the Democrat party elites and the legacy media are now being hoisted on their own petard.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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