Welcoming Back the Ten Commandments
Mosche Scheiner, the wise and impressive rabbi of Palm Beach synagogue, a man from the fine Lubavitcher orthodox movement, said this week “I was delighted to see that the state of Louisiana issued a bill that every public school will have to have the Ten Commandments on the wall of the school. And (in so doing, are saying) let’s get back to basics.” Indeed, what a great action by the political leaders of Louisiana. What a fine response by an admirable Jewish leader.
Liberalism has slowly but methodically degraded or destroyed the foundations of our American Judeo-Christian civilization. We see it around us each day. It has now almost devoured America. Look at what they are doing to our kids -- denigrating religion (except Islam), dressing our little boys up like girls and cutting off the healthy breasts of our teenage young women. In our classrooms teachers and professors tell our children the sick lie that this great nation is a balkanized degenerate place with immoral, white, male colonizing, heterosexual oppressors confronting good, poor, nonwhite, colonized, female, Latino, or gay victims. They are told America is an evil place full of greedy people who embrace the foul notion that the money or merit they earn belongs to them. They are told the primitive notion there is one law for Democrats and another for Republicans -- one law for the rich and another the poor, one for black and another for white. They are reminded Western Civ has got to go -- tossing away all the greatness and beauty of Shakespeare, Beethoven, Locke, Madison, Jefferson, Bach, Da Vinci, Homer, and the writers of the Bible. Our children are taught that countries have no borders and that we need to go out and work for up to several billion people who might lawlessly crash them. They are schooled to shout out their abortions until the minute before delivery. They are reminded from the speakers of the Democrat National convention that we all belong to government -- it is the State that gives life meaning. They are reminded it is the woke, ignorant, Marxist school teacher that must know a student is transitioning -- not the child’s Mom or Dad. It is an America gone mad and degenerate. It is a country that has abandoned everything giving meaning to life and happiness to our souls -- namely truth, beauty, family, country and God.
In education this torrent of destruction reached it pinnacle in 1962 with the unconstitutional and poisonous Engle v. Vitale Supreme Court decision Here, six fools in black robes, the lead writer of the opinion a former Democrat Ku Klux Klan attorney, ruled that children beginning their day in public schools should be banned from saying these controversial words
"Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our Country."
It was downhill from there. Marxist teachers’ unions then captured our public schools. Now, instead of respectfully dressed kids with combed hair, eager wholesome spirits, blessing God, parents, teachers, and America, we’ve got vast leagues of blank-eyed dispirited depressed children in tank tops and sweat pants cursing or hitting their teachers, laughing at God, ignorant about the most basic things, and giving the middle finger to their country. These new Democrat Leftist young ones then go on to our Marxist colleges and universities to protest for the new Nazis of our time in Iran, Gaza, and Southern Lebanon. Indeed, Democrat progressivism destroys everything it touches.
Adult elites cheer on this Democrat woke progressivism -- a truly regressive value system that has horribly sickened our culture. Not one of these liberal progressives will likely do what Rabbi Scheiner did this week and publicly hail the return of God and his moral commands to the space of our American schoolroom. They think our founders built a country where God and the Bible were to be separated from the schoolroom and only the religion of radical progressive Marxist secularism allowed. They think wrongly.
We need to move on from just hanging the Ten Commandments back up on the walls of our kids’ classrooms. We need to send these regressive Democrat leaders packing and eradicate this unconstitutional and dictatorial federal Department of Education. We need to break the stranglehold these Marxist teachers unions have on our schools and children. We need to give liberty back to parents to use their money to send their kids to whatever school they desire and regain control of what their kids learn in our schools. And what they should be learning is what they learned in the past, the greatness of Western culture, the exceptionalism of America, our Bible, our limited government, our separation of powers, our meritocracy, our capitalist economic system, and our colorblind society. They also need to relearn they are boys or girls, not nonbinary, not gender fluid, not able to change their God-given sex, and not proud for a month each year to have certain sexual feelings or proud to engage in certain sexual acts.
This fall will be like that July day long ago when Americans stood up to another regressive oppressive ideology -- the tyranny of monarchist Britain. This fall is when we decide or not to begin the hard road to return to normal to America as founded, based on our glorious Western culture, its liberty, truth, beauty, and the morals of our Bible and its Ten Commandments. Thanks for your comments this week, Rabbi Scheiner.
Image: Richard Elzey via Flickr

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