Israel Will Triumph

Jewish history is like a tapestry. You tug at a thread from a thousand years ago and a similar thread will be felt hundreds of years later.

What happened on October 7, 2023 in Israel is merely another point in the long history of the rabid hatred of the Jewish people. A single thread connects the persecutions of Haman, Hitler’s Holocaust, and the brutal atrocities committed by Hamas.

But in 2024 we have a resurgence of such vile reprehensible deeds that one can easily despair of civilization.

The Jewish holiday Purim depicts the evil of Haman, a Persian vizier who sought “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” It began in the ancient country of Persia but the incantation of anti-Semitism thrives in modern day Iran. Hamas, Hezb’allah, and other proxies of Iran seek to obliterate Israel.

The mainstream media has yet to adequately publicize the wickedness and atrocities perpetrated against Israelis. Who will weep for the captives held by Hamas? Who besides those who knew them will mourn the irreparable loss of these people?

Who will shut down the corrupt International Court of Justice in The Hague (ICJ) which openly sides with those who want Israel to halt its military offensive? Take a close look at the young female victims of Hamas whose lives (if they are still even alive) are beyond comprehension. Raped, beaten, tortured, mutilated, possibly impregnated -- their dreams totally destroyed.

Each individual stands for a human soul, a Jewish soul who has grievously suffered.

Equally upsetting is the fact that young Americans are not taught about evil.

Nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. When it comes to evil, the ignorance is enormous, often almost total. For example, according to Pew, about half of Americans ages 18-39 cannot identify Auschwitz or any other Nazi death camp.

In other words, a true depiction of the evils of the 20th century would mean the end of the two pillars of left-wing ideology: secularism and big government. This is why young people know almost nothing about evil.

And the neo-Nazi Left keeps brainwashing the young and naïve.

In fact, “Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei understands that while Iran cannot defeat the U.S. militarily, it can strive to erode its foundations through propaganda. Khamenei himself directs the propaganda activity aimed at linking the American students’ support for Gaza with the destruction of the U.S. itself, using these students.”

This cognitive activity is preplanned and intended to generate support for the Palestinian cause among Americans at large and others who do not understand or have a personal connection to the issue.

Sadly, even many Americans “fail to understand a traumatized nation facing genocidal foes.” Israelis realize that “a state in Gaza, as well as one in Judea and Samaria, controlled by genocidal terrorists and their morally equivalent political rivals -- the Palestinian Authority and the Fatah Party -- could place the entire country in danger.”

And then there is the latest news that the FBI has gone from fighting Islamic terrorists to taking orders from them!

“Never Again” has become “Yet Again" as ignorant and hateful American university students side with the Islamic jihadists.

Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mashal thanked the ‘great student Flood’ emerging from American, European, and Western universities. Mashal called for a ‘financial Flood’ supplying Palestinians with food and other supplies, as well as weapons for the mujahedeen. He called for a ‘media Flood’ spreading the Palestinian narrative and a ‘legal Flood’ [.]

Indian Islamic scholar Maulana Salman Hussaini Nadwi “called for Muslims worldwide to attack Israel, eliminate ‘this worm,’ and destroy Tel Aviv.”

Muslim leaders emulate Hitler’s recruitment of children soldiers. Consequently, “Hizbullah-Affiliated Lebanese academic Sadek Al-Naboulsi said in a May 15, 2024 interview that was uploaded to Tafasil on YouTube that Hitler's Germany recruited child soldiers. He asked: ‘Why shouldn't we do the same?’ Al-Naboulsi said that there is nothing shameful about raising children to sacrifice their lives.”

Martin Luther King Jr. said “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

What is more depraved -- these unspeakable acts or the worldwide support they are receiving. Instead of uniformly condemning the most barbaric atrocities in modern history, the Biden regime means to reward these savages with aid and a state.

Palestinian civilians laughed while they raped and butchered Israelis. But Norway, Spain and Ireland now recognize a state of Palestine.

In 2014, Sweden, became the first EU member in western Europe to recognize a Palestinian state. This occurred despite contemporary anti-Semitism brought by Muslim migrants.

The imported form of antisemitism we are witnessing in Sweden is not about criticizing the Israeli government, nor is it about a call for peace, a call to return the hostages, or finding solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Instead, it’s about ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,’ a call for the elimination of Israel and the denial of the Jews to exist as people in their own homeland. This imported ‘Middle Eastern’ antisemitism is deeply rooted in Jew-hatred, whitewashed by pretending to call for a ceasefire.

In 1941 the mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini told Hitler that the Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they both wanted to see the extermination of the Jewish people.

The Islamization of Europe continues to embolden Nazi/Hamas ideology and destroy a continent which has so easily forgotten the horrors of the Holocaust.

Released hostage Amit Soussana recounts the horrors she endured at the hands of Hamas kidnappers.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog said that Soussana ‘speaks for all those who cannot speak. She speaks for all the victims of Hamas’ despicable sexual crimes and abuse. She speaks for all women everywhere.’

But where are the outcries from women’s groups regarding the inhumane attacks on Israeli women?

As the United Nations promotes an awareness campaign ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, chilling accounts from survivors and first responders who witnessed Hamas’s October 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis paint a horrifying picture of systemic sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls of all ages.

Yet many feminist and women’s rights organizations worldwide have remained conspicuously silent -- and some are even questioning the veracity of the accusations.

The feminist movement has lost its moral compass because of its indifference to its Jewish sisters.

This year, in the Jewish homeland, we were truly not safe as the evil ones destroyed the sanctity of our homes, the innocence of our children, and our sense of security.

To those who parrot the lies of Hamas, please note that Israeli Arabs have full rights. The “charges against Israel’s various ‘occupations’ represent -- and are plainly intended to be -- a damning indictment of the entire Zionist enterprise.”

Moreover, they are also grossly false. In 1948, no Palestinian state was invaded or destroyed to make way for the establishment of Israel. Moreover, Israel’s disengagement from Gaza occurred in 2005.

The yearning for Zion or Israel has been a constant in Jewish prayer. The word Jerusalem appears in the Hebrew Bible 669 times and Zion appears 154 times. The Koran makes no mention of Jerusalem. Indeed, Jews are the indigenous people of the region.

Israel must win and terminate the evil ones. The West must finally gird itself against the Islamic jihadists who despise liberty and seek a global caliphate. America and freedom-loving countries must eradicate those who delight in the wickedness of Jew hatred.

Eileen can be reached at

Image: Ted Eytan

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