Two Countries, Four Wars

The current wars in Israel and Ukraine look like highly complex, multidimensional events.  However, proper historical context can significantly simplify the analysis of both bloody conflicts.

Let’s start by recalling the World War II-era Waffen SS.  What was the SS in Nazi Germany?  It was a military organization beyond the state’s control.  The SS was not part of Germany’s government and never followed government orders.  It was an armed force directly subordinated not to the state, but to the party — the National Socialist German Workers (Nazi) Party.  Its chain of command ran parallel to the Third Reich.  It was a private army that served not the state, but the party’s interests.

The SS carried out Nazi party ideology, and its inner workings resembled the Nazi party.  For example, SS members referred to one another as “comrades” (similar to all left-wingers).  Nazi party meetings were frequently regarded as a platform for making operational decisions, where SS officers, sergeants, and privates, as party members, had an equal voice in any matter.  That “equal say” practice irritated the traditional German army (Wehrmacht) to the core.  It was a source of irreconcilable tensions between the SS and the Wehrmacht.

It is widely known that mercenaries have existed since pre-biblical times.  They have never shown allegiance to any particular ideology.  That ideological setup triggered many imitators in the left-wing circles, who further developed the idea.  Recall Antifa and BLM in 2020.  They were legionnaires organized and controlled by Democrat party operatives.  They promoted left-wing ideology and their pedigree roots in Germany’s Brownshirts and Italy’s Blackshirts.  A comparable situation exists in Iran, where the Iranian Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) is a parallel military force that reports to the ruling religious leader, the ayatollah (also commander-in-chief of the regular Iranian army).

Being occasionally creative, the left-wingers came out with something novel shortly after World War II: subordination of an entire faraway country to party rule.  Consider Israel before Netanyahu — it was a semi-colony of the Democrat party.  Israel was never a full-fledged colony of the United States, but Democrats always kept Israel on a short leash.  Netanyahu began a shift to the right, decolonization of Israel, and disengagement from the Democrat party.  As a result, Israel is currently facing the sort of “Color Revolution” that the American left excels at.  Five left-induced elections in Israel in the last three years are a testament to that.

The American left is not willing to leave its quasi-colony without a fight.  Since President Clinton, leftists have tried to delegitimize Israel’s conservatives and remove Netanyahu from office.  After the October 7, 2024 Hamas attack, the Biden administration, after some hesitation, decisively sided with Hamas.  From now on, many Democrats must not identify themselves as Somename (D); they should use Somename (D-Hamas) instead.

It looks as though post-WWII Democrats cannot lead a war to a decisive win.  Ideologically, 21st-century Democrats are not structurally conditioned to win long-term, absolute triumph.  So they are working hard to prevent anybody in their orbit from overpowering enemy armed forces.  Biden has accepted Hamas’s positions and demands that Hamas stay in power and keep hostages while Israel backs down.  Thus, Democrats have morphed into Surrendercrats.

It seems that Israel lost this round by submitting to Biden’s demands.  Thanks to the Democrats, Hamas almost won.  Recently, Hamas rejected yet another ceasefire, even with Biden shamefully decoupling the issue from hostage releases.  However, Hamas, saved by the Democrats, will not enjoy the fruits of this Pyrrhic victory for long.

Another victim of Biden’s policies toward Israel is — no surprise here — Biden himself.  Six months before the November election, he guaranteed himself a loss in Florida by selling out Israel.  Earlier this week, Democrats announced they were pulling resources out of Florida, funneling money to other states.  Most likely, Biden’s strategic blunder will galvanize Jewish support for Trump across the United States.

In the same way, Ukraine has become a Democrat party colony since Obama’s first term in office.  It remains a colony of the party, not the United States.  Recall that Ukraine’s colonizer-in-chief was then–vice president Joe Biden.  However, he was not a state-sponsored actor.  He was a party-sponsored player.  Of course, asserting control over an outside country was not unusual for a non-government entity.  The novel phenomenon was that a single political party extended its power across the border.  Since then, Ukraine has had a new president, who, like his predecessor, is entrenched in colony-level politics with now-president Biden.

Unfortunately, Biden misleads Ukrainians into believing that Russia is their sole adversary when, in reality, they must confront two alien colonizing forces simultaneously.  Nobody told them they must fight off two external colonizing forces at once: Russian aggression and the Democrat party of America.  Neither the American people nor their representatives in Congress realize that, too.  Democrat colonizers would be happy to lose the existing slice of about 20 percent of Ukrainian territory to Russian colonizers.  They would continue to milk Ukrainian wealth jointly with Russia under an 80-20 apportion.

The same 80-20 split worked fine for Democrats and Russia in Georgia (the European Georgia, not the American one) and Moldova.  Under Obama and Biden, the Democrat party utilized the 80-20 partition to transform the colonized territories into giant money-laundering machines.

In conclusion, here we have two countries — Israel and Ukraine — fighting four wars.  Each country fights an anti-colonial war against the Democrat party and, at the same time, repels invaders from abroad.

Many Republicans find the issue confusing.  They are unwilling to help Democrats keep their crown money-laundering jewel, thus unwittingly delivering Ukraine into the hands of another colonizer, Putin.  So many misguided Republicans perceive aiding Ukraine strictly as helping Democrats.  Unfortunately, they cannot comprehend that this European country needs help to defend itself on two fronts: against the Kremlin and the DNC.

The only hope for these unfortunate countries is Donald Trump, who is willing to untangle state-level colonialism and party-level colonialism simultaneously by using the American hydrocarbon arsenal.  Trump-47 plans to bankrupt Russia and the rest of the oil and natural gas–producing countries by unleashing the mighty American energy industry and flooding the world market with American oil and gas.

Neither Israel nor Ukraine requires massive material and financial injections from the United States to triumph.  The time for quick solutions, thanks to Democrats, is over.  Instead, Israelis and Ukrainians must hold their ground for nine months until Trump changes his postal address.

Gary Gindler, Ph.D. is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles.  Follow him on Twitter/X.  His new book Left Imperialism (Paragon House, April 2024) is available for purchase.

<p><i>Image: The Presidential Administration of Ukraine via <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>, <a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>.</i></p>

Image: The Presidential Administration of Ukraine via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0.

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