De-Nazification as a Solution to the Middle East Conflict
Peace in the Middle East is impossible without denazification, that is, without removing the ideology of the destruction of Israel and Israelis from the minds of Palestinian Arab children.
Denazification (Entnazifizierung, in German) is "a set of measures aimed at purging post-war German and Austrian society, culture, press, economy, education, jurisprudence and politics from the influence of Nazi ideology."
Peace in the Middle East does not require the creation of a new Arab state, but "the purification of Muslim society, culture, press, economy, education, jurisprudence and politics from the influence of the Nazi ideology of Islamic terrorism."
The meaning of the false denazification declared as one of the goals of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is difficult to explain, for Ukraine had no invasive, cannibalistic goals and no sense of national superiority against the people of Russia.
But Hamas has such goals, seeking to liberate Palestine from the Jews, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, i.e., to destroy Israel, and considers Muslims superior to Jews.
This aspiration is far removed from the "progressives'" illusion of two states for two peoples. Hamas' ideology is not the creation of two states for two peoples, but the creation of one state, a state of Palestinian Arabs instead of a state of Palestinian Jews. Their ideology is not creation but destruction. Their ideology is not peacemaking, but "Jihad," a holy war against the "infidels."
The creation of two states for two peoples, preached as a solution to the Middle East conflict by the U.S. Democrat party leadership, is a politically correct and politically meaningless plan. The creation of a new Arab state is the creation of a new undemocratic state, for there are no democratic Arab states.
A Palestinian state would be paramilitary, and from the moment of its formation would wage war with Israel to take over all the territory from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River. Instead of a few heavily armed terrorist organizations, a militarized anti-Israeli state would have emerged on the same territory, the emergence of which would have led to an even larger war.
The Nazification and militarization of Islamic extremists in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen have been and are being carried out.
One of the consequences of these two processes has been realized in the Hamas massacre in southern Israel and the taking of hundreds of Israeli hostages. The goals declared by Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, denazification and demilitarization, fit more closely with the goals of Israel's war against Hamas than with the goals of Russia's war against Ukraine.
Islamic extremists, starting with the leaders of Iran, talk openly about destroying the state of Israel and expelling Jews from the Middle East. Nazi leaders started with expulsion of Jews from Europe and only after Germany invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941 mass executions of Jews began, i.e., the idea of extermination of Jews came into the heads of Nazis not at once, but only after failure of mass emigration of Jews from Europe. Islamic extremists immediately begin with the extermination of Israelis, which they vividly demonstrated during the massacre of Israelis in southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.
The Nazis did not announce the realization of a "final solution to the Jewish question." Islamic extremists openly announce it without the "preface" of the Nazis.
So far, there has not been a single U.N. Security Council resolution condemning calls by Iran and its allies to destroy Israel, a U.N. member country, but there have been hundreds of resolutions by that institution condemning Israel for "improper," "disproportionate" defense against murderers and pogromists.
During World War II, the countries of Europe and the United States made it clear that they could not or would not protect Jews from the Nazis. The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was a response to this helplessness or unwillingness of Europeans and Americans to protect Jews.
Since its founding, before any "occupation," Israel has been fighting a war for existence. And the heads of the Democrat party are demanding a peaceful and diplomatic solution to a conflict that has no peaceful or diplomatic solution.
Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool the few for a long time, you can fool the many for a short time, but you can't fool everyone indefinitely." This statement is not entirely accurate: you can fool everyone and yourself for a long time, which is what the Democratic Party leadership is doing by imposing a fake solution based on your own political interests.
The "Big Lie," dressed in humanitarian garb, reached a high fever pitch at a crisis moment in the U.S. presidential election campaign. "The Big Lie" (German, große Lüge) is a propaganda technique defined by Adolf Hitler in "My Struggle."
George Orwell wrote, "Political language is needed to make lies sound truthful." In his novel "1984" he introduced the concept of "doublethink" based, among other things, on the theory of the "big lie." Actor Richard Belzer defines the "Big Lie" as follows in his book "Unidentified Flying Objects, Kennedy, and Elvis: Conspiracies You Don't Have to Be Crazy to Believe" ... "If you tell a big enough lie, and tell it often enough, people will believe you're telling the truth, even if what you're saying is complete bullshit."
Mention of the Big Lie was also used in a report compiled during the war by the U.S. Office of Strategic Services in describing Hitler's psychological profile: "His basic rules were: never let the public cool down; never admit mistakes; never allow thoughts of positive aspects of the enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never admit guilt; focus on one enemy every time and blame him for all the troubles; people are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one; and if you tell a big lie, people are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one."
"The Big Lie" is that Israel is considered the greatest threat to world peace. The "Big Lie" campaign of pro-Palestinian circles has turned reality upside down, turning Jews into criminals and terrorists into victims. Only within the framework of the Big Lie is the only fully free and democratic country in the Middle East seen as a major world danger.
Austrian satirical writer Karl Kraus wrote: "Lying to save is apologetic. One cannot forgive only someone who tells the truth when he is not asked to do so."
Johann von Leers (1902-1965), a member of the Nazi Party from its earliest days, a collaborator of Goebbels and Himmler, and an advocate of genocidal policies against Jews in his article "Judaism and Islam as Two Opposites" (1942) praised Muslims for their "enduring service" of keeping Jews "in a state of oppression and fear." Von Liers slipped out of Germany after 1945 and suddenly appeared in Egypt a decade later. He converted to Islam and became a political advisor to President Gamal Abdel Nasser's Department of Information. He subsidized the publication of the Arabic edition of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, revived the slanderous "blood libel" against the Jews, organized anti-Semitic radio broadcasts in many languages, cultivated neo-Nazism wherever he could, and maintained a warm correspondence with the first generation of Holocaust deniers.
Many years have passed, but the Nazi fabrications against the Jews are invariably supported by the followers of the Muslims whom von Liers praised.
Denazification in the Muslim world was necessary 70-80 years ago. It is still necessary now. Israel is alone in denazification efforts in the Middle East, as European Jews were alone in the Holocaust.
Image: Picryl // public domain
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