SecDef Austin: Trump's Foreign Policy was Better

Trump supporters have rarely had much to celebrate in recent times.

The Democrats are relentless, vicious, hateful, and determined to destroy not just the political career but the life of President Trump. They want to seize his wealth and send him to prison for the rest of his life. Their goal is not just to punish President Trump, but also to send a warning to anybody else who intends to challenge the establishment.

The aim is also to criminalize political opposition and establish a one-party system like they always had before Trump. There may be elected officials with the letters 'R' and 'D' after them. They may claim to have differences on social issues. But when it comes to crucial issues, such as funding needless foreign wars, they stand together.

It is important to reiterate that there is no basis for any of these cases against Trump. Had he not run for President in 2016 these cases would never have existed. Perhaps if he had struck a deal with the establishment in 2020 to never run again and to abandon the MAGA agenda, he would have been spared.

The persecution of the January 6th protestors is proof that Trump supporters will also not be spared. The goal is to crush the MAGA movement, which is the first truly grassroots movement, one so successful that it won the topmost elected office in the country and the world.

For Trump supporters, the real disappointment occurs when elected GOP officials either behave like bystanders or worse, join the Democrats whenever President Trump is targeted. Many of these officials are there because of endorsement from President Trump.

It is said that an uncaring ally is worse than a sworn enemy because the enemy is doing what is expected. But in being a spectator during times of need, the ally is engaging in an act of unforgivable betrayal. 

Well, this week Trump supporters had some reason to celebrate, thanks to Congressman Pat Fallon from Texas. This occurred during the hearing of Biden's defense secretary, Lloyd Austin, who faced Congress publicly for the first time.

The main goal behind this hearing was to question his failure to immediately notify the Biden administration, Congress, and indeed the taxpaying public about his hospitalization last month for complications from cancer surgery.

Public hearings are usually a charade in which the inquisitor from Congress often engages in theater. They are rude, they often shout and use coarse language. The goal is to have these clips circulating on social media with a provocative title such as 'Rep X destroys Y' or 'Sen A humiliate B'.

It enables the members of Congress to raise their profile and more importantly, funds. Voters often conflate words with action and the official is reelected. What is often ignored is that very little change occurs after the hearings. Rarely is anyone held accountable.

Back to Rep. Fallon, who adopted a different tactic during his turn to question Defense Secretary Austin.

He didn't make it about himself, but instead about the issues and President Trump's foreign policy.

He began by asking Austin if he thought Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan was a success, Austin claimed it was a success. The fact remains that Afghanistan has plunged into chaos now. The fact that the head of Al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri, was killed in Kabul, Afghanistan following U.S. drone strikes, proves that the country is in control of terrorists. The risk is they may be planning another terror attack on U.S. soil.

Next, in a series of elementary questions, Fallon asked the defense secretary about casualties in Afghanistan during President Trump's tenure and Joe Biden's tenure. Fallon asked about the number of military personnel who perished during the Trump administration compared to the Biden administration.

Austin looked uncomfortable because he had to concede the fact that no defense personnel were killed during Trump's tenure. He therefore opted to claim that 'very few' were killed. Fallon was quick to correct Austin, to which he nodded.

Next, Fallon refreshed Austin and everyone else's memory that 13 defense personnel lost their lives after Biden's unplanned and hasty withdrawal. Fallon also reminded everyone about the expensive and sophisticated weaponry left behind and the prison break in Bagram.

Fallon also quizzed Austin about President Putin's conduct during the tenures of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden versus President Trump.

Fallon reminded everyone that in 2008, Putin annexed territories in Georgia during the Bush administration. In 2014 Putin annexed Crimea when Obama was president. Obviously, in 2022, Putin engaged in a military intervention in Ukraine.

Fallon then asked Austin if he remembered who the president was from 2017 to 2021. Austin once again was hesitant, he pretended not to hear the question properly and then said with reluctance that it was President Trump.

Fallon asked Austin if Putin embarked on any military interventions during the Trump administration, and Austin admitted that there were none.

This is another debunking of the Trump-Russia collusion hoax based on fact. This was a very skilled display on the part of Rep. Fallon. He wasn't rude or aggressive or insulting. He was instead firm and assertive. He asked specific questions and extracted the right answers without allowing Austin to filibuster.

The exchange serves as a reminder that when one deals with hard facts, President Trump was much more effective at his job than most previous presidents from the past decades and his incompetent successor. This is true for not just foreign policy but also the economy and the border.

This is also a reminder that if the media was fact-oriented and the political class cared for the betterment of the nation, the U.S. would be in great shape today.

But alas, the media is the PR wing of the D.C. Democrat establishment. Since they cannot get Trump on facts they concoct hoax after hoax. Sadly, a significant section of the public still believes whatever they consume in the media and hence they will never ever vote for President Trump. These individuals are so utterly brainwashed that they vote against their interests without any consideration.

The establishment is solely focused on enriching themselves and their cronies while the citizens suffer on many fronts. President Trump is a threat to their monopoly hence they want to finish him and the movement he pioneered.

Cynics may say that Fallon's exchange was merely words. But this is still very significant because it is on the record. Rep. Fallon managed to get a top Biden official to concede that President Trump, the man they despise, was more effective than Bush, Obama, and indeed his boss Joe Biden.

Do not expect this clip to appear on any of the mainstream news channels on T.V.

Hopefully, the Trump campaign will use this clip when they produce campaign advertisements. Hopefully, the clip will become viral on social media.

Image: U.S. Congress

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