The Dominant Narrative Requires Citizen Passivity

The worst possible outcome, the beginning of the end of our Western Civilization, has already occurred. That’s the bad news. The good news is that we may finally be ready to confront the problem—if only people are willing to push back.

As a society, we are no longer cognizant of who we are because we cannot recognize where we belong. We cannot accurately recall our history. So, let’s dive into our recently acquired reluctance to push back against the not-so-inevitable tides sweeping our nation.

Social Justice activists attempt to destroy traditional America with their Dominant Narrative (aka dominant cultural narratives) theory, which they see as an “invisible hand” guiding both reality and people’s perceptions.  

The Dominant Narrative is the keystone that has created a virtual Iron Curtain, separating us from the reality of who we are, what made us great, and how we are expected to live. On one side of this curtain, the progressive overseers command and control education, government, big business, and especially the media. On the other side of the wall are tradition, truth, self-reliance, and our Founder’s promises as manifested in our Constitution. For now, at least, the Constitution (which they seek to change or falsely interpret) legally and practically restrains progressive’s ability to make all the changes that they envision as necessary to transform us. That restraint is breaking, though.

Progressives scream that capitalism is evil, that there is a finite pie that is not being divvied up fairly, and that self-interest is an evil that must be rooted out of our society in favor of equity. They teach this poison to young minds now entering the political and work sphere, anxious to deconstruct our country through any means necessary.

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Progressives also use deceptive science to “prove” that we are on a destructive path that only they can fix, and they must do so without debate, argument, or voting. The majority understand that what is happening is evil in design and implementation. But we have become fearful of pushing back against a government that allows cities to be burned down while putting innocent people in prison for the lie of January 6th.

Progressives are essentially Marxists in disguise. They deliver slightly better rhetoric, but, in the end, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Americans used to understand the threat of the “Red Menace” (a term used during the Cold War era representing the Soviet Union or an “international communist conspiracy.) We have forgotten how hard and frequently our enemies attempt to penetrate our society.

Progressives intent on destroying Western Culture attack us on multiple fronts. Defeating Marxism requires confronting the Dominant Narrative. How to do so is the big question. A belief in God and organized religion are natural counterbalances to collectivism. However, our weakened belief in God and ethical scriptures has transformed us into believing in the supremacy of self, with a requisite right to fulfilling our every want and need with little effort, a narrative that goes largely unchallenged. Many have become intellectually and culturally subsumed, adopting ideas antithetical to freedom and self-reliance. We face four primary enemies, witting or not:

Wokism. The central tenet of Wokism is Equity. Using our society’s fear of all things involving race, we’ve become manifestly unable to resolve certain subjects that must be addressed and settled for our society to move forward. We are divided between those who understand the great lies being promulgated vs. those who accept almost any falsehood that furthers the narrative of Equity that threatens our destruction. That’s not hyperbole. By every metric, our ability to compete in this world is challenged. Our country is militarily and socially in flux. Our young are lazy, entitled, and largely uneducated. They are the new lemmings the Progressives created to finish the work that they started.

The media comprises a wide swath of individuals, news organizations, and pressure groups masquerading as news organizations. This includes traditional media, university press, government, academia, and business spokespeople. Over 90% of political donations by the press are to Democrats and their causes. Why should we doubt that today’s media’s partisanship, fairness, and veracity might be questionable? Journalism classes at colleges and universities are hotbeds of anti-capitalism and don’t believe in crucial principles of self-determination that historically underlie our system of laws and our God-given Constitution.

Passivity. The Founders understood that a federal government was undeniably dangerous to the people. Perhaps the single message most often repeated by many in government is that there can be no political violence or anything worse than loud speech or the printed word. This definition has resulted in a widespread passivity never before seen in our country.

People are seething with the injustices they see and the liberties taken in their name to suppress Free Speech and the right of redress. How few of us understand that we are not a democracy, and how much the founders feared we’d become one? History is replete with citizens acting against the government when it exceeds its constitutional mandate. A quarter of Americans recently polled would consider taking up arms against today’s government!

Point number four is the most critical and consequential. Many conservative media outlets have faced lawsuits for what used to be understood as Free Speech. Unwittingly, many of these outlets became enemy allies. Wherever I place my pieces, editors frequently remind me not to mention revolution, violence in any form, or anything that might call for revolution, which the other side highlights as examples of Ultra Maga behavior and could invite legal consequences against the outlet. We allow the other side to dictate the terms of our subservience.

Eventually, all wars end. Today’s Dominant Narrative will eventually be replaced by another one. Although Progressivism is having a good run at the moment, it is evident to me that it will fail under the weight of its inconsistencies, and as it translates into facts on the ground, people will reject it.

The readily apparent conclusion is that the creation of incredible debt has been the enabler that has allowed us to get this far without massive pushback. That debt is catching up with us, and we might finally be forced to get our house in order. This must include our return to sanity, but a great price will be paid for the folly we allowed ourselves to be sucked into.

I have a Jewish friend who is a Holocaust survivor. After WWII, she was transported to British-mandate Palestine on one of the most famous blockade runners of all, the  SS Exodus. She recently told me, “It took Hungary four generations to recover from communism, and the same will happen here, too.”

God Bless America.

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

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