Reclaiming Femininity to Save America

Everything that is causing this country to fail can be traced back to mothers being removed from their homes. Fathers were traditionally more equipped for hunting, working the fields, and going to war. They were the protectors, but they were not always in the home.

That, historically, has been their purpose: to go out and bring back supplies for their family. Likewise, historically, women have remained at home, joined together as community organizers, and nurtured families whether they have children or not.

Those ties are a part of who we are. Women grow depressed and unhealthy when they do not have connections to others. We like to feel included and appreciated. We generally seek the approval of others.

There are always exceptions, but for the most part, women have been the community organizers. We are the ones who come together because while our men were gone, we had to rely on each other. So we understand support systems. We require support from others at a higher level than men typically.

In that turn, women became support systems for men when they returned home, that was part of their traditional role. And it is still a necessary element of healthy relationships. Women have a long, strong history of being the nurturers. We are the ones who have bred grace and dignity. We helped men stand tall. This is a very important role that has been degraded and removed from Western culture in modern times. Women are taking on more masculine roles and pushing men aside. Instead of focusing on family, we’re now focusing on industry.

Women are no longer taking care of our own families and raising the next generation with the mentally healthy practices that have served humanity’s greater purpose for time immemorial.

Women, in general, are losing their femininity. Kindness, good manners, and being community-involved traits are becoming more rare. It is for this reason that I wrote the book, Reclaiming Femininity: Saving Women's Traditions & Our Future because our traditions are being eroded.

Instead of passing on recipes, care, and child-rearing tips, we have become a society obsessed with self-care, masculinizing women while we simultaneously vilify masculinity in its natural state. So we have all these women who are performing men’s roles and then wondering why they’re depressed all the time, why they have so much anxiety, and why they’re never happy. It’s very simple: Women have a biological desire to nurture, whether they know it or not.

That’s why the far-left movement is full of women who are obsessed with controlling others instead of focusing on themselves. It’s why self-declared SJWs harass others. They’re seeking to appear charitable and trying to pretend that they have social ties, even though they’re degraded.

America has a history of promoting self-sufficiency as well as healthy community ties. That’s a balanced legacy that has been twisted and contorted by mentally unstable individuals. This nation was designed for people to take care of themselves and promote community through shared experiences. Holidays, traditions, and culture are all linked. When these elements of life are torn down and destroyed, chaos ensues.

Women had a strong role in the founding of this nation and throughout its history. But now we’re lost. We are being told to forget and turn away from everything that made us great. It’s unhealthy. It’s incorrect. And it will only bring about more suffering if we cannot find balance.

To right the ship, women need to step into their proper roles and reclaim their femininity. They can look to the women who came before them. If we stop fighting our dispositions and look to real women, role models like Abigail Adams, who was Founding Father John Adams’ wife and most trusted confidant, we will find that American spirit once more.

Women and men must step forward, donning their natural roles. Feminine women and masculine men should work together to create balance and provide a stable, healthy nation that nurtures and protects.

There were women like Lida Dutton, who created newspapers during the Civil War to keep soldiers informed and housed them when they needed a safe place to rest and recuperate. There were women like my grandmother, who raised eight kids with her husband, and all of those children went on to take care of themselves.

Though my parents struggled through modern times, my successes are the successes of my mother, my grandmother, and the women who helped me to see that no matter what struggles lay before us, we can always rise to the occasion and do better.

That is an American principle. That is American femininity. We can’t save this country without that.

Women are the balancers. We are here to spread hope, joy, and faith. We are here to instill values within our children that give them a proper sense of justice and liberty for all.

Self-sufficiency, inherent rights, and the ability to care for oneself without government interference: These are very basic concepts that are as American as the United States flag.

I wrote Reclaiming Femininity because I love my country. I am a typical American woman because the typical American woman can do anything and still be feminine.

We can run a mile in a dress if we want to. We can cook an entire Thanksgiving meal with a smile on our faces and sit down at the table and hold hands with our family members even if someone doesn’t like our stuffing. Because we know how to remind others of how grateful they should be just to sit at the table.

That is our purpose. We are here to uplift. We are here to move forward, and we are here to preserve our traditions and this nation.

We must ensure that all of our freedoms, these wonderful freedoms that have been at the center of our culture for hundreds of years, remain free and well cared for through our great work.

Jessica is a homeschooling mother of five who writes for the Independent Journal Review, "Right Side Broadcasting Network," and Mid Rivers Newsmagazine.  Find her on Twitter @jessmbaum

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