What Is the Long Game for the EV Push?

There are now nine states dotting the country who intend to ban the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035, with more expected to join.  Banning their use altogether isn’t far behind, since vehicles do wear out; most statistics conclude the average life expectancy is 12 years.  This means that in less than 24 years, if you live in one of these nine states, you will not have any choice but to buy an E.V.  Too bad if you cannot afford one.  If you still have a gasoline vehicle, who knows how many gas stations will be left, since these are privately-held franchises that must make a profit or close their doors.

Therefore, the infrastructure to support unlimited E.V. travel for every resident of these nine states (and more) must be in place nationally.  Good luck with that.  I am sure rural America, currently unaffected by any state law of their own mandating E.V.s will be happy to jump all over it, and spend their tax dollars to ensure the city “greenies” can find a charging station when they need one.

We also need the power to charge these things, and that will come from an already overly-taxed power grid.  E.V.s used during daylight hours are charged overnight, when there is no solar energy, and scant and unpredictable wind; with the continued banning of “fossil fuels” (coal, natural gas) there is no alternative except to build nuclear to be viable.

The average time to build a nuclear plant is about 8 years.  Better get started, right?  Heard of any plans?  Neither have I.

How much additional electrical energy do we need?  I haven’t done the math myself, but others have and it’s not unreasonable to believe that “The US would need to produce 20-50% more electricity annually if all cars were electric vehicles.”

If the left gets their way and coal and natural gas plants are to be phased out at the same time, which currently provides over 50% of our electricity, then we also need to replace these power plants with something else.  Since wind and solar will not fill the gaps, it is not hard to see how the math starts spiraling into a deep abyss at this point.

Therefore, I contend the E.V. push is not about some noble goal of saving the planet and humanity.  The left has no heart, we know that—saving humanity is not on their agenda.  Further, the left is smart enough in the first place to have come up with the man-made climate change hoax with elaborate scientific “justification” using innocent CO2 as their scapegoat, which means they are not dumb enough to ignore the facts and data that easily proves their hoax is a lie.  But, they persist with the lie and many states, to patronize the irrational leftist agenda, have decided to outlaw the sale of gasoline cars by 2035 with no real good plan to support the move—not to mention, to support cross-country travel, the vast number of charging stations that would be needed at every “rest stop” since, instead of filling up a tank in 10 minutes and moving along, each vehicle will sit at a charger for several hours, and the facilities that will be needed to occupy your time while your car is plugged in.  Nor is anyone terribly concerned how long that trip will take even if there were functioning charging stations on the highways… which there will not be.  Nobody will want to take long distance trips.  I contend this is entirely by design.

Before concluding that “it will never happen” as I have heard so often from logical, rational conservatives, we cannot underestimate the left. We have done that all too often.  I mean, surely the left isn’t so sinister it would create a deadly virus in a lab in China and unleash it on the planet?  That would be insane!  Surely, they wouldn’t prosecute innocent people who simply attended a rally where only a few people vandalized some stuff while at the same time worshiping criminals who burn down cities and kill themselves with fentanyl?  Surely, they could not pull off election theft on a nationwide scale?  All that and more in only four years.  We have ten years left until 2035.

The 2035 gasoline vehicle ban deadline is real.  It will happen.

One more key element to consider.  Have you noticed that these same policies have not applied to petroleum powered air travel?  Why?  Gas turbine combustion gasses do not go through catalytic converters, and their water vapor and carbon emissions are dispersed much further into the atmosphere than ground vehicles. And, we know that water vapor in the upper atmosphere is a major contributor to temporary warming… So shouldn't airplanes be banned first and immediately, long before cars?  According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, jet fuel represents about 12% of transportation energy sources and gasoline 52%.  By comparison, the use of jet fuel is no small number compared to gasoline, so banning airplanes should be top priority, (A.K.A., “low hanging fruit”) shouldn’t it?

But no, airplanes will not be banned because there is no reasonable alternative to jets and, unlike ground transportation where anyone can travel freely on roads and highways and between all the states of America, air travel is completely under government control through the ever-watchful eyes of the FAA, guided by the FBI’s terrorist watchlist. MAGA conservatives are already in the FBI crosshairs as “domestic terrorists,” so it will not be long before we are all banned from commercial air travel.

Therefore, I believe the ultimate goal is to prohibit our freedom to assemble, otherwise guaranteed by the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Our ability to assemble, to not only air grievances but to petition, protest, and yes, fend off by force, if necessary, a tyrannical government which is not only a right guaranteed by the Second Amendment, but preceded by the American Revolution which made this the greatest country on earth.  So yep… no laws are actually being made that prohibits freedom of assembly, just your means of doing it in the modem world.

The capturing and illegal detaining of people who attended the January 6th rally at the Capitol building is the first large-scale “shot across the bow” warning to conservatives about assembling to air grievances.  Our right and ability to assemble is being taken away right in front of us.

E.V. mandates must be struck down.

Image: Brent Payne, CC BY 2.0 via Flickr, unaltered.  

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