The Inevitable Fracturing of the Democrat Party

The Democrat Party is not a homogenous entity, but an amalgamation of various left-wing factions now overwhelmingly dominated by its smallest and most radical element, the avowed anti-Semitic and racist American Marxists.  However, the largest group and underpinning of the Party are the credulous, patronizing, and narcissistic liberals who, in their naiveté, willfully allied themselves with any group virulently opposed to conservatives and Republicans.  While living in their cocoons among the likeminded, they chose to ignore the Marxist’s inexorable infiltration of the Democrat Party as well as their declared intention to transform America into a socialist “paradise” which will devour these same liberal elites.

With so many on the Left celebrating the premediated slaughter of women, children, and the elderly in Israel, many of these gullible fools have been shocked at the vast number of young people that have been indoctrinated and the depth of anti-Semitism that has its home in the Democrat Party.  

Apparently, far too many so-called educated elites fail to understand that their American Marxist allies are virulently anti-Semitic and racist.  They fully accept Karl Marx’s unequivocal belief that Jews are part and parcel of the oppressor class that must be eradicated.  Marx further amplified this position in an essay published in 1844 titled, On the Jewish Question, when he wrote: “Money is the jealous God of Israel, in face of which no other God may exist.” He argued that in the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from the Jews. In other words, Jews can only become free when, as Jews, they no longer exist.

Further amplifying his overt racism, in a letter Marx wrote to his co-author and friend Friedrich Engels in 1879, Marx described one guest at a resort he was visiting as a “Jewish ni**er.” A vile racist epithet often used by Marx in his writings and conversations as documented by Diane B. Paul in an essay published in The Journal of the History of Ideas (1981).

The current American mélange of Marxist-inspired activists and narcissists are little different than Karl Marx in their racist and anti-Semitic outlook.

In the United States, the current iteration of Marxists began their ascendancy into the nation’s mainstream when they insinuated themselves into the popular Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War protests of the 1960s.  Today, these radicals are the dominant force in the nation’s culture, education, and governing class as well as being in de facto control of the nation’s largest political party.

After eight years of Barack Obama, the liberal elites or ruling class viewed their ultimate objective of assuming near-permanent political power as being within reach. However, their erstwhile allies, the American Marxists, viewed the eight years of Barack Obama as the opening salvo in their ultimate objective of permanently transforming America.

The transformation the Marxist radicals seek will subsume their liberal allies, as there is no room in the structure they are building for the elites and their wealth, as well as their unfettered and hedonistic lifestyles. While some have awakened to this reality, the vast swath of self-described progressives and liberals have been blissfully oblivious. Thus, the Marxist radicals currently have power far beyond their numbers.

Their power has further been abetted by the current president and presumptive Democrat nominee in 2024, Joe Biden, who has been overtly and willingly blackmailed by the Marxists, into acquiescing and pursuing virtually all their policy positions.

However, Biden is becoming increasingly unelectable due to scandals, his age, senescence, and failed policies. The American Marxist faction of the Democrat Party is faced with the reality that Biden will have to be replaced during the 2024 campaign season.  

However, those who might be considered for the nomination and ordinarily viewed as more moderate or liberal are roundly criticized if they stray too far from Marxist dogma and thus stand virtually no chance of winning the nomination unless approved by the party’s Marxist overlords who are convinced they can nominate virtually anyone as they believe the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, is so unpopular among the general electorate that he cannot win in November of 2024.

However, trepidation is now creeping into the higher reaches of the liberal establishment wing of the Democratic Party as they look across a barren landscape of potential nominees promoting, by necessity, Marxist ideology.  However, they are essentially powerless, having gradually ceded their dominance of the Party to their radical allies over the past three decades. Allies who now dominate academia turning out armies of mind-numbed activists. Their number in turning out to support Hamas and the slaughter of Jews has been an eye-opening bucket of cold water for not only the Democrat Party establishment but all Americans.

Thus, it is too late for the Party to turn back toward any semblance of moderation. If the Democrats were to win the presidency in 2024 and control both house of Congress, the Marxist wing would be more determined than ever to implement their Marxist/socialist agenda.

Ultimately, while the nation would unduly suffer under Democrat/Marxist control and in all probability move beyond the point of no return, the tension between the two factions in the Democrat Party will eventuate in the implosion of the party allowing the American Marxists full and permanent control of the Party as well as near-perpetual control of the levers of government. Additionally, they will, in all likelihood, marginalize the Republican Party by use of executive orders and legislation to nationalize all elections while third parties will effectively cease to exist.

In an ironic turn of events, either a Trump or DeSantis presidential victory in 2024 and Republican control of both Houses of Congress is the single event that would not only save the nation but be the opportunity for the Democratic Party to recover a sense of moderation, assuming that the liberals or so-called moderates have the intestinal fortitude to use that outcome to divorce themselves from their long-term incestuous bed partner, the American Marxists.

The question then becomes, would the liberal elites be too squeamish to confront their Marxist allies for control of the Party, as it is highly likely there would be excessive political bloodshed resulting in the ultimate creation of a third party to replace the Democrat Party.

The 2024 election is not only critical to the future of the nation and the future of both parties but in particular the Democrat Party as the cracks in the façade are beginning to widen.

Image: William Warby

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