The Establishment's 'Gallipoli Campaign' against the American People

The illegitimate Deep State's war against Donald Trump and MAGA-supporting Americans has taken on a stench of defeat similar to that of the Gallipoli campaign during the First World War.  In that botched attempt to take control of the Ottoman straits and seize Constantinople, the Entente powers suffered roughly 300,000 casualties over a year of desperate fighting just to make it off the beach.  It is rightly considered a colossal failure of military planning and execution and a symbol of deadly Establishment hubris.  The Battle of Gallipoli began in 1915.

A century after Gallipoli, Donald Trump descended the golden escalator in the atrium of Trump Tower to announce his candidacy for president of the United States.  Hillary Clinton and the Democrat-controlled corporate press immediately encouraged his efforts, convinced that his nomination would doom the Republican Party.  When he finally did clinch the nomination, the same corporate news media that had insincerely sung his praises for most of the previous year quickly turned all their firing power against him.  They executed one fake news story after the next in order to sink his chances in the general election and shamelessly pushed the Russia collusion hoax propaganda created out of thin air by Hillary Clinton's campaign operatives and Barack Obama's corrupt Intelligence Community.  

First the Establishment busybodies not so subtly supported Trump's rise in the Republican Party, and then they set out to annihilate him — a man who had run in many of their same social circles and had been recognized for decades as an American icon and pop-culture celebrity.  Obama adviser David Plouffe wrote emphatically: "It is not enough to simply beat Trump.  He must be destroyed thoroughly.  His kind must not rise again."

His warning to fellow "insiders" was too late.  Inflated by hubris and driven by the delusion that they had created and could therefore crush Donald Trump, the Establishment Class did not understand that it had unwisely undertaken this century's version of the Gallipoli campaign.

Of all the politicians in America, why did toads such as David Plouffe, Bill Kristol, and communist CIA chief John Brennan eventually see Donald Trump as such a threat?  First, because Donald Trump has always been his own man — unowned and unbowed by the cabal of corporate oligarchs, Intelligence Community shadow dictators, and institutional Marxist globalists that are now correctly understood as the permanent Deep State.  For all the ruling class's talk of "democracy," it abhors anything independent enough to exist beyond the managed control of its secretive clique.  Second, because Donald Trump articulates a vision of economic nationalism that threatens the interests of multinational corporations and one-world-government enthusiasts.  Enriching and protecting Americans, abiding by the limits of the U.S. Constitution, and defending individual liberty and national sovereignty — these straightforward goals are all antithetical to the Marxist collectivism and technocratic despotism of the World Economic Forum's planned new world order.

When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, his victory sent shockwaves throughout the globe.  All the "very best people" had been assured that no such outcome was possible.  How could Donald Trump — using a skeleton staff, a paltry campaign war chest, and limited media resources — best the internationally supported Clinton and Obama Machines?  Clinton's one-sided advantage in money and organization had her cocky enough to campaign in Texas instead of Wisconsin, for goodness' sake!  Her embarrassing loss — despite having had the universal support of the D.C. Uniparty and the Mockingbird Media and several corrupt assists from the Department of (in)Justice — should have proven that Trump's message mattered far more than the well funded astroturfed operations of Clinton's cursed campaign.  

Smart people would have taken a step back and looked around — and perhaps noticed that the sand beneath their boots gave them unsure footing and that the well defended hills above their beachhead made their position weak.  But these are people filled with self-destructive hubris, so fanciful explanations had to take reason's place.  It had to be Russian bots who led the common people astray!  It was the scourge of sexism and racism!  It was "fake news," misleading Facebook posts, and mean tweets!  It was, in other words, anything and everything that might allow the ruling class to escape blame and save face.

The simplest explanation was the only one that they would not publicly countenance — that a long slumbering American majority had finally been jolted awake.  That possibility had to be expunged before it could be written into any history book.  If the news media had engaged in honest reflection and acknowledged that irate Americans who voted for Trump were actually fighting to take their country back from the parasites who had been draining America of its spirit and vitality for decades, then only one explanation for Hillary Clinton's humiliation could suffice: Americans were repudiating the failures, betrayals, and anti-American allegiances of D.C.'s own Establishment elite.

Everything that has happened since the ruling class's 2016 election catastrophe has been motivated by the Establishment's desperation to pretend that Hillary never lost and that the American people are not serious in their desire for change.  "Elite" thinking has been as straightforward as it has been misguided: as soon as Donald Trump is discredited, his supporters will turn against him and fade away. 

So they created a "Me Too" movement to shame his Christian supporters, but that movement took out more Uniparty pervs than the ruling class could afford to lose.  They pretended his hotels were Emolument Clause violations hiding foreign influence, even while President Trump lost wealth in office and worked for free.  They threw the Mueller Inquisition at him to paint Trump as a Russian spy and common criminal.  And when Trump had the audacity to question how the Biden Crime Family could rake in tens of millions of dollars in foreign bribes, Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney turned quid-pro-quo Joe's treason into a Trump impeachment.  However, the American people saw through the Establishment's ploys and kept them stranded and frustrated on the soggy beach.

Then came the COVID-contorted, mail-in ballot–manipulated, fraud-filled 2020 election.  The stolen election was never as important as the all-out effort to humiliate and vilify Trump and dispirit his voters.  So they locked up J6 election protesters as political prisoners.  They labeled all political dissent as "disinformation."  They promoted Capitol Police lieutenant Mike Byrd for gunning down unarmed veteran Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.  They prosecuted anyone who questioned how a dementia-addled, child-sniffing, lifetime politician who had never been popular outside Delaware could have won fifteen million more votes than "rock star" Obama and more votes than any politician in U.S. history.  Destroying what is left of the "rule of law," corrupt political partisans posing as prosecutors now seek Donald Trump's lifetime imprisonment for the Establishment-engineered "crime" of refusing to consent to the ruling class's treachery.  

How have Americans responded?  President Trump's popular support has only risen.  His mug shot has become a battle cry to "never surrender" to tyranny.  While Joe Biden is booed loudly as he vacations in upscale Lake Tahoe, black Americans who spotted Donald Trump headed toward Georgia's notorious Fulton County jailhouse cheered him on in encouragement.  It is as if Americans of all backgrounds are coming to realize that Donald Trump's destiny is inextricably linked to their own

D.C.'s "Gallipoli Campaign" against the American people will continue, and the Establishment will invariably suffer a similar fate.  I am reminded of the humorous, telling tale of the mason who is asked as he falls from the top of a tall building, "How's it going?"  "Not bad so far," the mason replies, "but we will see at the end!"  The end is not far away.

Image: Fulton County Sheriff's Office.

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