Communist Tactics and Martin Amis’s Blindness

I recently read Martin Amis’ Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million (2002) which lays bare the enormity of the Stalinist legacy where more than 20 million people were murdered. It is deeply puzzling to read an author who documents the horror of the Left but who in 2016 also claimed that he “[was] Left of left.  Not very far left, but left, and [he] was that when [he] was 20, and [he’s] that now.”

Amis despised President Trump, whom he hated  and called a totalitarian.  But it was Trump who asserted “that America will never be a socialist country — ever.” And it is undeniable that socialism is the first step toward communism. In fact, it is Biden who seems the embodiment of all that Amis elaborated upon in his book. 

Let’s begin with attacks on religion.

In 1921 Lenin instructed a Red Army Commission to “give the most decisive and merciless battle to the [clergy] and subdue its resistance [.]”  (Amis 29).

Fast forward and repeatedly the Biden administration has nominated individuals to the highest levels of government who exhibit disdain for those they are charged to serve. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra “displays not just an unwillingness to protect the rights of conscience but an overt antagonism toward people of faith.” In addition, “Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares and 19 GOP state attorneys general are demanding answers from the FBI and Justice Department and threatening legal action after a leaked internal FBI memo revealed that the agency had efforts underway to identify and treat Catholics as "potential terrorists." 

It was Lenin who asserted that “every religious idea, every idea of God . . . is unutterable vileness . . . of the most dangerous kind, ‘contagion’ of the most abominable kind” (Amis 30).

Amis clearly explains that “post-1917, under the Soviets, from the very start, the only protection a dissenter could hope for was dependent on governmental whims, not laws” (Amis 42). 

Hence, in America, is it patently clear that “fair trials are impossible for January 6 defendants.”  Their plight should resonate with every American, no matter what side of the political spectrum. The American Gulag Chronicles is horrifying to read and a blemish on our country.

Another spoke in the Communist wheel of evil is starvation. In fact, “famine belongs to the Communist tetrarchy – the other three elements being terror, slavery and, of course, failure, monotonous and incorrigible failure” (Amis 30).

So, our arch rival China continues to buy up American farmland and the White House looks the other way.

Moreover, as a consequence of COVID shutdowns and supply chain challenges, farmers are being told to destroy their harvests while substandard imports from other countries are being brought to America.  Consequently, the federal government is continuing to gain greater control over the food, water and land production in this country.

In fact, energy industry groups are concerned that the White House will declare a COVID-19-like emergency — for the climate thus giving the president “vast and unchecked authority to shut down everything from communications to infrastructure.”

The “Bolsheviks intended to break the peasantry; they intended to break the Church; they intended to break all opposition and dissent.”  Ultimately they intended “to break the truth” (Amis 47).

In America, the government, the justice system, the media, the schools, the scientific and medical communities have or are intent on breaking the truth.  The revelations of the Biden administration pressuring Facebook re: covid are just the tip of the iceberg.

Under communism, life means nothing.  Trotsky maintained that “we must put an end once and for all to the papist-Quaker babble about the sanctity of human life” (Amis 35). 

In fact, Biden, “has shifted his position over the past two decades to better align himself with the most liberal wing of his party” that would effectively legalize abortion up until birth.

As Amis explains “collectivization was the opening and final phase of Stalin’s untrammeled power.  The most salient feature of Collectivization was the abysmal depth, and gigantic reach, of its failure” (Amis 120-121).

As the Party economist S. G. Strumilin put it: Our task is not to study economics but to change it.  We are bound by no laws (Amis 121).

Daily, the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying the economy and creating misery for Americans. Biden wants to control appliances that have produced the highest standard of living in America. These include gas stoves, air conditioning units, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters.

Instead “of letting the markets and capitalism run its course, the Biden Administration plans to use its status to enforce nationwide restrictions on the less efficient, but less costly home appliances [.]”

In the Soviet Union, the regime moved to “eliminate a) law, b) foreign relations, c) private property, d) commerce, and e) money.  The means chosen to eliminate money was state-driven hyperinflation.  In other words, the printing of money—consumed between 45 and 60 percent of budgetary expenditures” (Amis 28). 

Under Biden “inflation rates have hit a 40 year high [and] the cost of everyday staples also increased.  Yet as the economy is flashing huge red warning signs, President Joe Biden and his administration are telling us something different.” He engages in fantasy.

In fact, communists ignore reality and ardently believe that collectivization will work.  They maintain the falsehood despite the “increase in the price of agricultural produce, a fall in real salaries and an artificially produced famine” (Amis 121).

Sound familiar?  Is famine in our future?

Under Stalin, actions went as follows: “first, arrest (almost always at night).”

Think Roger Stone.

Then there was “imprisonment and interrogation” [.]  This was necessary for the “interrogators needed confessions” even though “those accused of political crimes were almost invariably innocent” (Amis 61). 

And the eternal question was and is Zachto? Why? What for?  (Amis 75). The less than satisfactory answer is “nothing.”  The other answer is “because they can” since law and order have been crushed.

In America, the picture of the people’s house, the Capitol, with barbed wire surrounding it should be clear evidence how the “deplorables” will be dealt with. 

In 1961 William Henry Chamberlin[1] described the fundamental approach of the Communist Party.

Each Communist representative must remember that he is  . . . an agitator of the Party, detailed into the enemy’s camp in order to carry out the orders of the Party there.”

Consider the number of American legislators with ties to communism.  Moreover, as documented by Trevor Loudon in this amazing video, the churches have been infiltrated as well.

Mull over the massive power that the teachers unions have.  Their progressive stance clearly represents communist designs as they claim your children are theirs.

Another key parameter in Communist tactics is the promotion of the slogan “co-existence” -- aka the united front government ideas that globalists adore. 

Thus, “during . . . the opening day of the World Government Summit (WGS2022) in Dubai, Klaus Schwab called for world leaders to unite to address global issues such as climate change, trade, and economic disruption. He emphasized that this one-world government must form as soon as possible.” 

In fact, “united fronts . . . constitute an effective device to split the opposition, isolate the anti-Communists, gain non-Communist support and make full use of all ‘progressive’ movements.” What this really means is that communists will be free to carry on with their subversive propaganda throughout the noncommunist world” (Chamberlin).

As a result, what is incrementally occurring in America is “only the latest manifestation of the “rule or ruin” of Communist psychology” (Chamberlin).

At the 1944 National Convention of Communist Parties, Alexander Trachtenberg stated

We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable: we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy.  But, take it, we will.

Will we in America be guilty of Solzhenitsyn’s stark statement “We didn’t love freedom enough”?

Because the Left continues to deny facts, mislead people, fabricate history and dumb down education, it is critical to be reminded of communism’s cunning and deceitful maneuvers and irrevocably defeat it.

Eileen can be reached at

Image: Av Falt i det fri (Public domain)

[1] Chamberlin, William Henry “Communist Basic Tactics: Rule or Ruin. The Russian Review, Jan. 1961. Vol. 20.. No. 1     (January 1961), pp. 3-10.

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