To Heal our Nation’s Divide, Let’s Start by Praying
Few exist in our nation who are better able -- and inexplicably willing -- than Keith Olbermann to afford us a portal through which we may view the mindset of your average left-wing digressive on the topic of what is necessary to heal America’s present cultural divide.
Last week, Olbermann publicly condemned Biden -- and even called for his resignation -- due to his administration’s failure over the last year to defend the country from what he called -- by way of incredible hyperbole -- the “terrorists” who reside amongst us throughout this country, as exemplified by those who entered our nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021: i.e. “traitors, crooks, sadists, racists, gun fetish psychos, seditionist congressmen, plotters of coup d’état, still strung out on stupidity, and impunity and [who are] ready to do it all over again.”
Where is the President,” Olbermann screeched forth, “…when the other side is trying to kill all of us?.... they have made it clear that America is going to be them or us, and G**D*** it, Joe, it is your job to make sure it is us, and if you don’t see it that way, resign! (emphasis added)
As a point of curiosity, one might wonder whether Olbermann is aware that his words just happen to have articulated the exact opposite of the Golden Rule. Rather than calling upon Resident Biden to do unto his ideological enemies that which he would have them do unto him, Olbermann seems to be suggesting Biden must kill Olbermann’s ideological foes before they can do likewise to him and his fellow ideologues.
At minimum, Olbermann’s strategy to heal our nation’s cultural divide does not appear likely to be one that is either lawful or peaceful. In fact, it’s more likely to initiate a violent and bloody civil war.
Thus, those who prefer to retain a grip on sanity might want to seek a more civil alternative.
That search would do well to include serious consideration of the following tribute recently given by President Trump to the Author of the Golden Rule. In a speech he gave this last December at First Baptist Dallas discussing our nation’s present turmoil, he said the following:
Our nation is in great trouble… There’s a lot of clouds hanging over our country right now, very dark clouds…. Our country needs a savior right now, and our country has a savior, and that’s not me.” Then pointing upwards, he continued, “That’s Somebody much higher up than me….
[The United States of America has overcome so much to] ultimately become a truly great nation… But, none of this could have ever happened without Jesus Christ, and his followers and his church…
We just have to do what we have to do.” (emphasis added)
Of course, as always, this leaves many asking, “What exactly is it that we must do?”
One possibility is that Christians should start by committing to act as if what the President said is actually true and pray for the healing of our nation. And, for those of other faiths -- including atheists -- we would ask you to bear with us, if for nothing other than kicks and giggles. But if it helps, chalk it up to the only practical means available by which anybody might fact check Trump’s assertion that indeed God was involved in the creation and subsequent history of America.
One significant upside to praying is that it is a practice available to those on both sides of the aisle. Regardless of where they may reside on the political spectrum, even Nancy Pelosi would have to admit that it is an undeniable truth that many Republicans and Democrats and their ideological predecessors have been known to gather together amicably in pews shared in common across America ever since its founding.
As to the Christian community, however, the downside is that probably only a small remnant of those so gathered ever truly pray on a consistent basis for God to heal our land. They are the few who -- by virtue of their strong faith -- actually possess an unwavering heartfelt confidence that God both exists and indeed will reward those who seek Him. The rest regretfully live their lives as practical atheists. Though they profess a belief in God, they either carelessly overlook or choose to ignore the possible reality that their God -- Who they claim to believe created all that is in our universe -- may actually have the power and authority necessary to determine -- and alter -- the affairs of our nation. Not to mention, the willingness to do so… if we ask.
Thus, for starters, we will need this remnant to kick it off by praying that those seated in the pews around them be made willing to join them in a heartfelt prayer for America.
Then, if we witness that God is willing to answer that prayer, we should then all be encouraged to unify together in prayer as a Christian community -- regardless of our divergent ideologies -- to petition God to please display His power and reveal His glory by bringing about a healing restoration of our country.
Such a prayer might go something like the following:
Please God:
We plead with You to enable all of us as a people to clearly discern between what is good and what is evil in Your sight; and
Should You answer this request, please set our feet firmly on a level path that will bring us together as a people who are willing to endeavor with a unified purpose to pursue only that which You consider good;
Also, Lord, make us both able and willing to do whatever may be necessary to remove from our midst any practices and beliefs our culture has embraced that are an abomination to You;
Restore unto us the intestinal fortitude to uphold the Rule of Law regardless of where that may take us, such that Your justice and our equality in Your eyes is upheld as to each and every one of us, without any regard to our station in life;
Expose to the light of Your truth and remove any and all corruption that presently exists as the cancer that is impairing all levels of our government;
Protect our children and exact Your judgment upon all those hiding among us who are engaged in any practice that lessens or destroys their rights to life, liberty, and a pursuit of happiness;
God, please do whatever else, in Your view, may be necessary and appropriate for the divide separating us as a people to be removed or remedied, and restore America to once again become the nation You originally intended it to be;
And lastly, if in the course of answering this prayer, You call upon us to do our part to achieve these purposes, please give us the character and integrity You know we will need to do what we need to do and not blow it;
All these things, God, We The People pray to You, in the name of Your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Who knows? We can only hope this prayer is one even people who think like Olbermann will have a hard time objecting to.
But, even if not… God help them.
Clifford C. Nichols is an attorney and author of A Barrister’s Tales and The Declaration of Liberty (2021 A.D.) and a contributing editor at The Declaration Report. A former research associate at The Heritage Foundation, he is a graduate of UCLA and Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. He may be contacted regarding this editorial at
Image: Harley Pebley
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