The Four Horsemen of the Biden Apocalypse

In the waning days of the Trump administration, the country was showing signs of economic improvement, people were feeling more confident about battling COVID, and the border was relatively secure as the wall was finally being constructed.

What a difference seven months can make.  It has been a horrific 207 days since President Joe Biden and his radical administration were unleashed on the country.

In effect, a political apocalypse is approaching.  In the New Testament Book of Revelation, the four horsemen of the apocalypse are revealed to be "Conquest, War, Famine, and Death."  In the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel, the four horsemen are referred to as "sword, famine, wild beasts, and plague."

In the era of Joe Biden, the four horsemen of our political apocalypse are the border invasion, the economic catastrophe, the assault on our families, and the use of the COVID plague to eliminate our constitutional rights.

1. Invasion.  Biden inherited a secure border and immediately decided to destroy the progress of President Donald Trump and create an unmitigated disaster for Americans.  The border wall was foolishly stopped, the policy of "catch and release" was reinstituted, the "Remain in Mexico" policy was ended, and illegal aliens were given an invitation to enter the United States.

As a result, the flood of illegal aliens has been unprecedented.  The number of new apprehensions is increasing each month at the border, reaching the highest level in 25 years in July.  Over 210,000 illegal aliens were apprehended on the southern border last month.  Simultaneously, an untold number of people have been entering the country without detection.  Coupled with ongoing legal immigration efforts, the United States of America is being radically and quickly transformed.

These illegal aliens are not being tested for COVID, are not being vaccinated, and are being sent all over the country.  This is spreading the virus across the country while cynically changing the demographics of many "red" states.  Although most citizens living in these areas are opposed to this resettlement, they have been powerless to stop it.

2. Catastrophe.  Upon entering office, Biden should have continued Trump-era economic policies that were working.  Instead, he stopped the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and displacing thousands of workers from their jobs.  Biden also placed a moratorium on the issuance of new oil and gas drilling leases on federal territory, both onshore and offshore.

As a result, America is transitioning from being energy independent for the first time in decades, under President Trump, to being energy-dependent once again.  Ironically, Biden is now asking OPEC members to increase their oil production.

Biden has also happily supported radical legislation in Congress that will add to the national debt while spending trillions of dollars that will create severe inflationary woes in our county.  During the Biden administration, prices on a wide range of items such as gasoline, lumber, and groceries are rapidly escalating.  This has created the sharpest rise in inflation in 20 years.

If it passes in the U.S. House of Representatives, the new $1.2-trillion "infrastructure" bill that just was approved in the U.S. Senate will be an economic disaster.  It includes very little real infrastructure, but it does include tax increases, at least $256 billion in additional federal debt that will exacerbate inflationary pressures, and a grab bag of liberal proposals.  The bill advocates zero-emission vehicles, combats "racist" highways, and for good measure uses the word "equity" 64 times.

It sets the stage for an even bigger monstrosity, the "human infrastructure" bill that will cost over $3.5 trillion.  It is being advertised as a de facto "Green New Deal" that will include a staggering number of climate change initiatives.  The economic chaos that such a bill will institute is mind-boggling to contemplate.

3. Assault.  Across America, our cities are on fire as crime is exploding.  An increasing number of innocent Americans are being victimized each day.  Incredibly, liberal politicians have used the opportunity to demand the defunding of police departments.  This has only increased the number of police officers resigning and retiring.  As a result, police departments are understaffed, and recruitment is becoming extremely difficult in urban areas that are viewed as being anti-police.

The answer, according to Biden and the Democrats, is always more gun control and never more criminal control.

Citizens are unsafe on the streets of our cities, and our children are unsafe in our public-school classrooms.  Families are facing hostile environments in schools as teachers are using Critical Race Theory to educate students about American history.  Instead of celebrating the greatness of our founding documents and the uniqueness of our system of government, teachers are demonizing our Founding Fathers and casting blame on white Americans for racism and unfair treatment of minorities.  In many schools, students are being separated by race, and white students are being made to feel guilty for the color of their skin.  While parents are expressing their anger, too many school boards remain committed to the divisive curriculum.

4. Plague.  Schools are also one of the focal points of the insane battle over how to deal with the COVID pandemic.  Teacher unions and Biden officials are touting masks in classrooms, while a growing number of parents are fighting this nonsense at school board meetings across the country.

The Biden administration is not stopping at mask mandates but is considering COVID vaccine requirements for all Americans.  The Defense Department will be requiring vaccines for all the members of the respective branches.  This obligation will be enforced starting in mid-September.

The president has also mandated vaccinations for members of the United States Department of Veterans' Affairs.  Surely other government agencies will face similar mandates in the foreseeable future.

Whenever he addresses the media, Biden pushes vaccinations on the public.  He implies that unvaccinated Americans are not only unpatriotic but also contributing to the deaths of their fellow citizens.  In addition, the president is actively encouraging businesses to implement vaccine mandates at their workplaces.

All these initiatives are quite disturbing, as Americans should have medical privacy and the right to make their own health decisions.  In a "free" country, a citizen should not be forced to inject any sort of experimental vaccine into his body.  Americans should have the freedom to say "no," without any negative repercussions.  

Individually, each of the four horsemen of the Biden apocalypse is extremely worrisome.  Unfortunately, Americans are facing all four of them simultaneously.

In addition, we must deal with a mentally incompetent president; a biased press; social media sites that censor conservatives; and a "woke" corporate, entertainment, and Big Technology culture that are promoting these dangerous trends in our country.

It is crunch time for America, and "We the People" must stand up to protect our rights, our families, and our futures.  This Biden agenda must be stopped immediately.  Otherwise, we can say goodbye to America and say hello to Venezuela. 

Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian.  His award-winning program, Ringside Politics, airs nationally on Real America's Voice Network, AmericasVoice.News weekdays at 7 A.M. C.T. and from 7 to 11 A.M. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM &  He is a political columnist, the author of America's Last Chance, and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on  For more information, email him at

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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