No Matter Their Location, Jews Are The Scapegoat

When Jews imprisoned in German concentration camps in 1945 were freed, we thought, nothing of this magnitude could ever happen again. Sadly, history repeats itself. Once again, we are seeing deliberately planned antisemitic attacks against Jews, this time by pro-Palestinian/Muslim mobs. Let’s explore what led to this criminal assault on Jews once more.

The antisemitic violence started in the UK, France, Germany, and Canada. In London, Muslim mobs drove through Jewish neighborhoods yelling, “F--- the Jews, F--- their mothers, Rape their daughters.” Daniel Rosenberg, a British Jew, vividly was angry and frustrated with the reality Jews are facing worldwide:



A Jewish woman in London showed the same justified anger and determination:



Almost immediately after the violence and harassment in Europe, we saw the same in New York, Los Angeles, Florida, and other US cities. Thus, in 2021 America, large numbers of American Muslims feel they have carte blanche to seek out and attack Jews in their businesses, residential neighborhoods, and synagogues. In Florida, a van bearing a “Hitler Was Right” sign circled a pro-Israel rally. Mobs are attacking and beating Jews in the streets for wearing religious clothing and looking for mezuzahs on front doors so they can attack Jews in their homes and businesses.

This worldwide spike of violent antisemitism arose because of the eleven-day war that Hamas instigated by firing over 4,000 rockets into Israel. This iteration of the Arab’s endless fight against Israel ostensibly started because of a landlord/tenant dispute now in the Israeli court. (The court held that Arabs who didn’t pay their rent on Jewish-owned property could be evicted.) Simultaneously, Israeli police responded to rioting at the Al Aqsa mosque. Democrats and Arabs, of course, misrepresented the facts.

The big question, of course, is why a fight between Israel and the self-governed Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza should precipitate antisemitism here – and why should the anti-Semites feel so unconstrained?

One of the main reasons is that the Squad – the young Marxist Democrats in the House – are spreading lies. For example, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed Israel is an apartheid state. That’s a serious accusation. Apartheid means no citizenship, no representation in government, and no property ownership. However, in Israel, the Arab population has the same citizenship and opportunities as the Jewish population. They are represented in the Knesset, are judges, doctors, engineers, etc., and are now a part of the controlling government.

In addition, the American left generally accuses Israel of committing genocide. BLM has been making that claim since 2016. Population statistics show this is utter nonsense. The Palestinian population grew from 1,172,100 in 1951 to 5,139,000 in 2021. By contrast, the Nazis systematically and diabolically murdered six million Jews.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) also pushes the claim that Israel is a malefactor, completely ignoring its obligation to reflect the UN values such as neutrality, human rights, tolerance, equality, and non-discrimination regarding race, gender, language, and religion. The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) found that UNRWA’s curricula demonize Jews, perpetuate “hostility that provokes hatred,” advance conspiracy theories, and use terms such as “the Occupation,” “the Zionist Occupation,” “the Zionists,” or simply “the Enemy” to discuss Israel.

Israel is a very peculiar enemy, one without animus to those who openly state their desire to kill Jews. I saw a video of a journalist speaking with a ten-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza asking her what her life was like. She looked around at the rubble and said, “This is what I grew up with.” The reporter then interviewed a ten-year-old Israeli girl and asks what her life was like. She looks around at the rubble and says, “This is what I grew up with.” He then asked the Israeli girl what she would do if she met the Palestinian girl. She replied, “I would give her a hug.” There was no video of him asking the Palestinian girl the same question?

In another story about Israeli’s humanity, the wife of a Jewish man whom an Arab mob lynched in May donated his organs. Remarkably, an Israeli-Arab woman received his kidney. What irony! Would the Arabs have done this for a Jew?

Of course, the lies about Israel certainly don’t justify violence against Jews outside of Israel – that is unless you understand that for the leftists and Muslims, the problem isn’t Israel. It’s Jews themselves.

So what is Congress doing to protect American Jews from blatantly anti-Semitic attacks? Not much. Unlike the speed with which the House spoke out about anti-Asian violence (the Asian Americans House Resolution 275, passed on May 19, 2021), Congress, as a body, has been silent. Moreover, its last effort to condemn anti-Semitism was weak at best.

On March 7, 2019, Congress passed House Resolution 183, which started out as an effort to condemn antisemitism in response to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s openly antisemitic statements. However, by the time the Democrats were done, the Resolution simply condemned all sorts of -isms, specifically including anti-Muslim violence which is almost nonexistent.

And there’s the real answer to anti-Semitic violence in America: Currently, Arabs in America attack Jews in America with impunity over Muslim violence in the Middle East because they know the modern Democrat party will protect them. Until the government steps up and condemns anti-Semitism and only anti-Semitism in the strongest terms, and makes it plain that any anti-Semitic acts will be harshly punished, America is going to feel like 1937 Germany all over again.

Adrienne Skolnik serves on the National Advisory Committee of the Conference of Jewish Affairs and is Project Manager for the New Jewish Exodus Project.

IMAGE: Attack on a Jewish man on the streets of New York. YouTube screen grab.

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