Democrats' Version of Unity Means 'Us against Them'

Crooked politicians like to divide people, because they thrive on division.  Even when they try hard to utter "unity," it is as fake as the mainstream media.  When they have two propositions in a sentence, you need only to focus on their second one.  That's all that matters.

So here we are.  President Joe Biden's inaugural address began like a speech from heaven:

"This is a great nation.  We are good people."

"So, with purpose and resolve, we turn to those tasks of our time.  Sustained by faith.  Driven by conviction.  And devoted to one another and the country we love with all our hearts."

This is the first of the two propositions.  All is good.  All is well.  All is hopeful and inspiring —  until you hammer it with the second proposition, which reveals the true motive: an indictment of a portion of our population while at the same time perpetuating a victimhood mentality of another portion.

Biden then recited what he believes to be the historic crimes of the nation that torment a subset of the American people.  Among them are "political extremism," "white supremacy," and "domestic terrorism."

It's always division.  It's always a villain-victim framework — class warfare, whether by race or political ideology.

Just like death and taxes, socioeconomic differences are certain.  They happen in any society and even within families.  God doesn't give each and every person exactly the same amount of endowment.  What He gives to each and every person is a brain to think and discern his surrounding world, which can then help him achieve his life goals.

The real problem in America is not racism, but political corruption by the ruling elites from both parties.  It's not about economic or racial injustice deliberately designed by a certain racial background to exploit other people of different racial backgrounds.  It's true that some portions of the population are still struggling socioeconomically.  However, it's due to a combination of various factors, not the least of which is the failure of the most sacred institution in human life: family.  Socioeconomic malaise in our society generally stems from the failure of families as a fundamental institution that is supposed to inculcate constructive values and traits in our and future generations.

Politicians and political activists love to muddy the water.  As such, they take advantage of the situation by offering a wrong diagnosis and even worse solutions.  "Your suffering," they say, "is because of the injustice committed by another group of people."  There are villains out there, those who are different from you.

Having preached that wrong diagnosis, they then come up with a cunning solution: to give power to crooked politicians.  The result?  The problem still exists and may even be getting worse, but the crooked politicians stay in power for decades with lavish lifestyles.

How to overcome these evils — "political extremism," "white supremacy," and "domestic terrorism"?

True to himself as a longtime career politician (47 years in public office, mind you), Biden offered a non-solution solution: "unity is the path."

Quiz: How do you contradict yourself in one sentence or speech?  Ask a politician.  When you continually for decades disparage a group of people as villains and describe another group as victims, there is no unity in it.  It's all about revenge!

Don't take my word for it.  Take a look at this article on Thursday (Jan. 21) at the New York Times, amplifying the calls of people who think President Joe Biden's plan for unity needs to include "healing [that] requires holding perpetrators accountable."

"Mr. Biden should not pitch unity to those who oppose shared political power, they say, but should unite the country in defeating those who stand in the way," the author wrote.

And another, which comes from Dr. Jalane Schmidt, an activist and associate professor of religious studies at the University of Virginia who said:

We have a whole major political party that, too large of a section of it, supports undemocratic practices, voter suppression, and the coddling of these conspiracy theories.

So healing? Unity? You can't do that with people who don't adhere to basic democratic principles.

Their basic message is the same.  Unity is only with their ilk, but it's payback time for others.

It's power and revenge.  This is not surprising because the underlying theology of the left and the Democratic Party has been social justice, not true redemption and salvation.  The underpinning of that theology is socioeconomic class warfare, which essentially divides rather than unites people from diverse racial, ideological, and socio-economic backgrounds.  Politicians, especially the corrupt ones, will thrive under such circumstances.  For them, government is an all-encompassing solution, and the state is the only player.

It's no wonder that the left is not a big supporter of Jewish and Christian ideologies, which are rooted in individual empowerment through redemption granted by God and people's genuine connection with others.  In this framework, God's grace is an all-encompassing solution upon which all individual liberty and dynamics of human relationship are based.  Equipped with God's grace, each individual is a player in this world that can go about his business to pursue and create his own destiny within the confinement of God's commandments.  Because the God of the universe is the creator and the giver of life, all lives, not just some, matter.  In this case, the currency of life, as Martin Luther King said, is "character," which is inspired by people's relationship with God, not skin color.

Only through this ideological paradigm can we build and promote real unity.  Unfortunately, the left's message of unity is all about the former: "us against them," rooted in social justice theology, with race as currency.

Shama Tobin established Republic Report as a conservative counter to the left-leaning Drudge Report.  Check out the website at

Image: tomaszmichalkania via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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