
December 31, 2020
Why the Defeatism?
J. Robert Smith
December 31, 2020
The Left Takes On God's Country
David Prentice
December 31, 2020
Hey, GOP: This is Your Do or Die Moment
Brian C. Joondeph
December 31, 2020
Farewell to a Dreadful Year
Nicholas J. Kaster
December 31, 2020
Without Our Constitution, We're Under Occupation
J.B. Shurk
December 30, 2020
A Call to Arms for All Patriots to Come to the Aid of Their Country
Ron Wright
December 30, 2020
Science can be Great… Scientists? That Depends
P.F. Whalen
December 30, 2020
Tainted Electors in Post-Legal America
Jon N. Hall
December 30, 2020
Immigration in the Name of Political Jihad
Friedrich Seiltgen
December 30, 2020
Finding the Russian Moles
Michael Curtis
December 29, 2020
Is Nothing Happening? Or is Trump Channeling Sun Tzu?
Brian C. Joondeph
December 29, 2020
What Will 'Breaking Biden' Bring?
Jay Schalin
December 29, 2020
Holding Strong in 2021 and Beyond
Rabbi Aryeh Spero
December 29, 2020
November 2020: The Good Points
Steve Feinstein
December 29, 2020
The Democrats' Road to Hell
Tim Jones
December 28, 2020
What Denying Election Fraud Accomplishes
Mark Andrew Dwyer
December 28, 2020
A Supreme Court in Hiding is Dangerous for Our Country
Jerome Michaels
December 28, 2020
The First COVID Christmas
Rick Fuentes
December 28, 2020
Ruling Class Gotta Have a War -- But What About Us?
Christopher Chantrill
December 28, 2020
Jay Inslee's Diversity Dogma
Noel S. Williams
December 28, 2020
Transgenderism and the Equality Act
Eileen F. Toplansky
December 27, 2020
The Lockdown Christmas
Clarice Feldman
December 27, 2020
Trump: The American David
Scott S. Powell
December 27, 2020
If It's Biden, Expect Wholesale Rejection of American Core Values
E. Jeffrey Ludwig
December 27, 2020
Reducing the Consequences of Fraud in National Elections
Phillip G. Pattee
December 27, 2020
The Link between Donald Trump and George Washington
Carole Hornsby Haynes
December 27, 2020
On 2020, Some Thoughts from Abraham Lincoln
Tom Keltner
December 26, 2020
It's for Mike Pence to Judge whether a Presidential Election Was Held at All
Ted Noel
December 26, 2020
Can A Homeless Beggar Save The Republic?
Andrew Longman
December 26, 2020
If You Disagree, You're a Rat
Jeffrey Folks
December 26, 2020
History of the Two-Term President: Returning Power to the People
Dale Schlundt
December 26, 2020
Tracing the Genesis of the Swamp
Troy Smith
December 26, 2020
COVID-19 and Resisting Government Malfeasance
Spike Hampson
December 25, 2020
What are the new SCOTUS justices thinking?
Marlo Horne
December 25, 2020
A Midwestern Explanation of the 2020 Election
Pierce Roberts and Loyd Pettegrew
December 25, 2020
Unwrapping Liberal Hypocrisy for Christmas
H.P. Smith
December 25, 2020
The Bells of Christmas
Christopher S. Brownwell
December 25, 2020
Christmas Message for a Broken Republic
Diana Mary Sitek
December 25, 2020
How Islam deified tribalism
Raymond Ibrahim
December 24, 2020
Vaccines Have Arrived -- Along With More Answers, More Questions
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
December 24, 2020
Why Democrats Should Read the Navarro Report
Kenneth R. Timmerman
December 24, 2020
Destination: Socialism
Allen Gindler
December 24, 2020
How Progressives Are Dismantling America's Foundation
William DiPuccio
December 24, 2020
I'll be Home for Christmas
Fionna Sciame Elliot
December 24, 2020
Look Out: The Left's War on Christmas Trees
John Klar
December 23, 2020
The New Phony War
J. Robert Smith
December 23, 2020
Tainted Tallies Tell Tall Tales
K. Lynn Lewis
December 23, 2020
Of Merit and Melanin: Identity Politics and the Balkanization of America
Caren Besner
December 23, 2020
All About Smartmatic
Brian Tomlinson
December 23, 2020
How Should a Christian Support Trump?
Mark Landsbaum
December 23, 2020
Virtual Assembly: A Constitutional Alternative to the Real Thing?
Ilya Feoktistov
December 22, 2020
The Biggest Political Blunder in American History
Steve McCann
December 22, 2020
Nullification Isn’t Just for Democrats, Anymore
Geoffrey P. Hunt
December 22, 2020
Secession: A Gift to the Communists
Andrew Longman
December 22, 2020
Recalling Gavin Newsom
Elise Cooper
December 22, 2020
Systemic Chaos in Liberal Education Land
Christopher Chantrill
December 22, 2020
The Birth of Cancel Culture and the Death of Education
R.W. Trewyn
December 21, 2020
Fighting On
J.R. Dunn
December 21, 2020
COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
December 21, 2020
From China, With Love
Rick Fuentes
December 21, 2020
Who Is to Blame for Black Poverty?
H.P. Smith
December 21, 2020
Were COVID-19 Vaccine Dangers Covered Up Prior to FDA Authorization?
Robert L. Kinney, Pharm.D., M.A.
December 21, 2020
Is China Committing Genocide against the Uighur People?
Michael Curtis
December 20, 2020
2020: The Year of the Big Fraud
Clarice Feldman
December 20, 2020
2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand
R.D. Wedge
December 20, 2020
Sticking with Trump to the Bitter (or Glorious) End
David Solway
December 20, 2020
In Our Hearts We Know Trump Won
Alicia Colon
December 20, 2020
A Look at the COVID School Insanity in Minnesota
Parker Beauregard
December 19, 2020
Trump as a One-Term President Would Become DC's Nightmare
J.B. Shurk
December 19, 2020
Devin Nunes Channels Thomas Paine as Patriots Fight the Deep State
Elise Cooper
December 19, 2020
Must We Respect a Fraudulent President?
Christopher Knight
December 19, 2020
The Leftist Nonprofit Machine
Daniel Greenfield
December 19, 2020
Darkness at Noon and the Progressive Mindset
Nicholas J. Kaster
December 19, 2020
Do We Have What They Had in 1776?
Vince Coyner
December 18, 2020
AMA Lied – How Many Died?
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
December 18, 2020
Fighting Biden
William L. Gensert
December 18, 2020
The Institutionalization of Election Fraud
Jon N. Hall
December 18, 2020
What Can We Do?
J. Robert Smith
December 18, 2020
Climate Ambitions Worse than Climate Change
William R. Hawkins
December 18, 2020
A COVID-19 Aid Deal to Protect Workers and Taxpayers
Mike Rogers
December 17, 2020
Oblivious Biden
Donald N. Finley
December 17, 2020
Both the Left and Right Have a Biden Problem
William L. Gensert
December 17, 2020
Rethinking Pinochet: In Praise of Strength
Jay Schalin
December 17, 2020
What the American Aristocracy Has Wrought
Dan Wells
December 17, 2020
COVID Vaccination -- Warp Speed Ahead
Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D.
December 17, 2020
Why We Love to Read about Spies and Mysteries
Michael Curtis
December 16, 2020
Trump's End Game
Mark Landsbaum
December 16, 2020
Republicans, Learn How to Fight Dirty or Keep Being Losers
Autry Pruitt
December 16, 2020
The Fraudulent 2020 Election Is History Unfolding before Our Eyes
Vince Coyner
December 16, 2020
As COVID Vaccine Nears, Government Coercion Begins in Earnest
Ben Bartee
December 16, 2020
The Wuhan Virus and Hospitalizations
Trevor Thomas
December 16, 2020
Socialist Plymouth 400 Years Later
Gary Gindler
December 15, 2020
What are Trump's Options?
Mike Konrad
December 15, 2020
The Social Tyranny that Threatens Thoughtful Americans
Stephen F. Gambescia
December 15, 2020
Ruling Class Gotta Have a War
Christopher Chantrill
December 15, 2020
What Will Happen to Gun Rights Under the Biden Presidency?
Larry Alton
December 15, 2020
Big Tech and IT Security
Leo Goldstein
December 15, 2020
Want to Save the Republic? Be Mindful Where You Click.
Jan MacMichael
December 14, 2020
Republicans Pushing Themselves Off the Cliff
Brian C. Joondeph
December 14, 2020
Our Crisis Already is at DEFCON-3
David Prentice
December 14, 2020
The Fight Will Continue
Yaacov ben Moshe
December 14, 2020
Can We Survive the Coming Socialism?
H.P. Smith
December 14, 2020
Disparate Impact for Thee, but Not for Me?
Mark Andrew Dwyer
December 14, 2020
The COVID-19 Vaccine Requires Careful Vetting
Robert L. Kinney III
December 13, 2020
Frauds: The Election, Media, Congressional Dems, and the FBI
Clarice Feldman
December 13, 2020
What the Supreme Court Should Say About the 2020 Election
Jerome Michaels
December 13, 2020
Now They Are Coming After the Pioneers
Henry Wickham
December 13, 2020
The Singularity: What It Is and Why It Matters More than Anything Else
William Levin
December 13, 2020
The Honor of the Legal Profession
James V. DeLong
December 13, 2020
Free Speech vs. Discrimination: Which Should Win?
Michael Curtis
December 12, 2020
We Don't Need SCOTUS to Win
James Arlandson
December 12, 2020
Supreme Court's Texas Ruling is Nothing Short of Disgrace
Howard J. Warner
December 12, 2020
How It Looks if Trump Wins; How It Looks if Biden Wins
Veronika Kyrylenko
December 12, 2020
Stability or Justice: A False Choice
J. Robert Smith
December 12, 2020
Should Blanket Trust be Granted Muslims?
Raymond Ibrahim
December 12, 2020
The Bizarre Brainwashing Campaign to Convince Men They're Women
Ben Bartee
December 11, 2020
The District of Corruption Has Overplayed Its Hand
J.B. Shurk
December 11, 2020
Why They Hate Trump
Jeffrey Folks
December 11, 2020
Donald Trump, Media Mogul
Robyn Dolgin
December 11, 2020
Critical Race Theory: As 'Pseudo' as Pseudoscience Gets
Allen Gindler
December 11, 2020
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board: Fraud Hidden in Plain Sight
Samantha Fillmore
December 11, 2020
America’s Two Plagues
Sha'i ben-Tekoa
December 10, 2020
A Summary of the Texas Election Lawsuit
Robert Madsen
December 10, 2020
Parsing Out Pennsylvania
J. Marsolo
December 10, 2020
The Time for Talking with the Left is Long, Long Past
Selwyn Duke
December 10, 2020
Joe Biden, the Manchurian President
John Leonard
December 10, 2020
Bad Faith, Elections, and Election Officials
Tadas Klimas
December 10, 2020
How to Challenge the PA Secretary of State's Election Chicanery
Michael Iachetta
December 9, 2020
How to Steal an Entire Country
Donald Finley
December 9, 2020
Who Will Be the Fraud Deniers?
Jay Valentine
December 9, 2020
Testing Positive for Coronavirus
Anthony J. DeBlasi
December 9, 2020
What Should Be Done with Section 230?
Ted Noel, M.D.
December 9, 2020
Ed Buck Was Protected. He Still Is. Part III
Grant Baker
December 9, 2020
Fake News in Hollywood
Michael Curtis
December 8, 2020
Bring on 2021
J. Robert Smith
December 8, 2020
The Evidence Game Liberals are Playing is a Con
Arnold Cusmariu
December 8, 2020
Blowing the Whistle on Election Fraud
Osita Ebiem
December 8, 2020
Biden's Illegal Immigrant Gravy Train
Rick Fuentes
December 8, 2020
The Science and Politics of COVID-19
Philip Mella
December 8, 2020
The Human Rubble Problem: Past, Present, and Future
Christopher Chantrill
December 7, 2020
Where’s the Kraken? Where’s the Storm?
Brian C. Joondeph
December 7, 2020
Will SCOTUS Overrule the Pennsylvania Supreme Court?
Michael Iachetta
December 7, 2020
Lin Wood: Consider the Source
Matt Keener
December 7, 2020
The Supreme Court vs. Pennsylvania
Jonathon Moseley
December 7, 2020
How Google Falls
Jay Valentine
December 7, 2020
PEN America Mocks 1st Amendment with Obama Gala
Jack Cashill
December 6, 2020
Election Fraud, Political Corruption, and its Consequences
Clarice Feldman
December 6, 2020
One of the Last Honest Reporters Speaks Out
Elise Cooper
December 6, 2020
What Leftists Don't Get about Evil and the Law
Michael V. Wilson
December 6, 2020
Canceling Christmas: The COVID Straw to Break the Camel's Back?
William Sullivan
December 6, 2020
Should we build football fields around our churches?
Peter Michael Bleyer
December 5, 2020
The Supreme Court and the Electoral Coup
Scott S. Powell
December 5, 2020
The Great Reset and Klaus Schwab
David Solway
December 5, 2020
I'm a Legislator in Pennsylvania, and I'm Suing the Governor for Election Fraud
Frank Ryan
December 5, 2020
The Second COVID Wave Was Avoidable
James Stansbury
December 5, 2020
Dehumanizing Americans
Fay Voshell
December 5, 2020
The Queen’s Gambit: Fairy Tale and Sport
Michael Curtis
December 4, 2020
Follow the Science (Except When the Results are Inconvenient)
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D.
December 4, 2020
Is the Democrats’ Election Heist ‘Too Big to Fail’?
Lynne Lechter
December 4, 2020
Georgia On My Mind
Willliam D. Howard
December 4, 2020
In Exclusive Interview, Sharyl Attkisson Chronicles Decline and Fall of Media
Elise Cooper
December 4, 2020
‘Because I Said So’ Government Is a Disaster
J.B. Shurk
December 4, 2020
Biden’s Cabinet: Obama Administration 3.0
Veronika Kyrylenko
December 3, 2020
If the Elections are Stolen, the Biden Nightmare Begins
J. Robert Smith
December 3, 2020
Georgia: How Secretary Raffensperger Got Played
Anne-Christine Hoff
December 3, 2020
Donald Trump and the Avignon Presidency
Steve Deace
December 3, 2020
Enough Already: 'Governor, May I?' Must End
Peggy Ryan
December 3, 2020
Could Biden Maintain Trump’s Legacy of Strong Alliances?
William R. Hawkins
December 3, 2020
Why Libertarianism Fails, Liberalism Lies, and Conservatism Limps
Jeremy Egerer
December 2, 2020
Coronavirus Hysteria Is Simply Too Ridiculous to Continue
Trevor Thomas
December 2, 2020
2008 Redux?
Ron Lipsman
December 2, 2020
It’s Time for Republicans to Reimagine and Reinvent Themselves
Ray Anthony
December 2, 2020
Muslims Invoke Christian Theology to Disarm Christians
Raymond Ibrahim
December 2, 2020
Tough Love for Law Enforcement Requires Reform
David Safavian and Zoe Taylor
December 2, 2020
Barack Obama’s Visceral Dislike of Israel, the Jewish State, Revealed in his Latest Book
Rabbi Aryeh Spero
December 1, 2020
Examining the Evidence for Democrats' 'No Evidence of Voter Fraud' Claim
Jon N. Hall
December 1, 2020
How Liberals Can Destroy Football with COVID, and Why They'd Want To
Eric Georgatos
December 1, 2020
Why It Matters When New York's Governor Spits on SCOTUS's Defense of Religious Freedom
Jeffrey Folks
December 1, 2020
Woke Police Reform Doesn't Work
Rick Fuentes
December 1, 2020
The Flat-Earthers of Politics
Jeannie DeAngelis
December 1, 2020
An ‘Enigma’ Theme Runs Through The 2020 Election
Steve Feinstein