Nick Searcy, the Rush Limbaugh of a New Hollywood

During his speech at Hillsdale College, conservative actor and director Nick Searcy said that Hollywood is broken forever. Everyone in that town knows in order to work, they must become a member of the Hate Conservatives, Christians and Republicans Club.

Incredibly, Harrison Ford calling Trump an SOB  and Robert De Niro repeatedly saying “F*** Trump” enhances their status in Hollywood. When these arrogant elites express disdain for Trump, they are really exposing their disdain for you MAGA cap wearers who buy tickets to their movies. A fan of Call of the Wild said that because of Ford's anti-Trump statements she will not go to the movie starring Harrison Ford.

Searcy asserts that before Rush Limbaugh, for the most part, conservative talk radio and media did not exist. Rush has dramatically impacted our culture. He said that without Rush, we may not have Trump as president. Searcy announced his desire to be the Rush Limbaugh of a new movie industry; building studios and distribution for conservative movies.

While conservatives may fund documentaries which have limited audience appeal, they do not see the value in funding feature films with good conservative stories, says Searcy.

Rather than writing a documentary educating viewers about the transgender insanity happening in California, my buddy, filmmaker Robert Kirk shot a hilarious comedy short film about it. “Nightmare in Paradise” has over 55,000 views on YouTube.

Searcy noted that Jesus taught via storytelling.

We've allowed Hollywood to use the powerful tool of storytelling to create a generation which believes their country is solely responsible for destroying the planet. Al Gore's lie-filled climate-change movie, An Inconvenient Truth was pumped into public schools. Stenciled on kids' brains are bogus, heartbreaking images of polar bears stranded on tiny chunks of ice because cruel, hateful and irresponsible Americans drive cars and eat meat.

Lie-filled stories about conservatives, Christians, and the founders of America have created a disturbingly large number of Americans who passionately desire to elect an openly socialist/Communist presidential candidate.

Upon learning that an 18-year-old relative was visiting South Dakota, I suggested he visit Mount Rushmore National Memorial which features U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. With great venom bordering on rage, he replied, “I wouldn't even go across the street to visit those guys!” I thought, “What on earth was this youth taught about our Founders?” Movies, TV, and public education teaches youths that America was founded by racist, sexist, and evil straight white men who abuse everyone; corrupt and destroy everything they touch.

I'm black. Around 15 years ago, a white friend told me her son came home from middle-school devastated and in tears. In essence, he was taught that white males like him were cruel to everyone (native Americans, blacks, and women) and responsible for all evil on the planet. Today, my friend's son has disdain for American white men and is a devout communist and Bernie Bro.

Since the election of President Trump, it has become a résumé enhancer for actors, reporters, and commentators to boldly express their bias and hatred for conservatives, Christians, Republicans, and Trump voters.

A month ago, a press release writing and distribution service sought my business via an email. I thought, “Perfect timing!” I hired them to promote my new Trump Train 2020 song and music video to hundreds of media outlets. I sent the rep all the info which they compiled into a press release. Three days before my launch date, the rep sent me an email saying their media outlets rejected my press release for technical reasons and he would return my payment.

The rep and I, whom I will call Bill, built up a good rapport. I emailed, “Bill is this about anti-Trump bias?” Like a scared worker-bee, he replied, “Call me.” During our phone call, Bill said, “Yes the rejection was because of anti-Trump bias.” Then, Bill added, “I don't think you will find any service willing to distribute your press release.”

Talk about patriots to the rescue, I wish to thank Melanie Morgan Swanson at Stop-the-Scalping, Kay Rivoli at Tea Party Express, and Joe Wierzbicki and Ryan Gill at Conservative Campaign Committee for helping to spread the word about the Trump Train 2020 song and music video. Your help is greatly appreciated. 

Nick Searcy said it will cost a ton of money to create a new Hollywood. But it is something we simply must do and he is the right man to lead the charge. Progressive hatred and bias has created a great window of opportunity that we cannot afford to miss. 

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Help Lloyd Spread the Truth

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