Lions and Tigers and Literacy Programs, Oh, My!

Here’s my favorite moment from last week. Remember back on February 5, when Chuck the Schmuck accused President Trump of doing too much on the coronavirus, like, ooh! banning flights from China? Now he and Our Nance are accusing the president of not doing enough. What a difference three weeks can make!

And here we have Joe Biden winning a spanking victory with the black church ladies in the South Carolina presidential primary Saturday. This, ladies, is your idea of the man to lead America? An unexceptional, unremarkable senator that the unremarkable First Black President picked to be his vice-president on the notion, I suspect, that he would never out-remark his senior? You can’t make this stuff up.

Or Bernie Sanders, the very caricature of a clueless lefty bellowing mindless slogans. And he has actually told the joke about evil socialist regimes: whatabout the literacy programs! You think he first heard it on the Borscht Belt?

Elizabeth Warren: could anyone from central casting have come up with an actress to symbolize better the grinding irritation of the gentry-woman feminist movement: privileged women already possessing more status than they deserve, but still, can you believe it, wanting more, but not actually wanting to pay their dues, and reminding us, if we needed any reminder, that women are better than men at lying -- because patriarchy.

Michael Bloomberg, Mike the Tyke (H/T Ammo Grrrl), who reminds me of the millionaire figures in the Monopoly board game. Only, it wasn’t the millionaires that gave us the Great Depression. It was an incompetent Federal Reserve that didn’t do its job as “lender of last resort.” Like last time in 2008, Little Ben Bernanke. What a joke! Here’s Bernie blaming the billionaires, and there’s not one but two billionaires on stage with him, spending their billions to get elected the peoples’ president. Only, they are worse at getting votes than he is!

Suppose you were God, and you decided that this crazy socialist-progressive-racist politics had just gone too far, and it was time to show what an utter clown show it was and always had been. Could you do better than haul up the current slate of Democratic presidential candidates to make your point? Or maybe, if you were working on a bit of a cock-up on the galactic explosion front, you might inspire David Mamet of Glengarry Glen Ross to make the movie.

Here’s another thought. Our Democratic friends are in a tizzy, as I mentioned, first criticizing President Trump for acting too fast on the coronavirus front, and now for acting too slow. But they are forgetting something: this is not just politics as usual. We humans elect our political leaders for the purpose of leading us in an existential crisis. And our instinct when an actual existential crisis occurs is to pitch in and look to our leader to tell us what to do. Maybe the Dems think they can do a Hurricane Katrina on Trump like they did on Bush. Only, we voted for Trump because he didn’t fold like a Bush.

On that notion, I would say that Democrats are making an existential error in playing Mean Girls with the president in the present crisis. The time to critique the president and pile on is after he has been failing for a couple of years to address the crisis. Suppose the president does a half decent job of directing the crisis? Suppose the whole thing has blown over by summer? Suppose it turns out that borders are a pretty good idea when epidemic strikes? Suppose that the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic turns out to be homeless “communities” in woke cities like San Francisco and right here in Seattle? You think that maybe President Trump will be up to the job of making the point at his rallies? And Brad Parscale on Facebook?

Meanwhile here is a Trump TV commercial that Conservativetreehouse says is airing “in local TV markets in Denver and Colorado Springs.” It features Americans of every stripe and color at Trump rallies, including ordinary Americans feeling proud about America and a young black guy with a big grin on his face. And most significant of all, it features various women having an emotional experience. You can tell they are having an emotional experience because their eyes are almost filling with tears, but not quite.

Look -- and this is just between you and me, so don’t tell your liberal pal at work -- suppose it got about that a Trump rally was just the place for a woman to have a really satisfying emotional experience? I would say that if that happens then 100,000 seat cricket stadiums in India won’t be big enough to hold the crowds for the Trump rallies.

I wonder how many of the women at the Trump rallies are teaching in literacy programs -- otherwise known as elementary school teachers.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

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