Like It Never Even Happened

There is a water/fire restoration company named ServPro and their marketing pitch is, “We’ll make fire and water damage seem like it never even happened.”

This is exactly how the Democratic Party operates these days. Whenever one of their current talking points or policy planks is shown to be dishonest or wildly inaccurate or completely deceptive, the Dems don’t apologize or modify their position or readjust their thinking in the slightest. Instead, they do exactly the opposite: they dig their heels in deeper, reconfirm their existing stance and plow forward as if the contradictory new evidence never came to light.

There are so many examples of this and it happens so frequently that you wonder what they could be thinking. Do the Dems really regard the voting public with such contempt that they think they can get away with it with total impunity? Do they really think the mainstream media is so much in the tank for them that they’re confident they’ll never be called out for their blatant dishonesty and hypocrisy?

Yes, the Dems do think this. And unfortunately, they are largely correct. Consider these recent examples:

Planned Parenthood

A few years ago, the Center for Medial Progess caught several Planned Parenthood officials and doctors admitting on undercover recordings to selling the body parts of aborted fetuses, talking about how much the various parts were worth, discussing extraction techniques that wouldn’t damage the resale value of the babies’ bodies, etc. It was truly disgusting, morally repugnant. It was a revelation -- undeniable, factual, revealing of their day-in/day-out unethical business practice -- that should have resulted in a national outcry. It should have been covered unceasingly by the national news, there should have been aggressive follow-up investigative reporting and the Planned Parenthood personnel involved should have been hounded and questioned relentlessly. And if this had been a Republican/conservative group that has committed some heinous, indefensible act, that is exactly what would have happened.

But that didn’t happen to Planned Parenthood. Instead, the Democrats embarked on a combination of denial of the incident and vigorous defense of the organization. There were highly imaginative deflections of the entire matter, turning it back on the Center for Medical Progress, trying to blame them for using deceptive, even illegal, methods for obtaining the offending recordings in the first place. In the days following, a never-ending string of liberal celebrities and politicians took turns extoling Planned Parenthood’s virtues as a critical women’s health provider while totally sidestepping and ignoring the entire issue of baby-parts-for-sale. The media never pursued the issue, never pressed any celebrity or Dem politician and the Republicans, as is their wont, let the whole matter drop. The entire controversy faded from view with breathtaking speed, like it never even happened.

Trump-Russia Collusion

It’s not necessary to recount the origins and history of this entire farrago. Suffice to say, the Democrats -- outraged beyond all sane, rational response to a fair, honest election loss -- embarked on a wild goose chase to pin some fantastical notion of President Trump having somehow “colluded” with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. After far too long and costing far too much money, the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team of all Democratic anti-Trump prosecutors absolved the president of any wrongdoing and refused to indict him. This despite Adam Schiff’s breathless assurances for two full years prior that there was “mounds of undeniable evidence.”

But to Jerry Nadler and the rest of the Democrats, the Mueller Report never happened. Mueller’s follow-up testimony on Capitol Hill -- where he fumbled his way through a tortured, incoherent appearance, confirming again that the entire investigation was a groundless sham from day one -- also might as well have never happened. Nadler and the Democrats are still going after President Trump, full speed. When the Democrats get an outcome they don’t like, they simply ignore it and press on -- like it never even happened.

Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court was a devastating blow to liberals. Neil Gorsuch’s appointment could be seen as merely trading one conservative seat for another (Scalia for Gorsuch) and thus, it didn’t upset the balance of the Court. But with Anthony Kennedy’s retirement, liberals saw Kennedy’s moderate, often-liberal swing vote being replaced by Kavanaugh’s predominantly conservative views and so liberals were apoplectic over what they viewed as a courtly shift to the right, possibly endangering their sacred Roe v. Wade ruling. Incapable of accepting a legitimately decided outcome that is not to their liking, the Left just recently resurrected their anti-Kavanaugh efforts with a new NY Times book excerpt in which Kavanaugh was once again accused of sexual misconduct several decades ago.

It was quickly revealed to be a bogus claim, an embarrassing liberal journalistic hoax. Yet that didn’t prevent every Democratic presidential candidate from instantaneously denouncing Kavanaugh and calling for his impeachment from the Court. The revelation of the actual truth didn’t elicit one single “Oops, sorry” from any Democratic corner, whether politician, spokesperson or liberal media reporter. Not a single one.

There are countless other examples. They happen every day. Whether it’s another violent crime committed by an illegal immigrant or more good economic news that’s the direct result of President Trump’s policies or yet another logical, scientific analysis casting reasonable doubt on the wisdom of hurling headlong to the inflexible conclusion that the earth has “12 years to live,” it’s always the same -- The actual facts don’t matter to the Democrats. They deploy their cutthroat political operatives daily (whether office-holders or complicit liberal media sycophants) with only their big picture in mind: They aim to win the battle of public perception among the casually-attentive swing voters, the group that ultimately determines all the close national elections. Factual accuracy in light of real events is a petty, laughable inconvenience that simply gets in the way of their political objectives and ambitions.

For the current-day Democratic Party, there are no setbacks, nothing to contradict their narrative, nothing that gets them to step back from an aggressively staked-out pre-planned position. Regardless of the events on the ground, Democrats always double down and push forward like it never even happened.

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