Socialism and the 2004 Tsunami
Socialism is to America's youth as the tragic tsunami was to European holiday travelers in Indonesia in December of 2004. During the initial phase when the ocean's waters receded many yards from the tropical beaches, trapped sea life and coral reefs could be seen for the first time. Practically mesmerized by the unusual sight, groups of vacationers were standing and playing on the muddy sand that only moments before was covered by ocean waters. There were no warning messages from authorities to head to high ground. To those tourists, it was an interesting event and unlike anything they had seen before. And as each precious second passed and they continued to look toward the horizon, one of nature’s most catastrophic killers raced toward them just beyond their sight.
These people were enjoying their lives on a beautiful sunny day not realizing that in a few short minutes the very ocean that held their attention would soon take their lives, along with 230,000 others.
The slow but steady rise of the Democrats new kind of socialism is very similar in its novelty and unsuspecting way as the tsunami's behavior was on that fateful morning following the Christmas holiday. It was a wonder they gazed upon until it was too late. In the end, the tsunami left a wasteland in its wake at places like Banda Aceh just as socialism laid waste to places like China under Chairman Mao where between 40 to 70 million people were killed, the 20 million killed in the USSR under Joseph Stalin, or the four million killed in Cambodia under Pol Pot.
Until it collapsed into a heap of abject poverty and violence, Democrats and the media were praising Venezuela as the premier model of socialism that should be followed. Hugo Chavez promised shared prosperity for all with his "21st-century socialism." Sean Penn, who met with Chavez stated after his death in 2013 that, "Poor people around the world lost a champion.” And Michael Moore praised Chavez for eliminating 75% of the nation's poverty with the money received from oil. Today, however, the cheerleaders and supporters have all gone silent as the dream has become the inevitable nightmare. Venezuela now has an inflation rate of 2.7 million percent – the highest on record -- and Caracas has the highest murder rate in the world.
So how can it be that even with clear historical evidence of the perpetual failures of socialism, the University of Chicago’s GenForward Survey of Americans age 18 to 34 found that 45 percent had a positive view of socialism? Or in the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s “Annual Report on U.S. Attitudes Toward Socialism,” apart from 42% who were in favor of capitalism, 58 percent of the up-and-coming generation opted for one of the three systems, The most popular socioeconomic order was socialism, with 44 percent support, while communism and fascism each received 7 percent support.
More than just being responsible for a faulty overpriced education, the liberal universities of today own a lion's share of the blame for the massive ignorance and civil unrest that will inevitably occur because of their deceitful indoctrination practices. By only teaching the initial and temporary stages of socialism, universities have presented a half-baked narrative that falsely paints socialism as a fair and caring system. Imagine what would happen if U.S. laws made university professors culpable for the results of spreading a false and deadly ideology? The problem is not just with willfully ignorant and brainwashed professors sheltered inside a world of make-believe, it's also the parents who willingly pay the exorbitant tuitions or cosign student loans allowing their children to be indoctrinated with Marxist philosophy and in debt for the next 10 to 20 years.
Doubling down on catastrophic failures is a hallmark of those on the left. Even as Venezuela continued to erode into total chaos, leftists here in The United States like Sanders, Cortez and most of the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates dusted off the old broken record that repeats again and again; socialism will work here because this time it will be done right. Jumping from one failure to the next, socialists never slow down to honestly evaluate what went wrong in their last social experiment.
Venezuelan socialist Eva María, in a June 7, 2017 article in the writes, "Revolutionary socialists view what's happening in Venezuela not as a result of socialism failing, but as a consequence of the fact that it was never implemented." It's a readily handy viewpoint that basically says, socialism always fails due to some other reason than socialism. According to Maria, this time the failure was in part because Chávez never let real power spread to the grassroots of society.
What the leftist media, Democrats, Hollywood stars, and liberal universities will never admit to is that socialism has never and will never succeed. If socialism was a company trading on Wall Street, you could guarantee yourself a vast amount of wealth every time by short-selling the stock because it's a loser; it has and always will go down in value. It's like a Ponzi scheme played backward, where money is first paid out to everyone on the bottom from the funds collected, some say stolen, from those at the top. The problem comes when those at the top are tapped out. Then, just as in the actual Ponzi scheme, everyone loses and the system collapses. America's brand of Democrat Socialism is no different, no matter what new name it's given or the promises it makes.

In the same way, Democrats and the liberal media will not be held accountable for the Russian collusion hoax they perpetrated on the American people for two years, liberal educators, will suffer no liability for spreading a demonstrably false and dangerous view of Socialism because they did so with good intentions which means everything to a liberal. Nevertheless, there is an abundance of truth in the saying, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."
And if by some unforeseen turn of events socialism becomes the governing system of America then not only does the United States cease to exist as a Republic, but it will be the end of individualism, innovation, and any incentives that encourage personal achievement. Millennials somehow believe that they'll be able to keep what is theirs and share the wealth from some unknown collective pot. False. Everyone loses what they have, because everyone is forced to hand over everything they have. Sanders, Cortez, and other Democratic Socialist will not speak this essential truth and they will never use the word force because they know Millennials would reject being forced to do anything. Nevertheless, the use of force is central to socialism.
Look at those individuals pushing socialism today. They have many things in common. They have created nothing and they've produced nothing. Having no real-world experience, these shallow pontificators sit in handsome homes and utilize the best that capitalism has to offer while preaching half-truths and falsehoods to impressionable students and ignorant voters, not ever showing them the whole truth that exposes socialism for the destroyer of lives that it is.
Today, many people who lived through the 2004 tsunami know full well the warning signs and what to do when those signs are present. Unfortunately, in terms of a tsunami, what is happening to America's young adults regarding their indoctrination into Democratic Socialism is akin to their calmly standing on the receding shoreline while listening to some ignorant ideologue preach how beautiful the waters are and how majestic the large waves are heading toward the shore.
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