Trump's First Step Proposal: One Step Forward, Ten Years Back.

If all this talk of criminal justice reform and too many black people in prison sounds familiar, it should.

That's not just because Hillary and Bernie could not stop talking about white racism and black victimization during the last presidential primary, nor just because many Republican candidates such as Rand Paul and Marco Rubio and Chris Christie joined the chorus.

And it's not just because it is now part of the script for reporters, black activists, and liberal enablers around the country.

Trump's proposal called "First Step" sounds familiar because the same drama has been playing out in schools for the last ten years: too many black students suspended.  Too many expelled.  Too much white racism the cause.  So let's fix that by ceasing enforcement of rules for black students.

For black schools, it was a disaster.  Now Trump's First Step legislation is intended to do the same thing in prisons.  As if it has never been tried before.  As if it is not doomed the way similar efforts crashed and burned.

The purge of white racism in schools began shortly after Obama took office, when he and his minions discovered that black children are suspended and expelled from school 3 to 10 times to 50 times more often than their white and Asian counterparts. 

It was, of course, all about racism.  White racism, the only kind.  Disparity equals proof.

Obama's formal efforts kicked off with an executive order that should have been called "Did You Ever Notice How Much White People Really, Really Suck?"  But they chose something less accurate.  They called it the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans.  

African Americans lack equal access to highly effective teachers and principals, safe schools, and challenging college-preparatory classes, and they disproportionately experience school discipline and referrals to special education. 

African American student achievement not only lags behind that of their domestic peers by an average of two grade levels, but also behind students in almost every other developed nation. 

Over a third of African American students do not graduate from high school on time with a regular high school diploma, and only four percent of African American high school graduates interested in college are college-ready across a range of subjects. 

An even greater number of African American males do not graduate with a regular high school diploma, and African American males also experience disparate rates of incarceration.

It goes on like that for a long time.  Or, like Michelle Obama's senior thesis at Princeton, maybe it just seems like a long, long time. 

The order was signed in the Oval Office with great fanfare, with the Reverend Al Sharpton looking over the president's shoulder.  So you know it was on the up and up.

Even before Obama signed the executive order, every teacher in America knew that teams of lawyers and bureaucrats from the Departments of Justice and Education were scouring the country, visiting school districts, looking for racial disparity in discipline that they could hold up as proof positive of the white racism keeping so many black people down for so long.

It continues today – with the criminal justice reform crowd borrowing language and sentiment almost word for word from the "purge the white racists from school" crowd.

Notice that no is asking how that turned out.  How Obama is not bragging about it on national TV.

That is because more and more black violence is happening more and more often in schools – overwhelming the efforts of even the most determined officials to pretend it is not happening.  We document that in these pages and in the pages of that scintillating bestseller, Don't Make the Black Kids Angry.

And if you really want to drop a truth bomb on your liberal brother-in-law at Christmas dinner, you get it by clicking here.  Or check out my latest videos on black violence and chaos and denial in schools at

New Haven is just the latest of the hundreds of school districts to look at the number of black students suspended in its schools, find the same disparity, and come to the same conclusions.  From WTNH in New Haven:

The report shows wide racial gaps in what students receive out of school suspension.  For example, black male students were suspended at a rate of more than 40 percent.  Latino males were suspended more than 20 percent of the time.

The numbers in the previous categories are followed closely by black females and Latino females, who were suspended at nearly 19 percent and more than 10 percent, respectively.  The numbers for minority students stand in stark contrast to suspension rates of 3 percent for white males and 1.9 percent for white females.  Lovely ladies of the Asian persuasion were at the bottom of the list, with fewer than one percent being suspended. 

For anyone familiar with the lingo, this report means one thing: teachers are picking on black kids and ignoring white kids when they do the same thing – which they do in equal amounts. 

Thus the disparity.  Thus the white racism.  All part of the greatest lie of our generation: the Hoax of Black Victimization.

The president of the school board in New Haven made lots of noises about racial disparity and how terrible it is and how the solution is fairly obvious: more training for the largely white and female corps of teachers that will help them overcome their inherent white racism.

No principal or teacher in America who wanted to stay a principal or teacher would mention – let alone support – the idea that black behavior is the best explanation for rates of black discipline.  Ditto for incarceration.

Many the white teacher has lost his job for refusing to take that kind of seminar.  Others were fired for refusing to admit their white racism in the seminars. 

Asking black people to own up to the disproportionate violence and criminality that causes the disproportionate rates of expulsion and incarceration is a non-starter.

Just ask Congressman and former mayor of Kansas City Emanuel Cleaver.  A reporter asked Cleaver about regular and widespread black mob violence at the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City.  The city council was getting ready to vote on a curfew and the reporter asked  what Cleaver thought of that.

Not much, he said, reminding us of the one thing you must never do when talking about schools or prisons or criminal justice reform: "All that is going to do is make a lot of black kids angry."

Colin Flaherty is the author of Don't Make the Black Kids Angry, a great truth bomb guaranteed to make your wife's best friend cry.  His expertise in criminal justice reform was acquired in the summer of 1972, when he went to the Republican National Convention and spent two days in jail with poet Allen Ginsberg and ended up on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine.

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