Is Pride in America Failing?

According to a recent Gallup poll, the percent of American who are extremely proud of their country has been steadily falling, and now in 2018, it stands at a mere 47%.  Leading this trend are the usual suspects. They are Democrats, liberals in particular, the young, and non-whites. Gallup reports:

Currently, 32% of Democrats -- down from 43% in 2017 and 56% in 2013 -- are extremely proud. the decline preceded the election of Donald Trump but has accelerated in the past year.

Less than half of independents, 42%, are extremely proud. That's down slightly from 48% a year ago, and 50% in 2013.

As has typically been the case, Republicans are more inclined to say they are extremely proud to be Americans than are Democrats and independents. Seventy-four percent of Republicans are extremely proud, which is numerically the highest over the past five years. 

And those who identify themselves as liberals, only 23% are extremely proud of the U.S.

The breakdown of those who say they are extremely proud of their country by age, race, sex, and education is as follows:

Men: 51%

Women: 44%

Whites: 54%

Non-whites: 33%

Range of Age

18-29: 33%

30-49: 42%

50-64: 56%

65 and older: 58%

College graduate: 39%

Non-college graduates: 52%

This Gallup survey helps explains one of the main differences between conservatives and liberals. Conservatives love America and are rightfully proud of its achievements. Conservatives, as the name implies, continually work to improve the country, but not at the expense of destroying the foundations it is built on. They are not willing to throw the baby out with the bath water. Democrats and liberals are. 

All too many liberals are embarrassed by America. This leads to their characteristic anger and rage. Accordingly, liberals are willing to abuse and debase any institution or tradition that stands in the way of their march to Utopia. They are behind the removal of historic statues, the changing of the names of schools, the attack on Columbus Day, and the like. Since 2016, Democrats have been at work discrediting institutions like the Electoral College, the Supreme Court (now that they don't have control over it), and even the makeup of the U.S. Senate.

That Gallup poll is not an anomaly. It is reinforced by the findings of Foundation for Liberty & American Greatness (FLAG). Focusing on the young, the FLAG report found:

  • Half of those survey believe the United States is sexist (50%) and racist (49%).
  • American exceptionalism is on the decline. 46% of younger Americans do not agree that 'America is the greatest country in the world.'
  • 38% of younger Americans do not agree that 'America has a history that we should be proud of.’
  • One in eight (14%) of Millennials agree that 'America was never a great country and it never will be.’
  • 46% of younger Americans agree that 'America is more racist than other countries.'
  • 19% of Millennials believe that the American flag is 'a sign of intolerance and hatred.'
  • 44% of younger Americans believe Barack Obama had a 'bigger impact' on American than George Washington.

Some of these results are astounding. Yes, a lot of this can be attributed to the ignorance of youth. But it also shows that the public schools have done a yeoman's job in not just brainwashing our youth in the left-wing narrative but also in stupefying them to the point where many cannot tell the difference between fact and fantasy. So many classrooms today are more like Bernie Sanders-type indoctrination chambers than places of actual learning. 

Speaking of the flag, the Stanford Review reported that an unnamed administrator at Stanford University 'encouraged' the Sigma Chi fraternity to take down the American flag flying outside the frat house.’ Why? Because the sight of the American flag might be interpreted as aggressive or jingoistic by some members of the college community. This is yet another example of the left-wing colleges trying to make pride in the United States taboo. How long before the Democrats make flying Old Glory a hate crime? It's no wonder so many kids come out of college with a distorted view of America. 

Both the Gallup poll and the FLAG Report also help shed light on what many Democrats have been saying. There was that infamous statement by former First Lady Michelle Obama that only with the nomination of her husband for president did she ever have any pride in being an American.  This also tells you why you'll never hear a ‘U.S.A., U.S.A.’ chant at a gathering of Democrats, nor will Democrats start their meetings by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance (or heaven forbid, a simple prayer). And recall if you will that Barack Obama rode to the Oval Office twice by promising not to improve, but to transform America. 

When Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York recently said the U.S. was never really that great a country, many thought he had committed political suicide. Unfortunately, no. It seems Democrats from Cuomo to Obama and most others know their political base. 

This fundamental split as to how America is viewed by her own people does not bode well for the future. Color me pessimistic, but no matter how wrongheaded the youth are, they still get to vote... and the youth are the future. Thanks to the indoctrination they receive during their formative years in the K-12 schools and universities, it will be an uphill struggle to correct them. 

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